Giving Your All; Is It Even Logical?

in #life7 years ago

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The life we live in is very weird. This might not be news to many but it's what I've been discovering in recent times. Life, love, religion, race, culture, the past, the future, time, success; we're just trying to find our way entangled in this complicated web. To make matters worse, everyone has got their opinion on how stuff should be thus leading to more confusion.

In a bid to douse the tension caused by all these confusions, a form of authority is usually instituted with every other person expected to follow that authority unconditionally. However humans will forever remain humans no matter how long you try to cage them. There'll always be that one person to eventually challenge the status quo and before you know it, it's chaos time again.

The need to feel independent is inherent in many of us and it's why we challenge stuff right from childhood. It's why you see a kid being told not to go some place asking why they shouldn't go. Like what right have you to tell me what I can and cannot do? Independence!

Asides from the need to feel independent, humans are very passionate beings. This passion coupled with the need to be independent has given birth to quite a few interesting things; positive or negative, who is to say?

Passion is defined as strong and barely controllable emotion.

Passion is an emotion, it is something you feel and most times, feelings are the farthest things from being logical. When you feel stuff, it's most likely you aren't doing that with your head but your heart and so you're no longer in control but you're being driven by your emotion.

You can be passionate just about anything and I believe what people call love is actually just passion in a different guise. When you find something you're very interested in and can't seem to do without, you just might have found a passion. So when you find someone you just can't do without talking to or being with, that's passion and when you're passionate about something, you're expected to give your all. Right?

Well I think so, but I've been having issues with that idea for a while now. It doesn't make sense to give my all to something I'm passionate about simply because I don't think passion lasts forever - at least for me, and my "all" is very limited.

What's left when you give your all? You burnout. Now what's the point of giving your all at the beginning, burning out halfway through thus disappointing the thing/person you were once so passionate about? How logical is that?


I see the logic :)

emotion and logic are totally different, emotion may switched you like passion and logic might be authentic, you have to chose which one you picked up!

Wow, true and logical, its usually a mess that can culminate into a catastrophy even, when passion dies in mid-way through, the whole course youve been pursuing no longer looks appealing, it can look repulsive even sometimes, and u dont feel that attachment again, u might even ask "why was I chasing this down in the first place?", and even more biting is when one looks back and sees how far he has gone, all the resources expent and all the part of you you've put in and how the goal is all worth nothing to u now.
Really hard, I see u, bro.

My thoughts exactly! Thank you for this.

very true and logical....!!

Just because you burned out doesn't mean that you lose your passion. Sometimes, you have no choice but to give it your all, because you know for a fact that not giving it your all would make you sadder than if you gave it your all and failed.

But when you burn out and your passion just lays there helpless, what then happens? Why not spread the passion across board instead of going all in?

Right... I loved the passion and love analogy.I think most times we make the mistake of using them wrongly in different context. I love this work. Well done!

☺️ thank you.

Giving your all has two implications: Excelling or burning out, it depends on your analysis of everything. Nice analysis from the chief curator himself.

Lol. Chief curator? I hear you.

Anyway, yeah it's true it all depends on your evaluation of things; what looks like a burnout to me might just be the goal and climax to you.

giving all is ok, but it depends which situation. regards

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Sure choosing the right action for each situation is never easy, yeah?

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