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RE: "Drag Tots" Welcome to your New World Programming

in #lgbt6 years ago (edited)

Does anyone think being a heterosexual white Christian is a safe and healthy environment for a child?

Yes probably safer than allowing a child whom at eight years old (before they're old enough to really comprehend what it all means)is working the circuits as a drag queen and icon. When I was a child I ran around as Spiderman because I watched it on tv, what if I'd been raised on "Drag Tots"? Would I dress as a girl? and if I did would it make it right to exploit it in such a way? Would I know my own mind? I mean Drag Tots .. not in my life did I think I'd hear of such shit .. it's unjustifiable, it has zero virtue. So in answer to your question, yes a well -balanced family orientated environment within a loving Christian family is preferable to a life on the drag circuits. Notice I chose the words "well balanced" very deliberately because I'm very much aware that no demographic is perfect, I'm also aware that Zero children should be working as drag queens and nothing you or anyone can ever say will ever convince me otherwise. Oh and no I'm not a Christian either,

How is calling out the exploitation of children anti-heterosexual white Christian?

I care not whether people are gay, straight, Christian or indifferent .. if they're exploiting children I have a problem with it and if you're calling them out (whoever they are) respect to you and you will receive nothing but my admiration.

I've seen zero posts from the #informationwar lunatics calling out the Catholic Church,

There are many people on here that have written about the dark underbelly of the Catholic church (including me). Equally, by branding everyone that writes under the #informationwar tag as a lunatic you're making another generalisation, which is something I would have thought you'd be fighting against.

I think the point people miss, is that @venomnymous is calling out something that should concern all of us. Bad elements exist in every walk of life and hide behind many masks, yes including heterosexuals, Muslims, Christians, 7th Day Adventists, white males and probably Buddists as well so why should LGBT be any different? This isn't right and you don't have to be anti LGBT to see it, we should be working together on this shit and not arguing over which demographic its more prevalent within.

I have zero problems with the LGBT community and every respect for anyone that is prepared to stand up for what they believe, I'll offer the hand of friendship to anyone with a good heart, no matter who they are .. but child drag queens .. nah you'll get nowhere with me on that one and I have no more to add to that. . I've said my point and I think I've been fair so I'm going to leave it there, bid you goodnight and wish you all the best on the platform .. over and out.


I seem to recall responding to the post he's referencing from three weeks ago.

You can't convince me that statements like this are logically or morally consistent:

To make it perfectly clear, I'm not saying that the LGBT community are bad people. I'm saying that there is an agenda to that is the LGBT to program degeneracy to the masses.

Or that the number of times he mentions "Zionism" isn't someone's "agenda". Like, does he know that Zionism is just a desire for Jews to return to Israel? What purpose could "programming degeneracy" possibly serve to that end?

Ah well you just pointed out a missed edit. The sentence doesn't even make sense. What I was trying to say, was that through the LGBT a agenda is being pushed, not by the community, but through them.

I strongly recommend you search the tag #zionism and get an education. Because it's not that sweet little home for the chosen people version they give you. No, they want so much more than that.

I can compile some videos for you, if you are going to watch them. Otherwise, I'll leave it at that.

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