Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 26 - - - - Thoughts about thoughts

in #justbecause6 years ago

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram


So.. This quest is going to be about philosophy.
More specifically, philosophical questioning.
Whoever brings us the best philosophical question as voted on by the judges wins this round!


Definition from a search on Google: The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.
Source: Google, no other source given by google
There is a lot more to the definition, that is all I chose to highlight.


          There is a lot to think about for this challenge, what part of or type of philosophical wanderings did I want to take. Like most people I have a lot of differing thoughts and ideas on different subjects, but are they really philosophical in nature, or just opinions? Is there a difference between the two? I think there is but would be hard pressed to explain the difference between the two. Perhaps if I went to a university and studied philosophy I would be able to easily explain the difference, but I did not go to school and study philosophy. I did graduate from High School, and I did stay at a Holiday Inn once. ;-} I do not think a person needs a lot of schooling to be able to think, and that is what philosophy is all about, it is about the thinking.

Source: This ancient stellar jewelry box, a globular cluster called NGC 6397, glitters with the light from hundreds of
thousands of stars. Credits: NASA, ESA, and T. Brown and S. Casertano (STScI) ; Acknowledgement: NASA, ESA, and J. Anderson (STScI)

In the Beginning

          Where did we come from, how did everything come about. Religion says it was God, science says it was a big bang. For me neither of those have ever made sense to me. I think it is a question we will still be asking ourselves when our sun goes supernova on us. It is one of those questions that we just have not found the correct formatting of to get at the answer. (We know the answers, it is the questions we have forgotten how to ask).

          If in the beginning there was nothing, then where did God come from, and what caused the big bang? There was nothing, look at how much there is today...or is what we see only an illusion? In the beginning something happened, something either created a God, or created an explosion, something Changed. So we may not know what happened, but we know something changed. We suddenly had "movement" in the Universe.

          Movement: "Newton's First Law of Motion states that a body at rest will remain at rest unless an outside force acts on it, and a body in motion at a constant velocity will remain in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force."So the question now becomes; If in the beginning there was nothing, was the nothing at rest or in motion? Today, there is nothing that is not in "motion", so was Newton correct in his theory and his first law?

          It is known, (or so scientist believe), that the Universe is expanding, if it is expanding then there is nothing that is not in motion, and if there is nothing at rest then Science/Newton, may be wrong in his first law of motion, either that or his theory was correct only the one time, and that was when something from outside the Universe had an effect on the nothing.

          That is just one of the many things that keep my mind thinking, speculation, philosophy, or opinion, you be the judge, we all things we think about, that is just one, another is the failure of science to be able to accurately measure the diameter of a circle...and is there a way to do so, or do we really all just live between the gaps, and our lives like the universe and scientific theory full of holes?

Here is the link to the IFC Challenge for the Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 26 rounds.

Click to enter the Discord Chat room!Click to go to the rules page

          Remember the IFC is mostly about having fun. I had to bring this one to a close, I could have just kept typing away on it, but I still would not arrive at an answer, more new questions yes, but until we find the right questions we can not get the right answers. I think this round that @apolymask created was very thought provoking.

          I hope I have not offended anyone, and just a short reminder we all have different views on many different subjects so I hope we can all keep an open mind on all the entries. As always, if you have any questions just about anyone playing or involved in IFC will try to answer, as best they can. So feel free to ask if you do not understand.


Great entry! A lot of good stuff there and I agree with most of it. I learned a couple things too!

"(We know the answers, it is the questions we have forgotten how to ask)"

That was interesting to read! I dunno if it's true, but it's a fascinating possibility to consider that I've been somewhat exploring recently. Perhaps we are just remembering things we already knew somehow.. I dunno.

Though I wonder if it is possibly to truly know a lot of these things or if it's sort of outside of our ability and our couple pound brains potential?

The world may never know.. Heh. Thanks for the awesome entry!

When you think about it, if we ask the right question we do get an answer. It is searching for the question that is the real test. Example why is the sky blue? 1000 years ago the answer because God likes blue would be accepted. Somewhere Someone thought to ask "I wonder what makes the sky blue in the day time and colorless at night"?, thus the search began for answers, yet every answer just led to more questions, the more we learn, the more we yearn to know more. It is through finding the right question that we really learn.

I agree and that's a really good point about how it is searching for the right question that is the real test! We can find all kinds of answers, though.. Good questions are a bit harder to come by! And unfortunately it seems like people are often too content with such proportions. I feel like a weirdo cause I ask so many questions, seems like many if not most people sorta just.. "Go with the flow".. But.. i think the more we can focus on questions, the more we can grow in a lot of ways! Sometimes the answer isn't even so apparent either, but just questioning for a while can help bring you to more aware understandings, and then hopefully in time even more!

Never thought about when there was nothing, was any of the laws of physics at work 🤔 That is probaboly getting into some quantum mechanics stuff and I could barely even begin to comprehend the basics of that science.

A real quandary, what came before nothing?

Isn't it fun in philosophy how one question just leads to another question? What if we and/or science finds the answer? Will we have any philosophical questions left to ask?

I think there will always be questions, the day we run out of questions is the day we die.

I loved the way your mind thinks? So many questions that baffle the mind abound the world. What outside force jump started the universe? And if God was the outside force, where did he come from? Why did he leave where he was before? If it was a big bang that created the universe, what was the universe made of before the bang? Where is every particle? 😂 too many questions.

I believe that philosophy like you said is thinking and as long as one can think, one can philosophize.
I philosophize a lot because am alone a lot, I tend to wonder at stuff. I had just posted a philosophical post, that one won't count. I will have to write another.

You have asked interesting questions @bashadow. They really should find the exact diameter of a circle. Lol

I think that is the biggest problem of the world, that little missing piece of the circle, it keeps tripping us all up. Contest votes are all done for me, so hope to get back to my normal routine of reading and voting tomorrow. I have missed not having time to read.

Lol... I feel you. I am supposed to be asleep. It is 3:37am but I am still wandering about steemit. 😂 Just reading and commenting. I can't even upvote. My VP is too low. I want it back on at least 90%. One needs to take advantage of this spike in steem price to give better curation.

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