Becoming A Generational Leader #2 -Vision

in #leadership7 years ago (edited)

Hello once again guys. Welcome to another episode of Becoming a generational leader series.

In the last episode, we were able to define who a generational leader is and whether he is born or made. In that post, I actually pitched my tent with both views arguing that a generational leader must have some in-born abilities and also develop them by taking reponsibilities. You can read the full post here.

I also want to use this opportunity to appreciate everyone who sent in feedbacks in form of comments, follows, and upvotes on that particular post. You guys are the best.

Ok, lets quickly get down to the business of today.

I'll like to begin by saying that good values are basic to great leadership. As we have seen in our last post leadership is all about influence and good influence is dependent on great values. Therefore, great leadership will be greatly dependent on great values.

Image Source

I will like to define Vision as the unveiling of one's divinely pre-determined destination. Every individual on earth is packaged and deployed for a specific assignment.

Jeremiah 1:5 says:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

There's actually no one on earth without a purpose. Every product there is has a purpose to fulfil.

Now, God is our manufacturer and we are His products.

Psalms 100:3 says:
Know that the Lord, He is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves.....

He has made us for a particular purpose. While it is He who determines our purpose, it is us who discover the purpose.

This is so important guys. A blind man can't lead nobody. If you don't know where you are going in life, you can't take others there. It takes a man who knows where he's going to command great followership.

Vision will impart focus on your assignment.
Vision will impart passion for leadership.
Vision will impart strength to run the race.
The list just goes on... That's why you never find a generational leader who is not a great visionary.

Martin Luther King Jnr. was a great visionary in his time. Since the day i watched the video of his famous and highly influencial speech of 1963, that voice (I HAVE A DREAM!) has not ceased to echo in my subconcious mind.

Martin Luther King Jnr. Image Source

He had something specific he lived for which he was also ready to die for. His foot prints were stamped on the sands of time never to be erased again. The likes of Barrack Obama (a black man) could now emerge leaders because of the great leadership display and sacrifice of Martin during his time. Generations yet unborn will still benefit from his good works. In fact, in the United States today they still celebrate Martin Luther day. He emerged a generational leader on the platform of vision.

There is a man also in the bible called Paul the Apostle. This man is a generational leader. A well-learned man. He rose from grass to become the greatest of all the Apostles, writing two-third of the new testament single-handedly. But what can we find of Paul? He was a great visionary.

Paul The Apostle. Image Source
Paul said in Phillipians 3:13
"....but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,....".

He was a man of one thing. No wonder he was seen as worthy to be followed. But How do i become a generational leader, someone may be asking right now?


The answer is not far fetched. Sit down and prayerfully look inwards to discover your purpose. Sign up for a visionary lifestyle. We shall look at more ways in my next post.

To aid you in discovering your purpose, ask yourself these questions: What are my giftings? What do I do effortlessly? What do I have passion for? What would I do for free and still enjoy doing? What problem am I packaged to solve? What particular societal evil am I always angry about?. These questions, when you asked sincerely may lead to the discovery of your real real reason for existence on earth.

In my next post, I'll be showing us another core value of a Generational leader, other examples and other how-to-be a generational leader. Stay tuned.

Thank you so much for reading. I sincerely appreciate your time.


This is a great article worthy of double reading. I have to save it on bookmark. Thank you.

Thanks @turpsy for your time.

It's awesome to know your purpose and live to fulfill it. Great post.

It's awesome to have you on board m'am. Feels great to have you ratify our work too. I'm a huge fan.

Martin Luther. I like that guy. Was surprised when I learnt he didn't even live up to 45

A leader is one who LEAD by example of once been a follower

Another great post @diskorvery

Great content!

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