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RE: Face-to-Face with Terror and I can't breath [What are shadow people?] My personal experience coming up-close and personal with a shadow being!

in #life8 years ago

I give thanks to you for sharing about your experience and being sober. I am well aware that many will doubt me and suggest that it was the drugs that I was under the influence of which produced such an experience, as so I appreciate your input. Personally, I am an avid practitioner of the poison path. I hold each molecule in deep regards. They themselves are "gods", as are we (I believe that each thing is an integral part of "God"[the mass collective universe] and are therefore "divine" in nature), and have access to information that is external of our singular-consciousness.

As you wrote, fear seems to be a, if not the main, source of energy for these entities. They flock to Fear like seagulls on the beach. In my personal system of thought there are two polarities of thought energy: Love & Fear. Love creates, Fear destroys. Love is syntropic, Fear is entropic. All other emotions are levels of Love or Fear. I have found that they are weakened by the energies of Love - literally just think happy thoughts and they lose all power. Sometimes it is difficult and you have to be persistent, but it always works if you hold steadfast. I too no longer fear them, and it is from the experience of where I learned how to defeat them using happy thoughts, haha. I still see them, I still feel them, but I no longer deal with their assaults as they have no effect on me.

Yes, I too believe that living with practicing LDS members would highly interfere with the controls. Traveling to remote locations -may- be safe, but it sounds as though you would be having to call to these things. That signal could bear a psychic scar that would light up in the meta-world like a beacon even after dissolving the signal; sure it could be healed - but that would take time. Obviously I'm not saying that is what would happen, just that that could be a possibility depending on the route you took to call forth these entities to test your theories.

Personally, I'd rather not deal with them any longer and so I wouldn't be going out to test any hypothesis, heh. I do think that some of them may be condensed energies of Fear that people have created just through their personal experiences with life. They could even be like black holes for Fear sucking in every bit of that emotion that it is near that were created from a sudden horrific terror here on the physical plane. Idk, but they're totally unattractive in my opinion, haha.


I actually don't think I'd have any problems with calling something like that with LDS people here. I've noticed that such things sometimes naturally seem to happen around them and they have no clue what is going on. Not those staying with me, but my wife was not always atheist/deist in nature. She at one time was LDS herself and has encountered these things on more than one occasion while she was LDS.

LDS does not mean free of fear. In fact, guilt combined with the religion can result in them being quite fearful. So if they did ever end up at my house again it'd likely be from her LDS parents without them realizing it. I'd be able to deal with it though.

I've found that LDS members generally attract otherworldly entities and occurences. I'm not too privy on their practices, but I've heard a little from a few friends who were practitioners at some point who all mentioned rituals that would deal with esoteric nature.

The cases I am aware of the people didn't do anything strange at their own house. That does not mean something didn't follow them home from a temple. They are secretive about what goes on inside of there. Though I know quite a bit of it and really it isn't as elaborate as people would think. Yet, you and I know it doesn't require anything elaborate just focused belief, guilt, fear, love, etc.

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