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RE: Ravenous

in #letsmakeacollage5 years ago

I probably over thought it and under explained but I didn't want to put too much of what I thought here, but I am worried I under sold your story now. I was more meaning how in having to find someone every week, maybe first feeding it bad people, or people Shiro perceived as bad people. He might have in some way felt a small bit of power over life and death that would have quickly turned sour and made the whole thing much harder for him after. Enjoyed properly wasn't the right word. But just that the way this is written, it drew me in so much, it really got into my head and had me thinking a lot about how he chose the people, and how choosing the people weighted on him over the years. Early on he might have tried to do good with it, or at least told himself he was, be that taking away bad people or sparing good people by taking away those who would die soon anyway. Did he come to find he could not judge the value of anothers life though, that he could not decide from the little he saw of them if they should die. There is a sense of resignation in this ending that feels like he has lived with it, and tried things, and come to accept this is the best way. I am not saying you necessarily put these things in there, but by just giving us this window, you forced me to imagine the rest of the picture, and it brought up a lot of deep questions about the subjective and objective value of life which I am sure you didn't intend to include at all lol, but I am trying to avoid facing the world right now so appreciated the excuse to replied to you here instead <3



My dear @calluna,
I would never interpret a comment from you as anything but positive--not necessarily approving of the piece but always accepting of a sincere effort. I often 'over read'. We're writers. We think that way, in layers and subtleties. That you take the time to read our modest pieces with such care--that's a gift to us.

BTW---I stayed awake last night to outline a watery piece before sleep. Now I've got some raw material for your contest, and I'm groggy but pleased :)

Retreat into your art...that's always a good place to be. The world will still be there (although it may be covered with water--😁) when you return.
See you later. Have a wonderful, creative day.

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