Government Settles Case With Man Who Had His Life Savings Wrongfully Confiscated

in #justice6 years ago

Imagine working for your entire life and possibly saving up $40,000 or $50,000, only to have the government wrongfully confiscate it from you one day, leaving you with the responsibility of having to prove and fight for your own innocence and having to demonstrate that all the funds were legitimate before you could get them back.

That is what happened to one 64 year old man, R. Kazazi, who had over $57,000 taken from him last year when he was at the airport, planning to leave for a trip back to his home country Albania. And it's happened to many other innocent Americans, who have had their rights violated when they have had their property confiscated from them unjustly.

Kazazi was never charged with any crime.

Yet, he had been victimized to the tune of almost $60,000 and has been engaged in a legal fight with the government ever since, trying to get back what is rightfully his.

Several months ago, after the lawsuit was launched to try and get back his money, it was reported that the government had returned most of his money to him. He received at least $57,330 back from them plus interest, though he still maintained that he was short several hundred dollars.

The bench trial for his case had been scheduled to take place in December but now they've reached a settlement and it's reported that the government has returned an additional $385 to Kazazi, which is about half of what he had been claiming that he was still owed.

Like Kazazi, there are many innocent people who have been victimized by the unnecessarily broad and unchecked power that this controversial legislation seemingly affords law enforcement agents around the country.

As a result of the continued abuse nationwide, you can find various efforts taking place that have sought to push-back against, to reform, and to question the need for civil asset forfeiture.


Related Posts:

Wisconsin Man Has Life Savings Confiscated After Minor Traffic Stop

Courts Side With Another Victim Of Civil Asset Forfeiture

Civil Asset Forfeiture: Guilty Until You Prove You're Innocent


Its about time , I really hope this sets a precedent ! awesome post @doitvoluntarily , its unbelievable how often peoples rights are violated but they dont have the funds to fight them in court and think they will probably lose anyways going up against big government. Im so happy he won his case before going to trial !✌👍👍👍💁
upped earlier now resteemed!

apprec the resteem and support karen !✌

Awe thanks , your very welcome, same back at ya my friend!👍😉✊👌❤️

Posted using Partiko Android

Civil asset forfeiture needs to be reformed. It is so medieval.

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needs to be abolished 😂✌

Nowadays, nothing surprises is felt with power, this is unfair for those people who have given their whole lives to work and come out with that impotence

all who do evil will receive divine justice, today there is much evil without caring anything
thanks for sharing interesting post happy night friend

I think you are required to declare any cash over $10K when leaving the country.

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he admitted that he had been aware of the filing and was reportedly planning to do so on his layover to Albania, authorities also didn't note any attempt to avoid declaring the cash as an issue at the time when they seized his funds...they violated his rights before he had the chance. They were in the wrong which is why they lost and had to return the funds. He was also carrying that large amount in a carry-on with him, making no decent attempt to hide it in any way.

Yes, its a real concern now if you have cash or liquidity, or even operate your own business. All of these can make you easy targets for those hunting for plunder. The saddest part of all is that they know fighting for your property is so expensive that it often isn't pursued unless for hundreds of thousands or millions. In the case of your article, he had to spend more than the amount seized. I once got stopped with 900 dollars on me and the police officer was desperate to find a reason he could justify seizing it. Over 900 dollars he accused me of being behind "break-ins in the area." He also said that to have "that large of an amount of cash" I must be dealing drugs, then threatened to seize the money. Moments like that are when you realize how everything really works. Most arrests now end in plea deals, most police interactions are fund raising for the courts through ticketing. Most people cant dream of affording good legal aid and thus get public pretenders that encourage them to take any deal that is offered.


Reminder civil asset forfeiture rates of stolen property amount to more than all robberies in the united states

Posted using Partiko Android

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