From the Crow's Nest of the North America, Counter-White Supremacy Report, Volume 16, 2022

in #law2 years ago (edited)

The United States have already lost and given older master tapes to neo-nazism ..recordings made their way from compromised American security, through to Scandinavian countries where they are reproduced as new vinyl in, you cannot do that without the master tape.

I have a technique for lowering noise floor that is novel to me at least, even that does not recreate information that was only on the master tape before it had cross-magnetisation between windings of tape.

I am curating digital forks, since very old tapes are often unusable, some of these may become the best available transfer archived.

64-Bit Dizzy Gillespie - Manteca/ St. Thomas

1:00 am December 25th 2022 ..I awoke to find, no one owned Dizzy Gillespie's - Manteca/ St. Thomas, apparently I do (this feels awkward, it is multicultural but also black history).

First the song says "I gotta go back to Georgia" ..I am from French Canada and have never been across the border, why should I possess a piece of Jazz/ Black history? I found a pair of underwear, written "Dizzy" on them. Could I give it back in some ceremonial form? ..or trade like a baseball card, for American promotion skills/ resources? ..hmm, back-burner till I know which choose to choice.

Dizzy Gillespie about Chano Pozo and Manteca's story

While working on Glenn Miller's "In the Mood", to make room for a Charles Mingus song.

Nazi symbol-wearing constables are still in patrol cars across North America ..SHADDAP useless 455H0L35.

Stop taking money to help the enemy, those traitor faces are FAR from forgotten. They thought no one was taking names, during the two decades of war and international crimes.

SCORE for the archive this morning ..a 2 1/2 hour 50's collection, AAD transfers from 1993. I just cut the tape to open the collector's case ..MINT discs ..AND most of the tracks are not on the American Graffiti Soundtrack, the stuff I do not already have.

Plus there is a 4 disc collection, an ADD production from 2001 ..ADD is tricky, digital mixing was not always a benefit to the music. I have to listen to the productions, some ADD albums are good but not as many as the AAD (analog record, analog mix, digital master).

Master tapes from the 1950's, are in much worse condition than in 1993 (cross-magnetisation of tape on the reel) ..a way-back machine. Vinyl can be better but that depends on having a mint piece of physical media, that is free of noises (for archival purposes).

50 Minute Hippy Hop Mix

..Grandmaster Nancy and Sista Flash, will help u break it down and shake ya 455.

Stumbled upon those two

while searching for ..I am not sure what ..Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Collectors (actually it was Travelers) ..the best my memory could manage.

F the Nazi spelling imposed, it should read TraveLLers ..YouTube tries to correct me, when I am correct to begin with (two Ls) ..bunch of lawless nutcases that should able to spell prior to being artful about language. Ever notice they put a bloody Z on everything rather than an s in most cases?

I edited the Grace Slick singing backward at Woodstock part, when I woke up there was a note next to my coffee ..that a friend (Gloria) had passed away. They were "out of machines" I overheard, I will likely have details when the dust settles. I investigate everything rotten, caused by the millions who help the Nazi symbol-wearing enemy. 50 Minute Hippy Hop Mix

Had not seen this, catching it now...

Many are needlessly dying of cancers and sickle cell anemia. Our family and friends suffer because the majority would not stop committing crimes against people such as myself during the war no life-saving technologies for the majority, the same group that will not admit their two decades of attacks destroying my immediate family and myself. Every roll of the eyes causes more loss, suffering and death ..I cannot stop all of you.

Cancer and SiCk73 C377 4n3mi4 are dead ..each eyeroll = another victim, for the past seven years now.

My voice has never been so beat-up, from yelling at Nazis happens often because the majority absolutely REFUSE, to help me fight against the Nazi symbol-wearing constables and detectives in patrol cars. Death's Head is also a Totenkopf, a Nazi SS symbol currently used to identify Axis FORCES ..Allied nations have services ..and laws ..but all those nations are currently infiltrated by global white supremacy ..since Wernher Von Braun and his pals had every North American drooling at the Moon, rather than PREVENTING THE NAZI CRIMINALS FROM SETTING UP SHOP at the CIA (est. 1947, American bigot brigade and assorted Nazi war criminals FORCES).

