The Power of Intention

in #meditation8 years ago (edited)

The Power Of Intention

All things are made of energy which flow in patterns according to the vibratory law of cause and effect. Our thoughts and emotions too are measurable energies which have a powerful effect upon both our physiology and our surrounding environments, objects, people, and plants. To give a very simple example of this idea at work, if you take two objects that are vibrating, and set them next to one another, their frequencies will either become harmonic and they flow with synergy or their energies become entropic and both objects begin to destroy one another until a balance is reached.

Your energy as an individual depends upon your state of mind. The more loving and joyous, the higher the frequency, while individuals in depressive and angry states bear a lower frequency. Depending upon the amount of passion that an individual maintains decides what level of energy they will exude. [Note: 1. Individuals may access Source at any given moment, allowing for a flux of infinite power to become made available. 2. Passion can be held at high states of energy through any part of the spectrum of the emotions.] By focusing these energies through our thoughts and emotions we create an intention. The more single-pointed this focus becomes, the more energy that is devoted to creating this intent.

To practice single-pointed-mindedness the following exercise may help:

Sit comfortably in an area where you will not be disturbed.

Place a candle in front of you.

Create a sacred space [Cast protection circle/ Smudge / Ring Bell (X) times].

-If your system of practice calls for it, say a prayer of gratitude and/or protection from your God(s)-
Close your eyes and begin to focus on your breath as you breathe in three [3] times as deep as you possibly can, in through your nose, out through your mouth.

Now breathe in through your nose for a count of ten [10] and out of your nose for a count of ten [10] (More practiced meditatees may count higher as desired) for a total of ten [10] breaths in & out.

Now allow your breath to become normal, becoming aware of the flow of your breath as it comes in through your nostrils, down your esophagus, expanding your diaphragm and expanding your lungs, and again as it exits your body. Do this for several moments.

When you are ready, light the candle.

With your eyes half-way closed, allow your breath to be normal and focus only on the flame of the candle
If your mind wanders, bring it back to the candle.

Watch the flame as it jumps and dances.

Do not become overly aware of the candle by examining and describing the features of the candle, but allow the candle to become all there is.

Let the background fade away so that all that remains is the candle.

Do this for as long as you possibly can maintain.

When concentration is no longer obtained, begin to notice your breathing.

Follow your breath for just a moment.

Take three (3) deep breaths in through your nose, and three (3) deep breaths out through your mouth.

Now stretch and slowly open your eyes.

Get up at your own pace.

When single-pointed concentration may be achieved by the mage at will, the practitioner may replace the candle with visualization within the mind's eye.




I have been practicing and am considered a guru in transcendental meditation. I would love to help anybody who is interested in learning more about TM. PM me if interested!!

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