Experimental Post Mood Analysis. First Test. 09/21/2022 tag: hive-172186

in #js2 years ago

Natural Language Processing (1).png

This is an experimental sentiment analysis of STEEMIT posts. You can read the development details in the post at the link: https://steemit.com/hive-153176/@alexmove/nlp-natural-language-processing-for-posts-on-steemit-experimental-nodejs

First Test
tag: hive-172186

Experimental Post Mood Analysis

titlescorec.positive wordsnegative words
Achievement 3 by ikramulalh430 Task Content Etiquette-11-1embrace best success prospects important thank success prospects important consentavoid losing expelled stealing avoid avoid avoid losing expelled offence reckless unintentional reckless stealing avoid accidental
Logro 3 por darkwolf2025 Consigna Protocolo de Contenido-15-2legalno no no no no no no sin sin no sin no no
Logro 1 mi publicaci n introductoria de Steemit por karina04-6-3sin no no sin
Achievement 4 Aplicando Formatos-7-1no sin leave waste no no
Achievement 1 introduce my self irukasensai00
Logro 2 diosmel Seguridad B sica de steem00activeno
Achievement1 Post by rabia1 My Introduction post00
Most beautiful girl in the world 202200
Hola soy enrisanti Me presento a la comunidad Steemit Venezuela00
Salam perkenalan00
Complete For Newbie Incentive00
Introduct my self00
Introduct My Sefl00
Revisi n de Steemit12favorno
Yam103prepared prepared popular prepared good desiredprevent
Achievement 2 Task basics security on steemit uses 122thanks like hope safe authority want secure savings like active active careful safe hope saveoffline losing stealing avoid offline emergency limited
Achievement 01 My introduction post125thank dear like attraction friend favorite favorite strength good support please friendangry weakness cock
Achievement 1 Introduction to Newcomers Community 14 09 2022 miftah884144useful interests join friend like expand love passion hope
Achievement 5 task 4 By Akareen Review Steemdb io144like reward reward top help help kind
Achievement 2 harithachamod Task Basic Security on Steem143active want active want want important important secures happy
My First Introduction post Achievement 1154improved good interest want support accept hope liked join easydifficult
How to enable Grammarly in Google Docs How to use Grammarly in Google Docs191like like successfully want top like top confidence clarity flawless helps great like helpful matter help improving useful save free want won please want easy topsentence sentence sentence mistakes no errors sentence error mistakes errors sentence sentences errors sentence error
How is Online Shopping better and cheaper inexpensive compared to offline shopping Is Online Shopping really efficient 197love thanks save great profit advantages greatest wish best save agreement yescharged no limits offline
Is it legal to buy weed in Sweden 22goodlegal
Achievement 4 by joynalabedin Task Applying Markdowns203thanks share helpful want like like free free free free free free important free like hope finedifficult no mistakes leave
Achievement 5 Task 2 by samueluche09 Review Steemscan com204thank easy wish wish fine easy like want want like top easy happy
Achievement 1 Introducing tango mike206cheers better free please interested like want opportunities convinced fair like interest nicebig challenge
Finding Legitimate Online Paid Survey Sites That Pay Through PayPal216want success good opportunity opportunity good opportunity ability good good good success good certain reach success great greatboring scams bad bad worry bad hard pay pay
Achievement 1 Verification through Introductory post shadat99246thank kind proud bless god matter like amazing help like joyous better join encourage pleasure great greatmistakes apology forget sorrow wasted difficult poor freak
Achievement 2 shubhamgautam00 Task Basic Security on Steem243thank want like interest rewards increase help yes prepared want yes yes respect secure secure advisable secure restore restore ability active active active want happydisasters fails hard offline no forget offline harm limited
Introducing myself249thank free love beautiful like like want best attractive beautiful hope
My first introductory post achievement 12411thank hope healthy accept like love lovely love love handsome
Achievement 1 My Introduction 2512accept fantastic hoping rewards kind love fine advanced thank good happy
The 5 Most Beautiful Places in the World2610astounding good famous charming great famous great like admire like avidleave hard
My Introduction2612thanks good useful hope liked good like like interesting free accomplishments like caring like interested peace wishhate hatred like
How can someone become a millionaire in digital marketing or in advertising 264thank want like favorite share best free active opportunities growth like free assets opportunity solving success successcuts disrupted
Achievement 2 donhal Task Basic Security on Steem275thank increase yes yes save save saved help safe ha great active thanks saved saved please greetingsadvisable easy
