Buttulhu from the see of sorrow - or how to choose buttons for a knitted item

in #knitting6 years ago

Something different this #needleworkmonday … I am at a loss how to proceede. The eternal question of which buttons to use has risen from the deep see. It is grabbing with its tentacles of endless pain after my tender brain: should I use something funny, complementary, or muted and understated, should I choose a colour already in the knitted item, should I go for nerdy or sensible?

muddy forest größer3.png

This is not the first time I have problems choosing buttons for a handmade cardigan. When I am browsing other crafters finished cardigans I am always in awe how beautiful and sometimes daring button combinations they use. But me…? If I choose something daring, I afterwards love the photos of the cardigan, but in reality, often have nothing to wear it with, because the buttons are too “loud”. If I choose simple wooden buttons the cardigan is more wearable, but often I feel it gets a touch of earth muffin (in German there is the phrase ‘ökig’ which means: sustainable but bland and unstylish looking). Besides I hate don’t like to sew, so I prefer to use bigger but less buttons.

Although I have approx. 34 some unfinished pieces lying around, I started another cardigan. (The soft pink carding is still not finished….sewing….. perhaps you remind it from two weeks ago) I found some bright green wool in my stash and wanted to make a spring-welcoming jacket. Sadly, I did not have enough wool and (sigh 😜) had to buy some new to complement the green one.

muddy forest 1.png

In the end I made a cropped top-down sweater with a garter stitch yoke and a stockinette body in self striping yarn. Now I am finished and started to crochet the button band – I prefer crochet button bands because I think they are sturdier and faster to make – and noticed that again the wool will not suffice. I compromised and made the left band with the rest of the green wool and the right band with the variegated yarn. But before I can make the actual button holes I have to decide which buttons I should use….


muddy forest 2.png

Currently the small green ones are my favourites, but they are small. Really small. The smallest button hole I can crochet will be one chain wide, I am not sure if this will be to big for this tiny button.
My next choice would be the brown button with the carved flower – I simply like these buttons so much. But this is the combination I think is not very stylish.
The dark ones fit also very well, but it’s such a dark combination… (I want spring)
The buttons with the stars I think are cool and a bit nerdy, but I am unsure, if the cardigan with the star buttons will fit anything in my wardrobe (besides a black skirt)

muddy forest 4.png

You are all so fit in choosing wonderful colour combinations for your projects, so I would heartily appreciate your opinion 💕 💕



I enjoyed reading your post!! I too sometimes have a really hard time at choosing which buttons to use for a finished project! Although it will be easier for awhile since I lost a full size bag of buttons and appliqués! 😫🤦🏽‍♀️ Sorry about the side vent, now back to your post...

I personally love the small green buttons too! I love that they blend in but yet still stand out because of the shine on them! I am normally a woodsy button person but I do like to play around with colors too! I hope you can make the button holes work for them! 😉 Beautiful cardigan BTW!! Love he colors!!!

Loosing so many buttons - not funny! Here are buttons quite expensive (if you do not buy them via china on ebay) So this is a real loss. The same goes for appliques, which I handle like a treasure :-D
I made the buttonholes some hours ago, but haven't sewn on the buttons. I think it will go with the small green ones and they are big enough (Yeah :-DDD) Sadly I have again such sh** migraines (no yeah to hormones). I crawl into the bed now...

I agree! It is not funny loosing buttons or appliqués, I am soo heart broken but won’t give up looking for them!

Yay!! I’m so glad you decided to go with the green ones :D

Oh no migraines are no fun! You get you some good rest and I hope they stay away.

Hello my darling! First, I really like the color of the cardigan! He's so rich and bright) second, as for the buttons - I would choose brown. I think, they look good on a green background and at the same time they are not screaming. If you want a more versatile option, maybe even consider black buttons?

No don't tempt me with another option ;-D
I firstly did not liked the color combination so much and thought I made a mistake by mixing them so wildly, but right now I am with you and really pleased (thank you for the praise). An hour ago I made the button holes and the small green ones and the brown ones will fit - the decision has to wait till tomorrow (I have bad headaches .... again... mähhhh)
I think I will go to bed now ...

Oh, yeah, you know, you and I used to say that you often have to move away from the decision and just go to bed, and in the morning to make a decision on a fresh head. Goodnight! And remember-any decision will be correct! I believe in you)

Ich finde die orange farbenen wegen des Kontrastes am besten!
Das Gestrickte ist wunderschön geworden und ich liebe Grün! Das Stricken bei Kaffee & Kuchen sieht sehr gemütlich aus.
Danke für diese angenehme Einladung zum Handarbeiten. :)

Es war auch sehr gemütlich, vor allem da wir den Kuchen geschenkt bekommen haben. Es ist ein neues Cafe bei uns in der Nähe und ein ebenfalls neuer Mitarbeiter hat eine Torte beim schneiden 'zerstört', sie wurde dann als Probe zum Kaffe verteilt :-D
Schade das wir den kaffee nur virtuell teilen können. Ich hatte auch deine neuen Post gesehen, lag aber mal wider mit Migräne flach, da fällt mir lesen und vor allem sinnvolles kommentieren schwer. Ich hoffe es bleibt bei mir jetzt ok, dann hole ich das nach :-D

I thought the darkest ones were black, but you say they are dark brown...Hmmmm, I think black would be my choice, but really any of them are fine! I like the green and grey yarn combo!

Yes on the photo they seem to be very dark, but they are brown. Currently I have no black ones in my stash.
Happy you like the yarn combo... it was improvised and I forstly thought it will not fit. But now I am happy with it.

I prefer the brown one to complete the earthy colors you have here. Although the others blend in well except for the one with stars in it.

I think you are right, the star buttons do not fit so well (but I like the buttons themselves so much :-D) Thank you for helping me decide :-D

It's the best I can do :)

I would go green because of springtime. This is such a beautiful green that it needs something bright and cute. Anyway you decide is the best way - just my two cents.

Thank you for helping me decide (I will tell my decision next monday :-D) 💕

A lovely cardigan, @neumannsalva! As for the button, I think I will go with the brown as they enrich the colors in the cardigan.

Thank you for your feedback. I will write (hopefully) next monday which of the buttons made the race :-D

What a darling cardigan you have made, @neumannsalva! The greens are stunning! My favorite buttons for this cardigan are picured on the top right of the four square panel. I love the wood-look and the contrasting orange/brownish color. I completely empathize with your agony over button selection--I go through the same anguish when I am trying to select beads for my lamps!! You are not alone on this. Happy #NeedleworkMonday to you, my dear!

Thank youuuuu and I can imagine deciding on beads and pearls must be tough. Perhaps I would simply omit the deciding and start to play with them... you know like with marbles 😆) I considered this with the buttons too... but they did not roll very well.

Absolutely lovely cardigan 😁 I have this problem often - especially when putting buttons on my er-upholstered chairs! I find going crazy is all good fun at the time, but if you plan to wear the cardigan you might see it differently when that time comes. I would go with the dark brown ones. Good luck in deciding - please let us know what you went for! 😁

Thank you!! And I will let you know (hopefull next monday) I am also really pleased with this cardigan. I bought this patttern and modified it to fit me better. It's Carlise cardigan by Tara-Lynn Morrison. I like her designes very much.

Thank you. I think I also like it very much.... I want to put it on, but the sleeves are not seamed (yeah and the buttons) :-D

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