Why Do You Want It?

in #leadership7 years ago

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This is one of those "thinking aloud, sharing with you" moments when I take time out of my normal schedule to attempt to sound deep or maybe just figure stuff out the way I understand it. My world is littered with amazing individuals doing awesome things for the universe and from time to time, I tend to picture myself walking in their shoes - what type of them would I be?

Imagine someone with grand dreams right from a very young age and I'm not talking about mere wishes but carefully laid out plans, and every time they try to picture themselves in the future, it's always in this bossy, top-of-the-world kinda state. The "I'm going to stunt on these folks" kinda picture is all they get and nothing more. And then there are others who almost seem like they didn't ask for the success but it somehow found a way to them. It's true we are all different and thus cannot be expected to act the same way but can you really help but wonder why?

So "why" is that question that really exposes purpose or the reason for doing a thing. It seeks to uncover the thought process behind the action that was taken. Why do people do the stuff they do? Why do they act the way they do? Why do they crave the things they crave? Why do they want the things they want?

Rap is a competitive sport; now imagine a rapper constantly being named in the top tier but always with two or three others. What could his thought process be like? I imagine something like - So there's question in the street who the top rapper is. It's no question I'm one of the best but I want the top spot! I could want that number one spot because I believe I put out the best work and want to continue to be held accountable to that top standard, or I could want the spot just so I can taunt folks for the rest of their lives.

We all want different things at several points in our lives. I've always wanted the top spot in everything I did, not because I thought I was the best but because I relished the challenge of trying to get to the top. I see the goal as enough motivation to fuel my drive for that top spot. Many other times, it's not always that simple. Sometimes, our desires as humans could be very much fueled by greed and subtle tendencies to showoff. These ones are most times difficult to admit because they do not fall under the "noble causes". So even though we have the hunch as to the real motivation behind our actions, we tend to try to shut them down and build up a blanket and fake persona in the process.

Why Do You Want That Relationship?

When deciding to go into a relationship with someone, what are your real motivations? Do you see the person as someone you can showoff to your friends or do you see them as having "the right genes"? You might be looking in the short term or thinking in the long term. Do they posses traits you'll love to have around you or do they have stuff that you need? There's always a motive behind our actions as humans and it's always interesting trying to study and understand these things.

Why Do You Want This Job?

Personally, this question can get annoying really quickly for me maybe because I doubt you can ever give an answer that doesn't sound generic and cliche. Interviewers seem to love it anyway and taking a deeper look, what could really have driven you to apply for the job? A lack of other choices? A childhood dream? Someone somewhere put down your name and gave an awesome recommendation?

Generally, I believe better understanding comes from the constant questioning of stuff happening around us. The deeper you dive into a subject, the more answers you're forced to provide and the more answers you get, the better your understanding of the subject matter. Many times, we need to question our motives to bring out that which is the truth. When you're able to identify your real reasons behind the actions you take, it's almost like someone discovering their purpose; it makes stuff a little less foggy. We are reactive by nature and often don’t consider the question of "why" before taking action but we can always take that conscious effort to stop for a minute and question whatever decision or action we might want to take.

Why are you even here?

Ask why till you're satisfied.


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Great content and post on psychology .

Nice post

asking ourselves questions before we take any action is very important to attain satisfaction in life, even if the human nature can never be completely satisfied act least we should be able to attain partial satisfaction.

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