Sickle cells everlasting because of sicko cells, sociopathic groups ..I am not asking but stepping confidently to the goal toast ..hashish in coffee every day. Duh ..I (the runtiest) grew three inches taller at the age of 36, ingesting cannabis with multivitamins and medicinal plants.

It is not a search for Nazi gold that is important but the realisation that paper and plastic currencies are not backed by real assets, that is one of the war crimes of global white supremacy that has persisted and thrived during more than seventy-five years.

Nazi symbol-wearing detectives in their cages ..or kill me. You denied us victims a legitimate defence for two decades, while you harboured the American white supremacist infiltration (Axis taskFORCES wearing Nazi symbols under their armour). THIS IS IT! put the enemy in their cages ..or kill me before I reach them.

I received the news, friend and mentor Dr. Don Cox, recently passed away. It is tradition to fire the cannon, after a loss ..the professor shall fire his own. He often recounted, his time spent enduring the duress, of lies and a case at the Supreme Court of Canada.

16-bit digital recordings related to crimes, can now be further enhanced. One song surprised me, I had no idea it contained tambourine samples ..on the CD, they sound like wooshes mixed-in with the music.

Imagine having to repeat oneself 150 times, for each of 30 million individuals ..that is the workload I am facing, without the participation of my countrymen.

I handle most fabrication without filters, where possible. As with better, cheaper chem fab technique of the nineteenth century ..sediment and decant, using only glass vessels. The minimal resources invested in the development of non-psychopharmacologically active, oxidised phyto-cannabinoid concentrate. A phyto-cannabinoid concentrate, that can have a purity suitable for use in medical equipment. THE FOLLOWING IS WHAT CANADA INVESTED TOWARD THE TREATMENT OF LEUKEMIA, chronic endogenous cannabinoid deficiency in bone marrow biochemistry, allowing the proliferation of cancer cells and eventual metastasis of a localised cancerous mass ..complete with it's own vascular system.

Archiving techniques, a lower noise-floor using digital processing. This song is sourced from a 1989 Jazz collection ..on CD. I am afraid to announce, the noise-floor seems much lower, lowering a noise-floor after the fact, is/ was considered heresy (impossible this case, metering and math can confirm). Preparing myself to master my original electronic music compositions, that remain unpublished since the 24-bit era, one decade ago. The ten-year wait, for better codecs I hoped would sound at least as good as vinyl.

You are stuck with me for as long as you protect the enemy, I represent the independent Canadian military myself, for two decades. Wearing-out my second pair of leather Canadian military boots, one pair per decade ..I grew taller in them, at the age of thirty-six ..because you malnourished the injured, for an entire decade.

Most of you probably would kill me, to not have to admit your part in two decades of global white supremacist war crimes ..that is also why you have yet to cease making victims of the Canadian populace, on behalf of the invading enemy.

How come you do not make the connection, between public service and the victims of two decades of war crimes, that ALL failed to denounce? ..AWARDS!! (participation prizes, for two decades of war crime while implementing cruel and unusual punishments) ..LoL ..first your colleagues need to understand what the victims remember about them each morning, noon and night are FAR from forgotten. Justice's Execution

Your sociopathic groups and "public servants" play stupid everyday, to escape accountability for their collective crimes against victims, that is the only thing you accomplished for Canada during two lost decades.

A dishonourable, lying pile of garbage, the victims must clean-up for you while you create more tragedies by indulging collective denials (Neo-Nazism repetitively denied).

In the toilet, along with lives lost to Leukemia and other types of cancers, for not less than seven years ..because your dishonourable colleagues prefer to abuse and destroy victims while legitimising false claims. EXPLAINED, BIOCHEMICAL LOCALISATION OF CANCER CELLS

Happened here in the nation's capital, none reported and no one cared (you are an evil populace) ..because you pieces of trash, are too self-important to help. [1H NMR Analysis of Non-Psychoactive Oxidized Hydrophilic Phyto-Cannabinoid - CB2 Agonist Concentrate (Proposed Treatment for Leukemia)] (

Creve Nazi, plus vite (..expire Nazis, faster).

Evidence? problem, millions of destroyed lives and families remain under a carefully-curated carpet of false declarations, similar to the records kept by the Nazi populace during WWII ..they used IBM to kill victims faster, the same is true concerning the recent two decades of global white supremacist war crimes.

