8 life-changing books every man should read

in #life8 years ago (edited)
Stories you read when you’re the right age never quite leave you. You may forget who wrote them or what the story was called. Sometimes you’ll forget precisely what happened, but if a story touches you it will stay with you, haunting the places in your mind that you rarely ever visit. 

Neil Gaiman 

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I read a lot. And recently I started thinking like, what were the books, really good books that affected me in the really big way, that influenced my life or changed how I do things. And I came up with 8 books that really played a huge role.

Books on subjects like how to master any skill, how to become financially wise and create freedom in your life, how to overcome fear, obstacles and roadblocks, how to grow spiritually or learn intricacies of man - woman relationship, or a couple of books to return you to ancient era alongside brave warriors whose stories inspire us. Let's begin. 

1. Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad, Poor Dad  

Many people work very hard, but they never seem to earn enough. In Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki explains how to escape this vicious circle and achieve financial independence.

Schools teach people how to work for money, but they do not teach them how money can work for them. People believe that if they get that raise, or get a new job they will finally have enough. Unfortunately, since they don't know how money works, they will never have enough. Money alone will not solve anything, it will even get most people into more debt. Luckily, Robert Kiyosaki offers a way out. 

He developed a unique perspective about money and economics from his two fathers, his real father, highly educated man but with poor fiscal understanding. The other was the father of his best friend, eight grade drop-out who became self-made millionaire. This book shows the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. Number one book about financial understanding. 

 2. Tim Ferriss - The 4-Hour Workweek 

This is a truly inspiring book. Author presents the possibility for creating a new reality of life, and follows it with detailed, pragmatic instructions he himself took.  After learning about 80-20 principle, Tim Ferris had a revelation. He streamlined and automated his business and eliminated all the distractions until it was more profitable and took less of his time. He took a small retirement, traveling the world, without risking his business.  

By following 4 steps of: 

Definition - Define your objectives. Decide what’s important. Set goals. 

Elimination - Eliminate distractions to free up time. Focus on the 20% of things that are most important. Ignore the other 80%. 

Automation - Learn to put cash flow on autopilot. Outsource your life.
Liberation - Design your job to increase mobility. Create freedom from being stuck in one location.  

Anyone can escape the "deferred-life plan", you don't have to be single, jobless or young. This book is about creating absolute freedom and being a deal maker, without just passively accepting things that come your way. 

If you want a chance of creating a future where you don't sell every single moment of your life to someone else so you can get something at the end of the month to survive, than I highly recommend first two books. 

3. Steven Pressfield - Gates of Fire

An incredibly gripping, moving, and literate work of art. Rarely does an author manage to recreate a moment in history with such mastery, authority, and psychological insight."  

Nelson DeMille 

One of the few hallmarks of the Spartan civilization that have survived to this day lies in a narrow mountain pass called Thermopylae. At this site the best three hundred Spartan warriors held the invasion of the Persian Empire. A simple stone with a carved inscription marks the place where they fell. 

Inspired by this stone and interested in fate of Sparta, Stephen Pressfield united his extraordinary knowledge with narrative gift. Gates of Fire, narrated by the only surviving witness after this epic battle - the captivating story of a man swayed by the Spartan way of life and death, and the men and women who have become a legend. 

Pressfield combines historical and mystical with a touching love story, and culminates in an incredible and horrific epic battle.  

You read this in one breath. 

4. Robert Greene - Mastery 

Mastery by Robert Greene is a study of successful people in different fields and common patterns and themes they shared. By analyzing the lives of such past masters as Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein and Leonard da Vinci, Green demistifies the processes of self-discovery, practice, apprenticeship, and creativity necessary to become one of the masters in the field of your passion. 

If you are willing to put in the time, effort and sweat, becoming a master at any craft is the most fulfilling and worthwhile endeavor. It won’t be easy, but if mastery is your goal, then Robert Greene is the best mentor there is. 

Think of it this way: There are two kinds of failure. The first comes from never trying out your ideas because you are afraid, or because you are waiting for the perfect time. This kind of failure you can never learn from, and such timidity will destroy you. The second kind comes from a bold and venturesome spirit. If you fail in this way, the hit that you take to your reputation is greatly outweighed by what you learn. Repeated failure will toughen your spirit and show you with absolute clarity how things must be done.

 Robert Greene 

David Deida - The Way of the Superior Man 

The Way of the Superior Man, a book that explains the heart and soul of a woman to men relationship. A key for everyone who wants to take their relationship or emotional life to the next level. Guide for men to stop making excuses for their laziness and start fulfilling their true purpose and be authentically masculine. 

