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RE: The US constitution as you know it is not in effect

in #law7 years ago

I suggest reading through my recent post about why cryptocurrency can't solve our problems - we need to be free of all artificial/symbolic representations of power and value:


Thanks, have you heard about @Clif High? He has some very good arguments on how crypto is nearly invincible and I'm not sure if Karen Hudes is saying to hold on to our dollars. I do note of some corner cases in my post so there's that.

No, I had never heard that name until I read your post here. Karen Hudes is not someone I particularly respect or value - she has been speaking on this for a long time (though for less time than I have) and I see serious flaws in her agenda.

What flaws do you see and what agenda you think she has?

I am going offline now for an hour or so - i will reply later ;)

Firstly, she appeared on the scene as a 'whistleblower' who was only repeating what I and many others had been saying for years - she literally added nothing at all, yet she was getting a lot of coverage in the media. This was a red flag for me.

She has been outed as a shill by many people and you will find a lot of material online in that direction. Why do I say that this is the case?

She was VERY much part of the system itself for a long time and no doubt became rich from it all - she is a lawyer and continues to operate as one, according to her website. Those who really do their due diligence research will know that the entire 'law society' model of reality is entirely delusion based and is entirely intended to enslave and not to liberate, therefore the mere fact of an intent to attempt to use the system to improve the system shows at best naive ignorance of reality and at worst a deliberate role as a fake 'changemaker' who is intended to allow the people to project their hopes for change onto her, while delivering nothing at all.

But have you looked at the massive proof she is constantly providing? I mean it is massive no joke. And I haven't seen much flaws yet. However it is suspicious that she was covered by mainstream media. You did mean mainstream, did you? It could also mean she was used since the biggest elites are prepared to exit and re-emerge like the new blockchain gods? Now that would be the news!

I have not seen anything she has provided that was not already available - but that might be because i stopped listening to her years ago, I don't know. I was referring to all media sources, including the mainstream. I can name numerous individuals who have been dilligently exposing these crimes for years while she was still sat sucking from the money teet within the system - yet they generally receive no attention at all. I can even name a well known economics professor who exposed part of this who received next to no attention. so yes, it is a red flag that she, despite offering a mixture of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories relating to ETs (which may or may not be true), mixed in with information that was already available - is receiving good coverage across the board. If she had a bankground that wasn't effectively from within the belly of the beast, it might be different - but she is a prime candidate for being a shill and ultimately is not needed for the truth to be exposed anyway.

Well I'm just going to watch her and make an average of all of these truth seekers.

OK I've commented on that post and I will reiterate it here:
What you are saying is flawed. These conditions arose because of fiat currency and the whole debt system so that does not mean if we move to a cryptocurrency that it will stay this way. It's kind of chicken and egg thing. Thanks for bringing it up though! I have to think about it.

I am saying that the conditions AND fiat currency both arose as a result of heartlessness and denial.

Proof? Because from reading your posts I sometimes had the feeling you were hopelessly naive ;)
Seriously do you have proof for that? Because I'd say Homo Capensis did it. While I cannot prove they did it all evidence points into that direction. But that's beyond the point

The point being:

We need a method of accounting anyway, there I think crypto will help.

yes, i have proof - i have written about it for a decade. i am not naive, i simply have understandings about reality that facilitate change in a way that requires a lot of background information that most don't have. instead of considering that maybe i know more than most people, i sometimes get judged as simply knowing less. ;)
i am not being 'big headed' here, I have studied deeply many subjects every day for most of my life and i am now nearly 40 - I have also known many unusual people who I will say are unknown geniuses.

to understand the proof of why heartlessness is the origin of fiat currency and the slavery conditions on earth is not so difficult. fiat currency IS enslavement, so in a simple sense you only need to understand how heartlessness facilitates slavery. slavery is an overpowering and control of the will of another for the purposes of exploitation. overpowering will and exploitation are only possible when the heart of an individual is unconscious and not being allowed to give emotional guidance to the situation that would have kept balance points in place.

Sure, what you are writing I could too, it's almost chilling!

The thing I'm after at is: Who desgined the whole financial thing? Babylon? Did you look at the Paracas skulls, what Karen Hudes calls Homo Capensis? I'm not saying humans couldn't have cooked this all up but it made a lot of sense after all the study. Who would want to kill it's own kind? Where does this strange Baal religion come from? I'm not investigating this any longer but it is intriguing to say the least.

I wrote about the elongated skulls on steemit a while ago - there are those among us with a much deeper understanding of all this than she has.

Yeah you did I remember but I wouldn't say she has less of an understanding. If someone close to her did see them in real life, well that's just the kicker isn't it?

I have lost track of the amount of people who claim to have met particular ET races and claim x,y,z.. The grand total amount of actual evidence to substantiate their claims is almost zero.

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