Everyday I am at war, while my countrymen help the American white supremacist infiltration. 30 million unCanadian pieces of trash, that take selfies around the globe, using loot they acquired alongside the enemy.

Les enfants attarders du quebec, sont pas moins que six millions, tous bourrers de victimes musulmans et quebecois qu'ils ont mangers, durant deux decennies de nazisme globale.

The white supremacist retard-children of French Canada, are not less than six million, filled with Muslim and Quebecois victims they ate, during two decades of global Nazism.

How am I supposed to take your interrogation seriously, while you wear a white supremacist militia (Axis taskFORCE) training t-shirt, complete with two lightning bolts on a Nazi helmet atop the Totenkopf (Death's Head)?

You had better investigate and put them in cages, before I catch them.

I have an art mural planned, I call it "Nazi's Last Bad Idea." Made with the same hair, teeth, blood and grey matter it cost us to survive the guilty for two decades.

So deep in a fight against the North American white supremacist retard majority, I wear-out my socks on both sides.

You will not always be able to isolate yourselves from the victims you destroyed and neglected, during your desperation amidst two decades of global white supremacy.

Hey Nazi-helping dimwit, your flag has "nein" squares upon it. Your constables and detectives wore Nazi-symbols under their armour while driving Ford patrol cars ..the infiltrated Canadian military, wore the upward-pointing blade from the cover of Hitler's "Mein Kampf."

I suppose the perpetrators are so lethargic, they do not notice nor care about the symbols they wear.

There has been no one to defend us, from your Nazi symbol-wearing colleagues, during two decades of war crimes in North America. ALL of you are guilty, for working against the law and implementing white supremacy across North America, by legitimising the fraudulent claims of perpetrators (99% conviction rate from accusations, lawlessness). I am going to hunt your white supremacist retard children, till they are all gone.

Forgive perpetrators? ..first they need to be stopped.

If you did not help the enemy, you do not need to worry about me finding your tail by following clues.

Convicted French unilingual terrorists, receiving funds from Canadian "National Defence." Cossette Media, National Defence, Islamophobia and the Cayman Umbrella

Three buildings, two planes, one collective lie and millions that failed to demand a contiguous incident report, of the events claimed to justify deadly force. Now they have to cough-up the Muslims they ate, with Nazi state-sponsored Islamophobic news publications at breakfast for two decades.

The majority ate victims, after two decades the hooks are set deep in their bellies and not coming out without killing the catch.

Turncoats even changed their names to help the enemy, fat lethargic mindless Nazi-helping trash. Lost partners, from before the war and loss of North America's independent security corporations, at the hands of global white supremacy.

ONE Swedish conglomerate, bought ALL the North American security corporations by 2002, Pinkerton, Burns, Wackenhut, etc... (fattened and deafened turncoats were not going to notice, ever). I could beat the shit, out of approximately thirty-million Nazi-helping Canadians at the moment ..BUT NOOO ..I have to use a keyboard instead (ARRGGH). FOUND: North America's Missing Security Services and Armoured Vehicles (locating the money trucks for the lethargic and awful who neglected to investigate)

I would take fingers and toes for each year of abuses suffered but the perpetrators made it ALL the way, past the twenty-year statute of limitations ..they do not have enough digits to finish the "calculation."

Where is the evidence? ..half you invented abusing pen and keyboard, the other half you planted, using bad people that wear white supremacist taskFORCE Axis symbols under their armour while driving Ford patrol cars. BURN ..scream traitors.

Kiss your cruel and unusual posteriors goodbye.

You did not suffer loss and harm with us, you helped the enemy, you are not our peers.

We have no choice to fight back, you do not defend us from the invading white supremacist enemy.

You made me walk for twenty years because of your war crimes, two broken legs await one of the traitors.

What do you think is going to happen to the red and black traitors, that grew fat attacking us on behalf of the enemy? ..those are some of the bad people that helped you destroy our communities, for extra privilege.

