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RE: "Drag Tots" Welcome to your New World Programming

in #lgbt6 years ago

cishet do the same type of thing all the time. LGBT strives for normalisation, unless that happens we cannot be seen as people. This is just propaganda and hate, don't pretend to support us when you don't.


I never said the LGBT was doing it. Did you read my post? Or just flag and comment?

It's pretty clear to me here that you're exposing the exploitation of children. Doesn't matter who's doing it because it should not be tolerated period.

You are normalized enough, you don't need to turn little boys into whores for men! Just look at that kids face on that man's lap. If that's not a cry for help I don't know what the fuck is. Stop feeling so persecuted! You are not being persecuted, not by the majority of people. Most folks in this country think that adults ought to do whomever they please.

Yet, when it comes to children back the fuck up now! How is indoctrination into any sexual relationship a normal and accepted thing at the age of 8-9 years old? Wanna downvote something come and downvote this I could certainly use the publicity. Also, please explain in the comments why it is you downvoted it. I'll make popcorn before reading it, I'm sure it will be an entertaining read.

What if the boy on that man's lap was an 8 y/o girl? WAKE UP!

You claim to be an anarchist, yet you violate the NAP with your flagging. Who did @venomnymous hurt by speaking his mind? I think that your priorities are fucked.

You need to brush up on the very philosophy that is your handle. Do you truly want to rebel against authority, or do you want to become it? To me it's clear that when you use flagging the way in which you do, you seem to desire to become the authority.

AGAIN WAKE UP! and kindly give @venomnymous back his jolt cola he's going to need it in order to deal with the likes of people like yourself. Are you gay, that's okay.. but keep your hands off kids!


What if this were a bunch of middle-aged men watching a 8-9 y/o girl prance around all suggestively like? Surely those men would be pedophiles right?

@anarchyhasnogods are you pro LGBT or pro pedophile?

Pick one and speak your peace, I won't downvote you but i'll flame you in the comment section from now until kingdom come. Again, please wake up!

Lastly, these kids are too young to be dressing like whores, dancing suggestively, and wearing makeup. If you can't see this then may the gods help you to obtain some discernment. All you have to do is wake up, pinch yourself this is not a dream, this is a nightmare.

this thing is full of fascist dogwhistles. Not even going to bother with it after seeing that lmao

I love how you "an"caps are all just fascists lmao


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