The Shadows are Alive! [What are shadow people?]

in #life8 years ago

Shadow People:

many have heard of them, fewer have experienced them.


What are they?

@dwinnblood give a great story and explination from his stance with his post Discordian views of the things that go black in the night, which in turn has lead me to creating my own post.

All throughout history people have been reporting sightings of figures that dart through our awareness which appear to be darker than the shadows which they play upon. There are stories of those that simply watch from a distance and create no interaction detectable whatsoever. Though, they've too come with stories of malevolance; with great terror and physical pain being experienced by the one who endures the sighting.

Some explain that these beings approached them in a humanesque form, giving the appearance of a man. Often times, there are sightings of a man wearing a wide brim hat, sort of like you would see Dick Tracey wearing.


Others report that they experienced nothing more than a formless figure which was more dark than any night time they've ever beheld.

Out of all of these instances, well over half of them are all accompanied by a very strong feeling of something overbearing being nearby.

They have been explained by mystics and esotericists throughout time as supernatural beings, multidimensional entities, spirits from the underworld, and even a magician's daemon. Western Psychology suggests that there are a number of explinations for the phenomenon to include sleep paralysis, and sleep deprivation, both of which would cause the one enduring the experience to hallucinate and incorrectly identify a shadow as an assailant.

What they are is an absolute mystery.

I can say that they are in fact a real phenomenon to experience as I have had multiple encounters with them throughout my life.

Beginning at a young age, I would see them darting through the shadows in my room. I became fearful of the dark, inside of buildings was the worse as I would see these being mostly indoors, though it was not too uncommon for them to be noticed outside as well. For the longest time I always felt like something was watching me, and when I would see these figures dart through my vision, both peripheral and main, my heart would begin to race.

There are three instances that I have experienced with these beings that truly stand out to me the most. I'm certain that I will come out sounding like a lunatic, but at the risk of so I will be continuing this post with a follow up for those encounters:

The first time I came face to face with a shadow being, the first time I was assaulted by a shadow being, and when I learned how to defeat the malevalant side of these entities.

I would like to leave off on this final note: If you experience these entities, do not give in to your fears and remember, they might just look like this on the other side of the night:



PALPABLE POPE Ypyskypo Skwyrl, the Y'sas
High Priest, Temple of Appled Thought
Alchemist for Trades

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Gracias Por compartir este material, Me gusta lo que has publicado. Muchas Gracias

I missed this as I was at my annual company meeting the past few days. I'm playing catch up now.

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