Canada is not proud? ..instead it seems they hate me and will not stop attacking with collectively legitimised fraudulent claims, supported by justices that are not capable of better contemplation than mischievious/ murderous white supremacist children ..terrorists in robes of authority they can never command. EXPLAINED, BIOCHEMICAL LOCALISATION OF CANCER CELLS

Everyday I wake, to kill Nazi symbol-wearing constables, detectives and those who failed to denounce injustices for two decades while abusing of authority on behalf of the enemy. I have too many untreated broken bones ..I have not been allowed to see a doctor that would treat my wounds and respect my dignity as a human being (turned away from ER with untreated cranial fracture). I will not negotiate with those who ate Muslims and helped the enemy, they do what they are told ..or else. Computing the Five-Millionth Power of Sixty-Four (64^5,000,000)

Targeted are the fingers of those who carried firearms to use against Canadians. I happen to remember their faces and dilated pupils, they "got off" on it, working for the enemy.

Cruel and unusual punishment ..Canada failed the test during those two decades, says the dirt on the clean glove.

If it means I am granted the liberty to defend myself, from the taskFORCE agents of white supremacy, that have worn Nazi symbols in FORD patrol cars for the last fifteen years of "cruel and unusual" punishments in Canada ..SURE, I will sign and pledge but still be the Canadian who contributes, yet was judged to destruction by war criminals in positions of authority they do not command. The perpetrators tried to BS the other victims and myself to death repeatedly, for two decades.

If you are a guilty individual that ate Muslims and vulnerable Canadians for two decades, then why should anyone care what decisions you make?

Where U going to hide them now ish-heads?

Conclusion: Output to terminal in base Mega complete @ 8:02pm. Computing the 5,000,000th power of 64, started @ 5:44pm completed when output began @ 7:47pm. The first operation (seven digit exponent) took two hours and three minutes, the second yielded fifteen minutes of base Mega streaming to the terminal.
Computing the Five-Millionth Power of Sixty-Four (64^5,000,000)

I finally know what to call it, a calc-u-now.

Remembrance Day Release: Base Mega Conversions and Novel Mathematical Methods for Protocol Implementations (everything but cryptography).

Base Mega (bM) related equivalences that convene universal computing and translation. New computing operations are possible, given the novel mathematical method.

Base Mega = 1,000,000 (10^6)

UNICODE = range of 1,000,000 possible multilingual characters and special purpose graphemes.

WOW! 10^6 / 8 = 125,000 ..and no remainder!
/ 128 = 7812.5
/ 64 = 15625
/ 256 = 3906.25 (256 units per 8-bit byte)
/ 65536 = 15.25 (16-bit word)
/ 16 = 62500 (16 units per 4-bit nibble)

In actuality (@ first test) the method achieved a 60% reduction in file size. With zip compression (another 30%), data was reduced to 1/10, 10% of the space required by the original.

Maybe an even better compression ratio is possible. We know that one million UNICODE characters or units can be represented by only one order of magnitude in Base Mega.

More interesting Base Mega domain related nifties:

Two orders of magnitude in bM = 1,000,000 * 1,000,000 = 10^12

A one trillion unit 2D matrix, also = 1,000,000 * 1,000,000 = 10^12

One order of magnitude in Base Mega divides evenly into:
A 1000 * 1000 2D matrix
A 100 * 100 * 100 3D matrix (interesting, multiply three 8-bit values)

Remembrance Day Release: Base Mega Conversions and Novel Mathematical Methods for Protocol Implementations (everything but cryptography).

Base Mega, the million box...

I removed the blackened center from my poppy because I know that Canadian flags, emblems, shirts and vehicles are currently still affected by the Nazi decorators that helped the white supremacist infiltration and invading American enemy, that has already entirely thwarted the independent Canadian military (Vimy 1917).

AWESOME, one Euro that is helping sort the Nazi-helpers from the honourable.

Quebec's mosque shooting solved, a group paid millions, possibly billions to shape and groom the mind of the perpetrator.

I am glad to not waste time repeating myself, I have a prepared note as television chefs do ..else I cannot host and serve so many. Cossette Media, National Defence, Islamophobia and the Cayman Umbrella

For two decades, two religious cults attacked the other ..and I still would rather not be imposed by ANY of the bad people hiding behind religions, while they abuse the edifices of justice. From what I can see of the aftermath from the international "schoolyard fight" ..the most bigoted Catholics joined their Jewish counter-parts, in maintaining false accusations and attacks against the entirely innocent Muslim people defending their own homes and families. Millions were paid from Canadian National Defence contracts to Canadian media corporations producing Islamophobic publications during the war. Gullible Canadians took the dirty American "secured-funding", for me to come along and find it later, under a Cayman umbrella owned by the American neighbours (I see that the US/ CIA, stole-back the monies promised to the Canadian traitors ..twice-grifted greedy Canadian turncoats).