Achievement 1 My Steemit Introduction Post By theentertainer277friend luckily dream want love want like free like love interest best help stable like successful cute beautifulfire scam weak best
Achievement 1 Verification through Introduction by wisdom7511 13 9 22276wonderful welcomed hope like benefits friend carefree humble love share love victory wisdom cool true please greetingsproblem delay hurting
Achievement 2 Basic Security on Steem274successfully validate active yes validated active yes safe recommended best safe like save important save care influential important like active help yes active yesdrop drop offline failure hard offline offline harm limited
My First Introduction Post Achievement 12713healthy love encouraged like hope positive love care strength happy welcome hope
ACHIEVEMENT 1 TASK MY INTRODUCTION TO STEEMIT 13TH SEPTEMBER 202286thank like thank improve improve want want friend god like free likes fair wonderful useful thank gratefulno dislikes drop
Achievement 1 Verification through Introduction by rubaiyafatema 11 9 2022287thanks likes hope healthy want hope support kind support passion adventure like cool true please greetings
Achievement 2 mdmydulislam basic security on steemit 295thank great wishing pleased increase want want save safe ensure yes excellent thanks grateful useful gratefulignore
Achievement 2 Introduction of basic security on steemit Engineer Mazhar295thank interesting hope want increase want want active save safe ensure yes excellent thanks grateful useful helping gratefulchallenge ignore
Perkenalan pendatang baru achievement1 by cekbram31luck goodchallenge drop sore
Club5050 Achievements Task Completed On Steemit Regards By usmanjutt49 16 09 2022 306thank hope growth success benefit hope shared thank thank like respect dedication important hope grace fine perfectlyworry
Achievement 2 tango mike Task Basic Security on Steem315please cheers interested share free interest rewards increase help increase want safe trust friend natural like like secure good safe restore powerful want active active like please restore safe importance likedisaster hard lost restricted stolen vulnerable no
Achivement 1 Verification through introduction by amanatacca2020318improve help please help want good kind want best want like friend love like excited good grace hopewrong mistakes
My fast verification post Achievement 13211thank likes hope best wishing please help hope hope support good good kind kind best grace grace hopemistake struggle
ACHIEVEMENTS1 INTRODUCTION post by shubhamgautam00 on 14 09 20223310best thanks great opportunity granted pleased perfect improve join agree love sincerity like likes like gained like thanks enthusiastic happycrime difficult hate like dislikes
Achievement 1 My First Introduction Post 3310thank like wish hoping want support good friendly join favorite like support join encourage pleasure great grace fine grace hopewant hard struggle
Achievement 2 Basic security on steemit by anamika27344thank active like yes active want savings like yes saved active active strong active secure safe restore important recognition secure protects helps trust guarantee healthy hopedrop no prevents block
Achievement 4 by emmanuelfavour Task Applying Markdowns 347success encouragement best motivation better better god god want assets greatest succeed want want bless want prosperous successful success proactive chance luck responsibility successful successful successful certain successful successful successfulchallenge difficult pressure pay failure unsuccessful risk afraid unsuccessful risk unsuccessful unsuccessful unsuccessful successful alone unsuccessful
Achievement 1 My First Introductory Post349help please useful proud top healthy shared excellent appreciate share loves loved loves love excited excited wishes bestwrong hard hate
ACHIEVEMENT1 MY INTRODUCTION IN STEEMIT 17 09 20220o0op368grateful like love love hope want want love positively wonderful pleasure interested favorite favorite perfect calm respect solve adorable wonderful delighted hope dearenjoy bored stuck fake dislike problems fear leave leave difficult mischief
Achievement 1 Verification Though Introduction by farjanasultana 19 09 20223610sincere hope help passionate like increase help passion interested love interest beloved like wishes best like great hope
Achievement 1 My First Introduction Post378thank likes hope want help hope useful increased interest love grace wish famous famous beautiful peaceful welcome hope excited wishes bestmistake no
ACHIEVEMENT 1 MY INTRODUCTION 387help thank help support interest help luckily want love want great stable rewards attracted fitness passion favourite help fit free share fitness interests loved honest cute true excited greetingsno sad risk lack lost sad insane
Achievement1 my steemit Introductory post by sadeeq553812helping thank want love love love proud successful honored love blessing friend great opportunity great hope greetingsforget drop
Achievement 1 II My Introduction II 16 09 20223911thank forgive enjoy hope reach great want like like love support beautiful join love friend best grace good hope friend dearmistake
