Erigeron sumatrensis, a tall annual with bristly, dandelion-like leaves, a beautiful wildflower that can become an invasive weed

in #leaflast month


Erigeron sumatrensis, is known by a number of colorful common names including:

  • Fleabane
  • Tall Fleabane
  • Broad-Leaved Fleabane
  • White Horseweed
  • Sumatran Fleabane
  • Guernsey Fleabane (in the British Isles)

This annual herb is native to South America, but it's become widely naturalized in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. While some find its beauty appealing, it's often considered an invasive weed due to its prolific seeding and ability to crowd out native plants.

The most distinctive feature of Erigeron sumatrensis is its tall, slender stature. At maturity, it can reach heights of one to two meters (3.3 to 6.6 feet). The flowering stalk itself is branched and hairy, with leaves growing both at the base and alternating up the stem. These leaves are a key identifier for the plant.

Erigeron sumatrensis leaves share some characteristics with dandelion leaves, but with some key differences. They tend to be longer and thinner, with a rough or bristly texture. The lower leaves are the largest, measuring 3 to 15 centimeters (1.2 to 5.9 inches) long and 2 to 3.5 centimeters (0.8 to 1.4 inches) wide. The margins of these lower leaves may also be toothed near the tips. As you move up the stem, the leaves become progressively smaller and lack the toothed margins.

The color and texture of the leaves are often described as being similar to primrose leaves – a lighter green with a smooth feel. This is in contrast to some other fleabane species that have hairier, more grayish-looking leaves.

It's important to note that Erigeron sumatrensis is not known to have any medicinal uses or other beneficial properties. In fact, some sources warn that the plant may cause skin irritation in some people if they come into direct contact with the sap. If you're unsure about a plant in your yard, it's always best to consult with a local gardening expert for identification.



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