Las Vegas updates with Insider Trading, Censorship, 2 CIA Assets arrested, Crisis Actors Crowd Expose & neck wound healed & on CNN, Muzzle flash 2nd building of Mandalay Bay

in #lasvegas7 years ago

Please read and watch these videos and share.

"Blackstone is Saudi petrodollars being "recycled" back in the West. The black stone is the Kaabah."

Las Vegas CIA Assets Captured! Singing Like Canaries!
Please read this article and watch these videos including Crisis Actors, the woman wearing the Vegas pants 3 weeks before hand at a school shooting.
2 CIA Assets in Custody.
Timothy Bates was Gun Runner for Paddock & was recruited by him.
Scott Edmisten, accomplishes highly skilled machinist removed serial #'s from guns.
Vegas False Flag was delayed on September 24th at the "Life is Beautiful” concert by Timothy Bates.
Those loyal to Trump were overpowered by those in the CIA, FBI, MI-5, etc. and Deep State and continued with the Vegas attack a week later.
From the article:
"In knowing how the CIA had implemented its “9/11 Playbook” during the 11 September 2001 attacks, this report says, SVR intelligence analysts became alarmed when, on 23 August 2017, “deep cover” elements within MI5 created a YouTube channel they named Anaconda Malt Liquor 6—that was followed a fortnight (2 weeks) later by MGM CEO James Murren (who runs the Mandalay Bay Hotel complex in Las Vegas) suddenly, and without notice, divesting himself of 80% of his shares—with Murren, also, noted to be an avowed hater of President Trump, and supporter of Hillary Clinton—which, in turn, caused MI5 to post a cryptic 16 September video to their Anaconda Malt Liquor 6 channel on YouTube warning that Las Vegas would soon be attacked by a CIA “false flag” operation."

Las Vegas Shooting Coverage - Corporate Media Trying to Silence Alternative Media by End Times News Report

“In this clip, Jason Goodman of Crowdsource the Truth talks with me about the corporate media's efforts to silence alternative media journalists so they can maintain a stranglehold on the news industry and limit the public's access to information.”

The Doctor Of Common Sense Channel Has Been Terminated By Youtube For Speaking The Truth

Needs to get on BitChute, DTube, Minds, Gab, Steemit. "Time for Class Action Lawsuit on YouTube."


The Crowd runs before the shots were fired. Listen for the Starting Gun to Cue the Singer.
Watch the Security Guard get a Command in his handset then tell the actors they can go now.
Comments from Viewers: “At the 2:31 mark, the guy without a shirt says, it's fake.........He says something to another guy there and that guy replied, "it's gotta be, right"?............Then that guy without a shirt said, "it's fake".”
“@2:49 you see the cops are ALREADY blocking traffic (off to the left, if you put it on 0.25 speed you see the flashing lights)”
“Those two sellouts women crouched before the car at 00:42, laughing.”
“A craftily edited piece to give the impression that they were the first shots. In fact, the first shots had already been fired, the band already run off the stage and the stage lights already down. People were in "WTF was that?" mode. It was when the firing resumed that they knew.”

Exclusive Video Tour & Breakdown of "Lone Wolf Sniper's Nest" - Room 32-135 by HighImpactFLix

"Suspiciously, Media and government officials reported the "lone wolf" story WAY too early. They report that Stephen Paddock occupied Mandalay Bay Hotel Room 135 on the 32nd floor. In this video, you'll get a tour from Jeff Bridges with a step-by-step walk through of that floor and that room. Share everywhere."

Devil in the details Vegas Cab by inTruthbyGrace

This view only occurs in one place in all of vegas, how perfect for it to appear exactly midway through the cab video, just in time for the driver to pick up her passengers!
Luxor pyramid & obelisk in the middle where she picked up the passengers.

Fill in the Blank: "Never Let a Good C_ _ _ _ _ Go to Waste" by HighImpactFlix

"The odds are never in your favor "

Miracle in Vegas!!! Head Shot "Victim" Survives Round to Head!! by HighImpactFlix

Why Isn't MSM Talking About THIS Footage From Vegas?


Comments from Viewers: “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16:26
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36”
“Yes, he lost the boot but the glasses are tight.” No blood, swelling or any kind.
“If he wears cowboy boots then monkeys fly out of his ass too.”
“Wow... people believe anything.. without thinking at ALL...”
“Ever notice how these crisis actors are always shot in places that they can easily coverup? I.E. the chest, stomach, back... rarely are they shot in the face, teeth blown out, or fingers shot off... if this were real, people would look unrecognizable for a loooong time or at the very least permanently scarred. Oh and notice how they show him with tears on his face all of the sudden, and don’t show the moment when the tears actually come out of his eyes....”