Don't get it wrong. Superior does not mean superior to women, to other people, walking around the bar with a puffed chest. It simply means you are becoming the best version of yourself, going for what you want, moving towards your goals and becoming authentic self. 

6. Hermann Hesse - Siddhartha 

Story about a Brahman's son who rejects this life and goes out into the world in a quest for enlightenment, to live as an ascetic, to become a wandering Samana. After meeting Buddha, Siddhartha rejects the ascetic life for a more material one, the life of a merchant, learning the ways of love from a courtesan.  But eventually, Siddhartha becomes disgusted by this ordinary life that most people experience.

Near despair, Siddhartha comes to a river where he hears a unique sound. This sound signals the true beginning of his life.

If I have to pick one book that influenced my life the most, than this would be the one. What is the message Hesse is trying to convey? Think about what you haven't experienced yet and that could help you get a better sense of life. If you are a practical person your whole life, try being a spiritual one. If you focused all the time on making money, try giving your time and value to other people for a while. Connect and learn from nature.

7. Ryan Holiday - Obstacle is the Way 

Defiance and acceptance come together well in the following principle: There is always a countermove, always an escape or a way through, so there is no reason to get worked up. No one said it would be easy and, of course, the stakes are high, but the path is there for those ready to take it." 

In his third book Ryan Holiday tries to bring wisdom of ancient Stoics like Seneca, Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus into the modern world. With main message of "What stands in the way becomes the way" he is teaching that overcoming obstacles is a discipline that can be acquired by following several critical steps.

So, If you find books by Epictetus, Seneca or Marcus Aurelius too dry and to hard as an entry to the topic of Stoicism, than start with this one. It's really appealing and easy to read. Recommendation for everybody. 

8. J.R.R. Tolkien - Lord of the Rings 

Can you really put into words the happiness and excitement that can be felt when reading a fantasy book as good as this? Anybody who has never read it should set aside some time to do so. I personally read it every night before sleep, this way my dreams get a whole new dimension. 

Great Ian McKellen put it better than me: 

 ‘The Lord Of The Rings’ is mythology, it’s a fairytale, it’s an adventure. It never happened. Except in our hearts. But there was The Shire, in three dimensions and smoke coming out of the burrows where they lived. And… I believed.

Thanks for reading! What are the books that changed your life?


Great Post. I have read most of these books and agree they are all great investments of time to read.
LOTR is without a doubt my favorite story and truly a timeless tale of not just fantastical enjoyment but really highlights the human condition/experience in a way that is practically accessible. The feelings and experiences from reading this book are very real, and influenced my life for the better.
Thanks for sharing~*~

You said it really nice, feelings and experiences are very real.

Yes, in many ways the most real.

hello @alcibiades, just stopping back to let you know that your post was one of my favourite reads on my Steemit Ramble yesterday. You can read what I wrote about it here

Thanks for including my post into your ramble! Upvoted and followed.

Siddhartha is one of my favourite books, and I am keeping it for my son (now 1) to read when he's older, as I agree it is an essential read for a man! (and, I suppose, a woman too as I got a LOT out of it!)

I'm so happy to hear that, your son is a lucky man! Such a wonderful book, I read it again every year. You should read Narcissus and Goldmund if you haven't. Similar story, although it did not have that much of an impact on me.

I will look that up, thank you :-) Yes, Siddhartha is one I have read many times too, it's one of those books that makes you feel a certain way, and you have to re-read every now and again to re-capture that feeling!

Congratulations @alcibiades! This post was so good that we decided to feature it in our newspaper. Check it out here: https://t.co/Xq9gkf7Go7

Awesome, thank you!

Great post. One of my favorite YouTube channels does amazing summaries on self-improvement books like these. In fact, he's done summaries on 5 of the books in this list including Rich Dad Poor Dad, The 4-Hour Week Week, Mastery, The Way of the Superior Man, and The Obstacle is the Way. His channel is FightMediocrity. Have you heard of him?

I love FightMediocrity! I read The Obstacle is the Way because of his recommendation. Great channel.

Great Post. I have read most of these books and agree they are all great investments of time to read.
LOTR is without a doubt my favorite story and truly a timeless tale of not just fantastical enjoyment but really highlights the human condition/experience in a way that is practically accessible. The feelings and experiences from reading this book are very real, and influenced my life for the better.
Thanks for sharing~*~

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