How to NOT be propositioned while frequenting a Strip Club [Skwyrl's first experience attending a strip club, a vegan strip club]

in #life7 years ago (edited)

When I think of a strip club the image that comes to mind is one of a seedy, run-down, grimy bar with a small stage and a strip pole illuminated by the only lighting in the establishment.


I am originally from Virginia where there are not very many strip clubs, but I did live with strippers and had many stripper friends while I resided on the East coast. This house I lived in just so happened to also be somewhat of a hippie "trap" house, in that everyone that lived there was selling some sort of entheogen or entactogen, we were mostly a one stop shop for a head-change. I witnessed some very bizarre acts take place in this house, especially when the strip pole was installed. People and psychedelics are hilarious when combined, strippers are no exception to this rule.

I have dropped strippers off at work, but I've never gone into a strip club - until last night.

Yesterday before I headed out to the river for a nice day of relaxing alone, @kennyskitchen called and let me know that @juansgalt was in town && @triberiseup was arriving later in the evening and that they were attending a vegan strip club after picking up @triberiseup from the airport. I told him that I'd never frequented a strip club and that I was highly interested (purely for the journalistic opportunity, obviously), and that I would call him after I got home from the river.

I got home in the evening and called @kennyskitchen to let him know I would be taking a nap. After I awoke from my nap I informed @kennyskitchen that I was alive again, and him and @juansgalt came over to my house where we smoked plenty of cannabis got high enough to see Mt. Hood from behind closed doors. Great conversations ensued while we waited for @triberiseup to arrive. When the time approached, we hopped in the car and shot over to the airport. @triberiseup was standing on the sidewalk dancing, wearing an adventurer's hat, as we approached. He jumped in the car and introductions were made.
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Immediately we rolled up another nice fatty and puffed away as we rode off into the night to the Devil's playground - Casa Diablo.

Casa Diablo is settled back away from everything it seemed, and I felt as though we were heading to some mafia approved speakeasy. A giant sign lights the parking lot with a woman's silhouette and in black the words "LIVE NUDE DANCERS" against a white background. We then walk up a set of concrete stairs outside as we approach the front entrance to Casa Diablo. We walk in and have our ID's checked to be sure we're of age, and head on in to be received by Lucifer's lounge.


I'd like to take this moment to remind you that I wear a black hooded robe with a tan braided belt and flipflops everywhere I go.

Casa Diablo was unlike anything I had imagined as portrayed by media and my mind.

The first thing I noticed was the stage. The stage had two strip poles where one woman was dancing on either pole at all times. The lighting was all of a deep red hue, which certainly intrigued me knowing that the color red is the one of our basic instincts and primal emotions. Settled off in the back was the bar, so we walked through and ordered some drinks. Above the bar, lit up more brightly than anything else in the establishment was a painting of The Devil Himself, looking all suave. All along the walls were tables with a bench against the wall to be able to face the stage in the center of the room. We picked up a menu and found some tables at the other end of the room towards the way we had entered through.

After ordering food and paying, I was given a $2 bill as change. I asked @triberiseup out of confusion what was going on, and he informed me that the way the club gets you on one of their schemes is that they only give $2 bills for change! Quite a good little hustle there!
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The women were absolutely gorgeous and highly skilled at their job!

Not to be a judgmental or shallow piece of shit, but...when dropping off my friends at work in the past who were strippers, I would occasionally see their coworkers and I had never been impressed by these women's appearance, I've also heard from many other people that they have a hard time finding strip clubs with women they find highly attractive. However, every single woman I saw last night was absolutely gorgeous. Shockingly, they even had a woman who was larger than what most people believe to be the standard of beauty (beauty is absolutely subjective, dick). Doing what I do best, I sat back and picked apart the psychology of the situation and caught some funny instances.

The women who were not currently employed dancing were walking around talking to the customers attempting to get paid for private dances.

At one point in the evening, one of the dancers was talking to the group of individuals sitting next to our table. Our table had me sitting on the far right wearing an all black hooded robe, and @triberiseup on the far left wearing his adventurer's hat and, at this point, a rain jacket (it wasn't/hasn't been raining in a week or more). When the woman finished talking to the group next to us, she proceeded towards our group. She slowed down and took a look at me, then moved her attention to look at @triberiseup , then she kept walking and sat next to the group just past our table.

Doing what I do best, I sat back and picked apart the psychology of the situation and caught some funny instances.

I watched as each of the women passed by our group, hardly giving even a glance to our table. Everybody but myself was spending money at the stage (I'm just broke and felt it unfair to only throw down a single $2 bill, so I just paid for my food and took in the experience).

I noticed that even when our group would be tipping at the stage that the women dancing still paid very little attention to our people and would quickly move on to enticing the other customers.

We never once had any dancers come to our table to proposition us for any further services although they were stopping at every single other table and group in the establishment.

If your objective is to spend money at a strip club, but without the pressure from the dancers then you need an adventurer and a dark mage in your crew!

All in all, I enjoyed myself though my anxiety certainly reared it's ugly head in multiple instances. I highly doubt I'll return to a strip club unless it is another group outing like such. I found the women being nude and dancing was not my thing. I won't lie - when I was in Korea, I certainly paid for prostitutes in the red light district, but getting a lap dance seems like a tease!

Props to the women who can be successful in this job, but I think I'll stick to porn if I need to see titties on a whim.


PALPABLE POPE Ypyskypo Skwyrl, the Y'sas
Loser of Found Souls, Temple of Appled Thought
Erisian Ataxia Troupe

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