100% Proof The Las Vegas Shooting Was A Hoax By Russianvids (DELETED BY YOUTUBE 2 HOURS AGO)

No time to throw people over the fence.
Bullet in the neck Crisis Actor can move around no pain, etc. just like the Aurora Colorado Shooting with Marcus Weaver waving his injured right arm.
Shows clip back in 1996 of how the government, police, & media working together as one to deceive the masses
Comments from Viewers: "Hahaha glad you could come on CNN after you were fatally wounded."
"This is horrible acting, shot in the neck no bandage, claiming the bullet is still in there. come on?!"
"The dude said he still has bullets still in his neck? Are you kidding me? The guy would be in the hospital for weeks trying to heal from that type of injury."

"If you believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ that Jesus shed his blood and died for all our sins on the cross, buried and rose again from death 3 days later you are saved and will go to Heaven forever. Good works do not save us, only faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ will. John 3:16, Romans 3:25, Ephesians 2:8-9 And 1 Corinthians 15:1-4: The King James Bible."

Insider Trading and Financial Anomalies Surrounding the Las Vegas Attack
Quotes from the article, more to read with charts and graphs:
"Bottom line: Beginning in early-mid September to this report, gun manufactures AOBC and RGR rose in price 23% and 21% (on higher trading volumes), while the shares of MGM fell in price by 11% (as $200 million in insider selling occurred).
MGM: Heavy Levels of Insider Selling
As the SEC insider transaction reports below detail, from 9/5/17 to 9/12/17, approximately 6 million shares of MGM were sold by officers and/or directors of the company, totaling approximately $200 million in proceeds to sellers. Included in this group is the selling of approximately 450,000 shares by MGM CEO and Chairman James Murren (a seller of size since late July) and who appears to have sold more than 85% of all holdings. We also see that MGM Board member Grounds William Warwick sold 176 million shares of his MGM stock on 9/6/17."

Aaron Neely Vlogs has a point worth following up on:
7:06, muzzle flashes out of the OTHER Mandalay building to the west.
-- exactly when belt-fed spray comes down.
just before and just after, 7:10, that flash is not there.


"The video shows a clear view of the shooters location. It also reveals that shots were fired earlier than previously shown in other videos. You can clearly hear what sounds like rifle shots BEFORE you hear the automatic, or "bumpstock" weapon fire. You will also notice the crowd is reacting long before any other video shows."

Other postings.

Las Vegas updates, petition, shooting at Bellagio hotel, proof of multiple shooters, key witness kills himself & daughter following FBI raid, crisis actors moving arms & no swelling, bruising, automatic rapid gun fire mirrored to Aliens film

Updates with Las Vegas, possible Paddock look alike video aftermath, Dan Bilzerian satanic vampire exposed, muzzle flash debunked 4th floor, analyzes and geoengineering

More details revealed on Paddocks ties with the Russian Mafia was CIA & FBI blowback, How his father landed with the CIA, CIA operation at Vegas Shooting, Trump tell all?

Las Vegas Shooting Hoax, Crisis Actors Reunion and other Crisis Actors, Victims Liveleak Breakdown

The Doctor Of Common Sense's take on Las Vegas Shooting, Gun Control

Las Vegas Shooting Mystery Woman Solved on "We are all going to die" and NRA siding with Anti Gun Control Measures, updates, & with New Madrid Faultline

Paddock’s Accomplice, Scott Edmisten Captured? CIA operation with G4S involved in False Flag Shootings present and previous, Deep State Censorship conditioning and programming

Real Story on the NFL/ National Anthem Story, Marketing for Military Industrial Complex, real enemy are Illuminati, Federal Reserve

Truth on Sports is Entertainment/Distraction as Roman Circus, it's All by Design by the powers that shouldn't be with NWO Agenda

Predictive Programming with Las Vegas Shooting as Illuminati False Flag mirrored to The Accountant, Jason Bourne, and Minority Report

Las Vegas was a FEMA drill, Gun Trafficking Gone Wrong, 2 Shooters, Paddock's girlfriend FBI Informant, former CIA Agent, and latest updates

Las Vegas False Flag event leads to Minority Report...Cui Bono? Loss of Freedom, Police State, Body Scanners like Minority Report

Las Vegas Shooter's name was posted 4 days before WTF? Proof Las Vegas shooting was done by two shooters at different locations

Las Vegas Shooting What's Next? Crisis Actors Complication, Hegelian Dialectic, Distraction from Hurricane Harvey, Irma, and Maria

Updates with Las Vegas Mass Shooting, Subliminal Messages, Muzzle Flashes, False Flag for next one

HOW THEY SPEAK IN SIGN LANGUAGE! (EDUCATION 2017), Freemason Hidden Hand revealed

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