ADSactly Leadership - Leaders and their footprint in the world Part II

in #leadership5 years ago

It is a pleasure to greet you again, this time I bring you the second instalment of The Great World Leaders and their footprint and legacy in the world, grateful for your receptivity and accurate comments.

In this opportunity we go back to the ancient age to talk about one of the greats of the time, the great conqueror of Greece, India and Egypt none other than Alexander the Great also known as Alexander the Great, Man of great mettle, with noble and strong character. This great historical character began the conquest in 334 B.C. leading at that time an army of 40,000 men, seeking revenge for Greece under the Macedonian banner. He was considered an extraordinary leader since he had the capacity to motivate those who followed him to give everything and to achieve the objectives proposed by example. He had a convincing vision of what he wanted and knew how to make it a reality by coordinating his military team and effectively interpreting each movement of his opponent, another characteristic that makes him a leader, was his ability to encourage and motivate his followers always alluding to the fallen heroes and recognizing the individual actions of his group, undoubtedly an example of leadership to follow.

"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion".
Alejandro Magno

Considered an emblem of equality Martin Luther King was one of the great leaders of the twentieth century, leader of various struggles for human rights, especially of African Americans, this character is part of this list of leaders who have left an important mark on the world. His motivation and inspiration continues to set an example for many today. Racial equality and a tireless struggle for peace was King's mission and goal. It should be noted that he was characterized by a special charisma inspired by the figure of Mahatma Gandhi when he fought for the civil rights of African-Americans and likewise by Henry David Thoreau's theory of civil disobedience.
Martin Luther King throughout history has shown different types of leadership to change the reality of his time, referring to Abraham Lincoln who with his ability to lead people to a common vision transformed the way of doing business or politics. Without a doubt it can be said that he was a born leader, visionary, dreamer and with total confidence in his team, which makes him become one of the best leaders in history. Martin Luther King can be placed as a transformational leader because he fought for what weighed right.

"A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.
Martin Luther King

Also known as the "Iron Lady", strong character and considered one of the most influential women of the twentieth century, Margaret Thatcher Prime Minister of the United Kingdom between 1979 and 1990 British politician in this position. Even knowing that after winning the elections would take charge of a public sector, corrupt and inefficient, developed some policies of high moral content to try to diminish that situation.
She was characterized by being a woman with great determination in what she did, willingness to work, energy in each project she undertook, self-confidence, and a great ambition that made her achieve her goals at all costs. Focusing on the leadership of this character, it can be said that in his management he made decisions without his team, since he considered that a true leader had the criterion of making important and correct decisions supported or not by those who follow him; generally he made his decisions quickly and with great efficiency, his motto "don't say, just act" put it into practice on many occasions, such as the privatization of various industries and the cutting of public spending. It is said that his attitude of imposing himself in a drastic and overwhelming way was due to the recession situation in Great Britain when he came to power, his communication was generally unidirectional from the leader to his employee, not being taken into account ideas or opinions of his working group. Yet Margaret Thatcher's consistency and conviction in her ideas and projects made it possible for England to become one of the most competitive countries in the world today.

If you lead a country like Britain, a strong country, a country which has taken a lead in world affairs in good times and in bad, a country that is always reliable, then you have to have a touch of iron about you.
Margaret Thatcher

Who could not miss in this list of world leaders is George Washington, a man who was instrumental in the liberation of the United States as a country, leaving behind the British colony. He is part of those great characters that made this country one of the greatest powers in the world. He was commander in chief of the American forces in the War of Independence and the first president of that country. As a soldier George Washington was highly respected, his charisma, tenacity, led him to maintain a position of leadership. His persistence before diverse situations characterized him, his hardness even surviving diverse health problems. The preparation of his battle group was fundamental, Washington allowed his young leaders to make their strategic decisions by themselves in the field, betting on the strengths they had, agility, speed, considering the preparation of their opponents, yet with great courage led his battle squad in the most adverse circumstances. As it is known once that this great character put his life at risk by leading his army, Washington later surprises the entire world when he returns of his own free will to the American people and their elected representatives, all the pode he had obtained. Undoubtedly great elements of an innate leadership that described a man of absolute integrity and able to see in his followers abilities and skills to achieve the proposed objectives.

