Concept No. 2 - KILL THE HESITATION (Collaborated) {Even if you think that you are confident, here is how you still unknowingly hesitate !} [Quotes + Poetry + Article]

in #poems7 years ago (edited)


Image source
Quotation on image by - @Himshweta

जाने क्यों में एक हूँ, फिर भी अनेक रूप हैं मेरे
कोई और हूँ रौशनी में मै, कोई और हूँ रात के अँधेरे में,
जाने किसका डर है, जो मुझसे इतने रूप बदलवाता है,
कभी इंसान, कभी हैवान,
कभी भगवान मुझे बनाता है ।
यूँ तो डरता नहीं में किसी से भी,
फिर भी जाने क्यों हिचकिचाता हूँ,
भीड़ के बीच में आके में, कोई और ही क्यों बनजाता हूँ?

मैंने देखा जब घुमा के नज़रे एक दिन,
जाना सब यही कर रहें हैं,
दुनिआ को जैसा स्वीकार है,
बस वैसा बनने में लगें हैं ।

ओढ़ के चादर तमीज़ की,
सब अंदर दुबके भेठे हैं,
पहन के घूँघट हिचकिचाहट का,
मुँह सील कर, सब सहते हैं।

धो डाली मेने ये स्याही एक दिन ,
और क्या निखर कर आया में,
जब ना सोचा मेने दुनिआ का,
तभी तो खुद को पाया में ।

हसें मुझपर लोग कई,
बहुतों ने मज़ाक उड़ाया,
पर जब शर्मिंदगी की जगह उनके साथ मै हसने लगा,
तब ही औरों को में भाया,

कई बार मुझसे लड़े भी वो
जब डरे लब मेरे, अब चलने लगे,
पर खुद में इतनी ताकत छिपी है,
ये पता उस दिन ही तो चल पाया ।

खोल दे सारे बंधन तू भी,
जब भी झिझक हो , बस एक कदम उठाना होगा
चाहे लोग हसें, या खिलाफ खड़े हो तेरे ,
बस कदम उठाता रहिओ ,
तेरे पीछे-पीछे फिर सारा ज़माना होगा ।


Image source
Quotation on image by - @himshweta


If you think your pain and suffering will make the God pity you, then you are wrong. No one is going to help you until you take a step by yourself. Do not hesitate. Do not fear what might happen. Take an action and deal with it later, because that's how you will behave spontaneous and thus will learn how to deal with situations instead of fearing it. You will learn how not to regret later about what all you could do at those awkward situations because you will start remaining in the present moment which is the greatest achievement ever.

Doesn't matter if people laugh, doesn't matter if they think you are stupid. Let them bury in their narrow minds, and you will grow simultaneously. You might be fearful of that slap from a senior, or that anger from your boss or destruction of your good image in front of the public ! F**k it !! Let it happen and still stay calm. Observe this hesitation that you feel everytime you are amongst people, or in front of someone you want to show yourself respectful. Observe it with calmness and see how it controls your actions, your words and your ego. Once you start observing instead of reacting, then you will give the right response and that's how you will win over this hesitation.

Let people do their thing but you bear it all but don't react, just observe. It will pass, they will forget but what will change is YOU. We sometimes think about these moments later on and imagine how we could resolve it with tact only if we knew it beforehand that this would happen. Didn't we had the same mind then, but still why do we get these ideas later on instead of the time when these were required. It is because later, there is no ego controlling us and because we are completely dipped in that situation even when we are not in it physically. Loosing our sense of present in the previous situation and now again is how we do it wrong.

We behave so different in front of each person, confusing our reality a bit more, carrying too many personalities in one body. Why? Because we hesitate to be ourselves, we hesitate, we fear. We care too much about our fake image that we forget our real identity.

So go ahead and find yourself, stop being what you are not, kill this hesitation which is making you someone else, stand up for yourself and then, people will wonder how you grew so miraculously.


Image source
Quotation on Image by - @Himshweta

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Nice post i am @djnoel nice to me you :)

Did you know the word 'person' comes from the Latin 'persona' that meant 'mask'? Just thought it might be relevant somehow! :p

Haha. Seems like Romans new that we are much more then the masks we wear and so they symbolized our name with the name - mask. How dumb we are to not understand it for so long :P Thank you for the upvote and comment :)

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