Computing the Five-Millionth Power of Sixty-Four (64^5,000,000)

in #dev2 years ago (edited)

Not many calculators are useful beyond nine or twelve orders of magnitude (digits). The Google guys, a maximum of twenty digits if I remember correctly any case, none of the online calculators can compute that ..the 5000th power of 64.


The "calculator" (very modular design) is shown here, computing the 50000th power of 64 then rebasing the value using the base ten to base Mega tool.


The p character symbolically defines the piped input from the previous operation in the series.

With the output in base Mega, the 500,000th power computed in one or two minutes.


Computing the 5,000,000th power of 64, started @ 5:44pm. Almost ten minutes have elapsed.

Oups, I happen to be rendering 4K video at the same time. I think the test is still useful, to determine what range of values can be computed at this point in history, given the state of electronic components and software technologies. An ordinary laptop by modern standards, is enough to explore further into mathematics.

The large exponent, is one part in the series of computations composed, that is then piped into the next operation by means of the p symbol. The base ten to base Mega tool, will rebase and output the value piped into it by means of the p argument/ parameter (after two decades of lawlessness and war crimes, I have no time for arguments ..logical debates, yes).


While waiting for the five-millionth power of sixty-four to compute Pro Tools. I suppose, to some that means the music will not be good. There are certain aspects of computing that benefited from open-source and proto-software. The mixing board circuit, has legitimately disappeared from the signal ..that much is over (waited a decade for worthwhile bit-depth and frequency response). Software is now providing a better signal quality, than dubbing through circuits and onto tape.

Conclusion: Output to terminal in base Mega complete @ 8:02pm. Computing the 5,000,000th power of 64, started @ 5:44pm, completed when output began @ 7:47pm. The first operation (seven digit exponent) took two hours and three minutes, the second yielded fifteen minutes of base Mega streaming to the terminal.


For comparison, 10^57 and 10^70 were claimed to be the approximate numbers of atoms in the Earth and the Universe respectively. Now there is a calculator capable of the precision necessary, to confirm or correct claims with domains (necessary math) that are beyond the scope of available digits in current computing technologies.


I have not been at liberty to speak easy, for at least a decade. I remember the internet before the war of the Muslim-eaters against victims and the honourable, that demand a contiguous incident report of the situation claimed to justify the attacks of global white supremacy and their willing collaborators of every cultural heritage (anything for a dollar, some to feed their family the expense of targeted victims, that have become the paycheck of the perpetrators).

Being traumatised by ten armed balaclava and Nazi symbol-wearing turncoats that worked for the white supremacist infiltration, certainly warrants the research and implementation of solutions.

Fifteen years of bad guys, wearing Nazi taskFORCE symbols under their armour while they were driving FORD patrol cars, denigrating and destroying the targeted victims (Nuremberg Defense, "doing their jobs"). Fraudulent claims and acts of Neo-Nazism, legitimised by dishonourable justices and the sociopathic mistaken majority. Many seem to prefer escape, without first coughing-up the Muslims they ate for two decades.

I went from programming a coin-flipping game and mechanic in C64 BASIC, to writing the mathematics toolset in Python under Linux. The logic for implementing base Mega rebasing methods and tools, should apply just as well under C64 BASIC. I keep thinking, the most secure system might be a C64, with a compressed/ encrypted tape drive. Randomisation and Gaming Mechanic Development Notes From 2020

Flipping binary coins on coffee break (randomisation mechanic), like the lost twoonie ($2 coin) in the pic presented along with the music mix shared above. Good practice, for comfort thinking in binary and set shifting exactitude.

If it were not for the Muslim community in Canada's capital, I would have had no opportunities for post-secondary education. At 16, I already had a good foundation, A+ service technician and Microsoft certifications. I saw a UNIX login, when teenagers rarely did, before attending college or university (BBS handle BlAcKpHrAcK ..kid with too much nfo). No one would work with me for two decades because I refuse to eat Muslims and the vulnerable. I was the security, a guard till the infiltration of Canada by the American white supremacist taskFORCE members. There is a partner that has not worked nor spoken with me since the beginning of the war in 2001 (he was wrong for not demanding a contiguous incident report, yet he is the one who will not answer my message).

A twenty-year challenge it seems. Mr. Zuckerberg has provided a mechanism, for meticulously recording the actions and selfies of those who profited, from the two decades of war and lawlessness.

It feels like the civic-duty portion of my career, has lasted two decades. Always working for free because those who would impose their authority at the moment, are far from knowing enough to gain my obedience.

First Test, Summing Fractional Decimal Values (double and quad precision surpassed)

Base Mega, Novel Mathematics and Compression Method

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