[Article] Thinking Differently about Money.. Why CryptoCurrency alone Cannot Provide the Balance & Freedom We Need Now.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

iphone minors

Cryptocurrencies offer us numerous benefits over traditional money and banking

Those who desire a more balanced approach to life on Earth often greatly value Crypto-currencies since they allow us, theoretically, to:

  • Bypass the 'big banker effect' by not requiring a central bank to control the flow of money - since crypto-coins are usually 'mined' by users of the currency using computers which create the codes which represent the uniqueness of the crypto-coins and thus represent the 'value' of the currency, due to the 'rarity' of the codes. No bank is required in the process.
  • Improve the transparency of money, since - without any central bank to control and 'massage' the figures, there is greater transparency and less control from 'shadowy figures' over the 'shadowy numbers'.
  • Make money more efficient - since there are less overheads for transactions and since all transactions can occur using technology at light speed.
  • Potentially make a dent in the absurd system of usury, money lending and denial that is fuelling the existing approach, where banks 'make' money out of nothing and then lend it to you and expect you to repay them with interest (while not mentioning that the total amount of interest that is owed can never be re-paid since that amount of money will never exist, since it is never created by the banks - thus the system includes the built-in 'feature' that a percentage of 'loans' can never be paid back and thus a percentage of people WILL lose their homes).

However, there are hidden costs to the new money

If we desire to improve life and be free as free can be, we need to do more than make a minor improvement in money. Money itself is an opposite of free - Re-member? So my overall big picture objective is to help us evolve an understanding of how we can live optimally without any money at all. This is a much bigger topic than the scope of this post though, so for now I just want to focus on exploring some of why crypto-currencies CANNOT 'save us' as many evangelists for them have effectively declared.

There are several fatal flaws with Crypto-currencies, which make them in some ways in opposition to integrity, balance and success. The problems are not specifically caused by Crypto-currencies, but are part of the messy power battles that already existed on Earth before Crypto-currencies existed and which Crypto-currencies have inevitably gotten caught up in by default.

Here are some points that many self proclaimed cypto 'experts' commonly deny or are unaware of:

  • Crypto-currency can only exist if the technology exists to create the currency. Therefore, the currency relies upon mass mineral mining, factory production and legions of people involved with creating this new 'pseudo money'. People who work 'for money' to then help you 'make your own money' to then 'buy the things these people are making' - Do you see the cycle of futility here? All that is occurring on the physical level is that some people are using an increase in Earth's resources to attempt to escape physical labour while others are doing their part for them in factories. If we desire real balance and to not just re-create the same type of imbalance that the banks have created previously, but in a more distributed form - then we need to think differently.

  • Much of the minerals and materials used in the technology is mined by children in Africa in conditions which can only be called literal slavery (e.g. the coltan used in laptops and cellphones - See this video for more info:

  • Many of the factories that make the equipment in Asia also involve slavery type conditions and are FAR from FREE.

  • Crypto-currencies can be bought, mined and held by anyone - including those who are generating fiat currencies from NOTHING. They can essentially fill warehouses with mining computers and create crypto-currency far faster than anyone else - if they choose to. so this is in many senses, just making the situation worse - increasing the slavery, increasing the raping of the planet and for what? just another twist of the knife of those who's greed is projected as 'a smart business move' from 'a quick thinker'. quick thinking is not wisdom. See the following video for examples of this in action from China:

What is the result of this overall? Is this really an improvement? Or just more of the same in a new form?

It is clear to me that while Crypto-currencies are helping liberate some of us into more enjoyable ways of living, it is simultaneously true that many other individuals are put under more pressure to slave away - So I cannot say that in my heart I see and feel this to be an improvement overall.

Both the fiat currency approach and also the Crypto-currency approach are both fatally flawed in different ways if we desire real balance and neither can bring us to the balance that is needed for our well-being.

True balance and abundance needs us to move towards FREE, not CURRENCY! We need to move towards HARMONY and not COMPETITION. These are changes which start in the heart, not in a calculator or spreadsheet.

We will no more find health sat on top of a giant stack of coins, than we will with a giant stack of encrypted pseudo coins if the environment can no longer support life after being 'mined' to a point of non-return by 'minds' that known nothing of love, balance, heart values and what they and life truly ARE.

money eat


In general, we must be open to freely think again, to feel more and to remember/learn who we truly are. This is a required beginning for wise and enlightened actions in life.

Realise that money is only a symbolic arranging of atoms which is intended to facilitate exchange and the exchange can occur with or without money. Notice that one of the results of using money is that deals are made 'for money' which would not other wise be made at all (and which go against the true needs and desires of those involved).

If, instead of compromising to 'get money' by doing what we do not need and want to truly do - we instead choose to only do what is truly needed/desired to be done - through direct conscious agreement of those involved - the needed heart connections can be made between people, which were lost long ago. In this way we can begin to find the real worth and value of each other and 'put stock in each other'!

The heartlessness of modern society can be seen not just in the way the homeless are abused and in the faces of those who have been raped and tortured by heartless regimes. The heartlessness can also be known in the face of the airline stewardess who pastes on her war paint to always appear 'happy' while inside she is heartbroken. The heartlessness can also be known through the criminal 'politicians' who steal and plunder from anyone and everyone as they attempt to 'further their goals', while entire nations starve to death.

In short, understand that ultimatelymoney is not real, period.

Only through living with actual reality, which includes all of the wealth of your own true feelings, can we know who we are and what is needed for us in every moment.

Walking bare foot, to connect to the earth, also connects us to our own soul - it is no accident that our language describes the bottom of our feet as our 'soul'. We are going to need that soul awakened much more than you need some NUMBers!




Thanks Ura-soul, this type of discussion rarely emerges when considering crypto. It's easy to forget where the resources for our gadgets come from (eg. cobalt in the Congo) and the true cost associated with it.

Yes, the marketers of 'things' on Earth have a lot to answer for!

indeed great points often overlooked regarding mineral and human resources. cryptocurrency isn't a perfect solution to our human misgivings of abundance, but i do feel it's a step in the right direction toward a moneyless civilization. decentralization and debt liberation are needed to get things rolling for us!

Great post. Thank you for the reminder. Re-steemed.

You are welcome! thanks!

Really good and well balanced article. The 8 richest men in the world have the same wealth as 50% of the global population. Greed is out of control and often celebrated and applauded.

I intend to give all of my money away while I am living and put it towards helping others. I'm keen to hear more of your suggestions on how we can change the status quo. Upvoted and followed.

Thanks for your support and noble intentions. I was already following you :)
All beneficial change starts in the heart and so the most powerful first step is to learn to start thinking and feeling using our own hearts - I have an ongoing series here on that topic that starts with a meditation: https://steemit.com/life/@ura-soul/heart-healing-series-1-a-guided-healing-meditation-from-the-heart-3
I also have a series here on how to stop our own slavery that I recommend exploring.
This is essentially the biggest topic there is, so I cover this in many ways, from several angles and post regularly here on it all.

Great article man, agree money and welth brings the worst in people

Thanks! I think it is important to redefine what real wealth is.. Love, health and balance are a great place to start when defining our real wealth :)

To me the biggest problem of cryptocurrencies is still a secure and reliable way of storage. That is why I still feel compelled to leave my money in a bank account.

what problem?

Nice post! good writing! Thanks for sharing.

Thankyou for your kind words, you are welcome!

Very challenging article

Great Post


you received a 3.00 upvote from @worldclassplayer

Thanks again!

Nice post. Thanks for sharing!

Upvote and resteem :)

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