The "five-eyes", the global white supremacy monster, Axis FORCES ..the Allies had SERVICEmen. Two decades of "EH? HEIN? QUOI? WHAT??" etc...

Watch but practice independent thought ..sounding better but I know there are seventy-five years of Americans "earning" a living by exchanging silence for money ..if they were not guilty, there would be nothing to hide and no paycheck for the millions of cheap-hearted North Americans that supported and profited from global white supremacy. The American bigot brigade, more toys and resources than ethical ability to know what to do with the materials.

I was malnourished in French Canada for more than a decade, after a fracture at the back of my cranium was left untreated by ER staff (I was told to leave, I had to ask my father to clean and disinfect the wound). The populace lie at work, false declarations contributed to the retardation of my physical development. I was 5'2" till the age of 36, when I began to grow another three to four inches taller (fun to see the measurement sticker when leaving a store, about 5'6" now).

I lost two decades of my existence in the land of poutine, white supremacist emblem-wearing detectives, testosterone-injected constables and 2x4 mafias.

I would like to report a crime ..there has been nowhere to report a crime for two decades.

Democracy and dishonesty = redundancy

I have not been allowed to vote for the past three elections, I believe NOTHING that emanates from the faces of my fellow Canadians at the moment ..most look like the enemy to me, even family that helped them during those two decades.

The majority do not work with me, they are too busy hating immigrants and not digesting the Muslims they are not willing to admit having eaten during two wasted decades. I have to solve problems for them but they do not want to share resources, nor confess their part in two decades of global white supremacist war crimes.

Owls are birds of prey, I would hope legal representatives are more evolved, capable of ethical contemplation and respect for human dignity (two decades of Canadian traitors and war crimes suggest otherwise). After surviving two TBIs in a lifetime, I am the individual accomplishing the research and investigation necessary to end the war crimes being perpetrated in Canada each day. Traumatic brain injury is frustrating, other human beings seem careless in every way.

I can correct myself, they are not a "band" of heartless people but an ORGANISATION of careless individuals, a hierarchy of "bad guys."

Despite the ridge of fused bone at the back of my cranium and the ambulance/ police reports, Her Majesty's representatives remain adamant, denying the existence of the fracture. Fifteen years, malnourished till I began to grow at the age of thirty-six, before a Quebec tribunal. I arrived tall as the shortest female lawyer, ended those proceedings three inches taller than when I began.

There was blood-splatter on the wall where I was hit from behind, I called myself an ambulance with a fractured cranium. I was walking to the hospital when the paramedics arrived. They did not allow me to walk but did not stop the bleeding either. The ER nurse also chose to wait for a doctor before treating the wound ..I was bleeding for quite some time, without first-aid ..I walked to find the doctor myself in front of the elevator, he seemed busy and said I did not need to stay at the ER ..they should look UNDER the black and bloodied hair prior to telling a head-injury victim to leave (the ER nurse would not let me back in because I told her what the doctor said at the elevator). She fraudulently claimed, that she asked me to leave for having used profanity. The reality is I said "BANDE DE SANS COEURS!" on the way out of the building, AFTER being commanded to leave by the emergency room staff that later filed the false claim.

Hmph, a conviction rate of 99%, an idiot could roll dice and be correct more often.

Those who systematically denigrated and tortured the populace, claiming to have accomplished some form of contribution, are insulting the intelligence of this one who witnessed the scene and digested the horror each day. Some did not "digest" nor survive the incessant attacks.

A conviction rate greater than 99%, merits execution that would have spared thousands.

ALL justices have clearly neglected the list of cruel and unusual punishments, during their time enabling two decades of war crimes, suffered by millions of targeted Canadian victims.

Perpetrators swooped upon the victims, by legitimising two decades of fraudulent claims for the sociopathic majority, that failed to denounce injustices suffered by the targeted and minorities.

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