KillerPix Contest #13 • "Hands" • My two submissions

in #killerpix7 years ago

Hands game / Jeux de Mains



Mamiya RB67 • 90mm f/3.8 • Studio lights
Film Ilford Delta 100 • Homemade development Ilford LC29
2014 (c) Vincent Le Roy

The Story / L'histoire

[EN] : In 2014, I made a series about people who refuse to go 100% in love. May be to protect themselves. The series shows this through the play with the hands. Sometimes she wants to love you, sometimes, she wants to escape... Based on analog dark b&w photos, the story focuses on the Hands.

[FR] : En 2014, j'ai réalisé une série appelée "Jeux de mains" sur le thème de la peur de l'engagment de certaines personnes dans la relation amoureuse. Cette série alterne la volonté et le refus ou la fuite. Sur une base argentique, avec des noirs et blancs profonds, le point de netteté reste toujours les mains.

Thanks to killerwhale for the #killerpix contest


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All photos are my own property and under copyright

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Going by all my personal favorites from the #killerpix contest and giving them a well deserved tip!

thank you so much :)

Great fine art photo, true peace of work. Second one favorite.

thinking.....what should i reply....

i love this hands game. good photographer and a model may express a lot just with hands

Thank you @victorbz I will publish later the whole series :-)

sounds good ! i also will publish to this contest - photographs of hands always was interesting for me and i have a few images :-)

I am sure you have! I hardly can wait! Have a nice day @victorbz :-)

yeeeeeee ! weekend just started and i hope to go today and tomorrow with my film cameras

I will go sailing on my own :-) enough photos for the week ahahaha

oh this also sounds great !
last week i was to busy at work and shoot just a few shoots during my walk on of evening ! my hands are crying ! :-)))

ahahahah :-) I understand ;-)

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