“We should not look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought experience.
George Washington

To conclude this list of 5 world leaders, we could not fail to mention who originally bore the name Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, better known as Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a leader without a doubt, respected in all aspects, social, political and religious. From a very young age this great woman left her home to begin her religious life. Mother Teresa is the founder of the Organization of Missionaries of Charity in India, a volunteer-type institution that she managed magnificently, helping more than 20 countries. Her dedication to volunteering was her mission, to help the poor, the sick and the most needy, was the result of what she manifests in the revelations of Jesus, to give love to those who need it most. Despite having started in a small place as a home for the dying, over time they became centers of care in India and later spread internationally. Her great love, devotion to care for the most needy and multiply in other people that feeling of helping others, makes her undoubtedly a great leader from the goodness, her leadership can be said to be pure, since she managed to influence her followers and collaborators to undertake this work and extend it to several countries without any financial gain or personal interest either for herself or for those who followed him. In a conference held in 1991 in San Francisco on leadership and change and where she was invited, in a humble and simple way she stated that she did not know anything about the subject, but she exhorted the leaders of large organizations to give love to their people to know them deeply, to generate trust that makes them feel powerful and full of passion for what they do, to risk to achieve change, the trust that is granted to each person is fundamental to achieve success.

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."
Madre Teresa de Calcuta

There are several characters who we call leaders and who have somehow left a legacy or a mark in the world, positively or negatively, have managed to influence an important group of people and through various strategies have fulfilled what they have set themselves, their objectives. The story is undoubtedly beautiful and presents us as a range of these characters, their actions, their lives, their achievements, some pleasantly remembered and others not so much, of different races, characteristics, creeds or religions, talk about each of them would be impossible, but the truth is that each was at the front in a circumstance or stage of his life, being an example and guide of a mass of people leaving an indelible mark on time.
Thank you for your reading, I appreciate your accurate comments.

Authored by @luces


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A true leader is one who always set a Benchmark and standard for others. He inspire people to work for a goal rather than keeping busy in making a name for themselves.
Being an Indian, I am very much influenced by Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. Both of them never did anything for themselves but always work for the welfare of the society. And their work already speaks their volume of intention that make them great for everyone
Mere reaching the higher position is not considered to be a leader unless and until your work speaks itself.

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For me leadership means responsibility, ethics and manipulation. Also the ability to take all the hard conversations.

Ethical responsibility towards themselves and the others because it is the leaders who make things happen and do not - they make the decisions and decisions have consequences. So preferably have the best possible outcome for everyone.

Also that you are wise about people and can find out to play on the things that apply - know what motivates them, give people what they need when they need it to reach end-goal (but with it ethical responsibility in mind here). Could bring out the best in people to get the job done and to be able to see when something is not working and needs to be done. Talk to people so they can see your vision and be able to carry them to achieve it. Make sure things are said and done so that no one leaves the work angry or quits because they cannot cope anymore.

Responsibility, ethics and manipulation should be able to cancel each other out if something becomes risky and keep things up to date with a standard that way.

You collect very accurate and useful information in your post, @luces. As I said about your previous article, I identify myself with civil, democratic, modest and detached leaders, although we know that there have been (or there are) some who have not been (or are) characterized by those qualities. That's why I was very pleased that you referred to Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Thank you. Greetings.

Inspiring and Educating Posts

With writing that you publish I can take lessons from their leadership. And what's even more interesting is that you present leaders without a gender perspective. The proof, of the five people you review not only men, we even know how great the women you write. The world fully recognizes their example. Margaret Tachter and Mother Teresa. we know how they manage the lives of many people. They must have no longer thought of him. They have "finished" with themselves so that they think more and strive to give the best to others, to the nation to humanity.
Likewise other male figures we know how to lead a great army to explore the country in various parts of the world to be recorded in history. This golden ink incision will last forever. And we deserve to learn from them. The traces of history that will not be timeless certainly give great and interesting lessons for those of us who want to take it.
Thank you @luces
Thank you @adsactly
Thank you Steemit
Warm regard from Indonesia

This is the really great valuable and good educated post..
Thanks a lot for writing this beautiful post.

Even in groups of animals there are hierarchies and classification of those who guide and are guided, of those who go to the front leading the others. Much more so that this classification exists in man. We men are social beings, who live in society, so we have had to assume roles to evolve, survive and move forward. In order to give a structure to society and help it grow and develop, people were naturally divided into leaders and followers. Leaders made their way and moved from one border to another, directing others, while followers completed their assigned tasks and helped bring about change. Throughout history, leaders have existed and will exist. What's more, I feel that in every era and every moment a leader can be born, emerge from nowhere (as in the case of Juan Guaidó for Venezuela) and orient, open a path, sow hope. The world needs leaders to help us make this world more livable and better. Thank you for this excellent post, @luces and @adsactly for sharing.

A good post, but my views on MLK have changed somewhat.

Doing some research, the popular image pales a little, if the route he took to get to the position he did.
(cheating for degrees, and things).

It does raise the question as to the moral hypocrisy, as he took high moral positions.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
What is the content of a persons character if he lied, cheated (plagiarized), to get ahead?

Just sayin' , don't shoot the messenger.
(as MLK pacifists are at a wont to do, when challenging the accepted narrative)

Great Post. It gives every reader inspiration. Mother Teresa is one of the source for inspiration. Mother Teresa Quotes are also full of inspiration for every people.

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