All your knowledge is a waste !!

in #knowledge7 years ago

People of this earth, have incredible knowledge! So much knowledge, that we do not consider anyone superior then us !! Not even other human beings. Funny isn't it? But what we forget is that no matter how much knowledge we gain, we still cannot find the purpose of our lives, we still wander to earn pennies for our survival, we unknowingly help others reach their goals when we work for them day and night and forget that this knowledge was not only meant to help others, but to help ourselves first. What we forget is that, we compare ourselves to a king when we gain a little knowledge, but what we actually miss in all this scenario is "WISDOM" .

Wisdom is superior, it is the next version of knowledge. It is when you realize that the knowledge you carry is useless until you know where to use it and where not. Wisdom comes when you don't distinguish between right and wrong, but when you distinguish between two right options depending on the situation, values, other's feelings, and what matters the most to you.
Choosing between right and wrong is not tough, but we still see people around us, who are unable to do that, don't we ? And they still believe that they carry knowledge.

We need to open our eyes.... Until it becomes too late. Gaining knowledge in today's era is not difficult. We are blessed with Internet, books, newspapers to gain knowledge about anything. But all this knowledge is a total waste until and unless we learn wisdom. But who will teach it to us ?

Wisdom is a combination of knowledge, experience and understanding through intuitions. One needs to have all these 3 to gain wisdom. Do not worry, most of you have these three keys to open the door of wisdom, what you only need is guidance to make you reach the correct door and no, i will not guide you !! YOU will guide yourselves because we all are made of the same substance just placed in a different equation, but we all are one. We all are unique, totally different from each other but we all share the same soul, the soul of GOD. Being one with this universe, and still being totally different from each other might be hard for some of you to understand. Don't worry, you need wisdom to understand this and to find it, you just need to find yourself.

Stay connected to know how to gain wisdom. Some amazing awakening stuff is on its way. Until then, stay peaceful :)

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What do you think about wisdom and knowledge? Would you still run after gaining knowledge? Or would you atleast try to gain wisdom now. Leave your feedback in the comments below. I would love to know what you think about the same.

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