5 Mediterranean lifestyle rules

in #life8 years ago

Who does not know the Mediterranean diet, which is based on fresh vegetables and olive oil! Not only the famous Mediterranean diet, but this region is characterized by a way of life, can help to improve mental health.

5 Mediterranean lifestyle rules:

Follow the Mediterranean diet. Three times a week, many of the Mediterranean population eat fish or seafood for dinner as a side dish uses rice and fresh salads. Snack of fresh fruits, vegetables or nuts. In accordance with the Mediterranean diet's OK to eat occasionally and desserts, such as cake or a piece of chocolate.

More time to spend with family. Share a meal with loved ones. It is observed that people who eat are not alone, eats less, quickly felt the feeling of satiety, and even the eating process provides them more pleasure.

More movement, walking. The truth is, when many of the Mediterranean population to sports clubs do not walk. However, this does not mean that they are immobile. They have a lot of walking on foot, climb stairs, if possible, all stretched out his hand, rarely use a variety of inventions, facilitate his everyday life.

More laugh. Probably everyone knows the good old saying that laughter is the best doctor. One need only look at the Mediterranean population, to verify this. Of course, there are exceptions. But there exceptions only confirm the rule, is not it? This people whom they are said to have a broad heart. They like to tell stories; their conversations full of humor and laughter. No matter, no matter what, they are moving through life with a smile and never lose optimism.

To live easier. Maybe it is not their personal choice, but many of the Mediterranean (Egypt, Turkey, Greece and even France) live in relatively modest compared with the Americans. They buy in small quantities, but only fresh and quality food.

People who followed the diet, which was based on fresh fruits and vegetables, and that proportion was also plenty and interacted with other people had a lower risk of developing depression than those who have a lifestyle practiced, the results showed.

Previous studies have also shown a link between the Mediterranean diet, or other healthy eating patterns and reduced risk of depression. And a recent study searched for a link between the region-specific lifestyle and depression.

Those people whose way of life was the closest to the traditional Mediterranean way of life, had a 50% lower risk of developing depression compared with that group of people, where the way of life radically different from the already mentioned Mediterranean.

It is not entirely clear why these three components (good nutrition, sports and socializing with friends) reduces the risk of depression. This may be due to several reasons. Some of the popular Mediterranean diet products (olive oil, nuts, pulses, fruits and fish) reduce inflammation, which can lead to the emergence of depression.

However, not only nutrition, but also in social relationships makes people happier. Depression not attack when a person has with whom to socialize, when they know that there are friends who will support in difficult moments and so on.


Having lived in Southern Europe and no being in the USA, one major difference is the amount of walking you do in the Old Continent.
It is a great complement to the food diet.

The USA were build for wheels, with roads and parking spots evertwhere (besides NYC and other exceptions). Europe has 3,000 years of history which makes it an aweful place for cars (have you ever driven in Rome or Paris ? Good luck...)
You have to park further or simply walk all the time. Some older buildings even do not have elevators.

I was in Portugal 3 weeks ago and I was burning TWICE the amount of calories vs. here in California. (according to my apple watch)

Eat good, and walk.

I like the Mediterranean diet but I find it hard to follow (personal shortcomings albeit) but overall it's a good plan. Always add exercise to your diet!!

yeah went to Paris few years ago , ended walking everywhere instead of getting a taxi :)

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