ACHIEVEMENT1 MY INTRODUCTION IN STEEMIT3918😊 pleasant great appreciate join fascinating useful reach cheerfully accomplish love interests interests great capability like love love
My introduce post Achievement 1 by sushanta83 20 September 2022 3915thank want support hope share want like encouraged wish love love good healthy favorite want like positive grace blessing hope dearhard
My Introduction Post To Steemit Mentored By ijelady399thank wish glad free hope blessing like love like favourites like like like delicious fresh like feeling nice like like like like like likes likes enjoyable friendly dearlike like kind like ignore like dislikes forget dislikes miss
Aimarketing43shared profit profits promotepay demand
My First Introduction post Achievement 1419thank thank grateful opportunity talent love favourite supporter honour accepted wealth happiness inspires like sweet great generous best fine god great gracepoverty sorrow incomplete disappointed
Achievement 1 Date 16 09 2022 Introducemyself post of steemit platform 429happy wishes best best active active opportunity big happiness big popular help proud support important motivated noble love happy love motivated love powerful best helping please growth better hopelost hunger difficult hard problems miss perfect wrong difficult hard alone
Achievement1 Introduction post by amdad22 14 09 20224213interested trusted popular joy favorite favorite beauty natural gained fun favorite natural beauty progress like good happy fine finewrong
Achievement1 My introduction post on steemit by nur e alam4212thanks join glad thank beautiful like best like like love favourite highlight favourite important easy interest peace expand like clean passion favourite good fine hopestingy lazy hate beaten
My First Identity post In steemit4410grateful help please likes hope help wish proud top healthy beauty shared excellent pardon please help hope support kind best join excited excited wishes bestwrong mistake no struggles
Achievement 1 Verification through introduction by abdullah168 20 09 20224513thank forgive please likes hope pray wish hope support happy impressed good best good heaven like advantage like competitive like help like good like likes like want like like happy like like like grace grace hopemistakes want mistake bad bad doom bad weaknesses dislike dishonest dislike dislikes no
My First Post Achievement 14714thanks help chance confident friendly positive strengths pleasure passion interest great best help want best love respected kind dream want enjoy sweet opportunity greatdislike
Free Survey Sites That Pay Through PayPal4810free want best amazed free best help free top good good opportunities good gift gift pay good join good free top accepted opportunity best free opportunitiespay pay pay
Achievement 1 My Introduction Post4811join friend loving friendship great friend amazing love better best like love stunning beautiful calm breathtaking lucky like fine great hopeaccident accidentally empty
Achievement 1 My First Introductory Post 4912help hope agree interested love approved hope share want love like support success success succeed want like share like like creative interested eager interest keen thrilleddemand hard
Achievement 4 by joynalabedin Task Applying Markdowns51easy important important important pleaseoverlooked mistake
Achievement 1 My First Introduction Post To Newcomers Community5012thank good wishing love love hope healthy accept help want opportunities like love love love cheerful friendly fun excellent pleased fun lovedmistake weakness
Achievement 1 My First Introductory Post 5611help dear hope agree interested approved hope love share want love like interested want opportunities popular support successfully success want interest love like favorite like favorite enjoying loved interest strong thrilled hopedemand poverty hard hard lack no died
Achievement 1 This is my introduction post to steemit Guided by ngoenyi5714great hope friend good accomplish hope like like compassion hope love passion good enjoyed friend helps fun bold strong kind great love beauty promise friend good goodpoverty dislike
Achievement 5 task 1 by samueluche09 steemworld org review579help grateful easy reward reward gain reward reward rewards reward reward shared reward reward reward reward reward reward reward reward rewards reward rewards rewards wish rewards rewards reward help thankfulcut
Achievement 4 by coucou1121 Applying Markdowns 5714useful hope help better better help improve helps ability improves like confidence better encouraging help kind confidence boost happy beauty better increase boost worth good better accomplish confidence worth confidence boostbad doubt
Achievement 1 this is my first introduction post5918like hope hope love beautiful welcomed hope support wish good hope help outstanding excellent good care fascinated favorite want like want greater responsibility success god grace wish bestunemployed
Benefits of using crypto in Lebanon63thanks reliable wish like adopt like certainpay pay fearing no
A SMILE TO CHANGE THE WORLD6016free peace happiness happiness bright happiness glad happiest glad happiest healthy smile smile beautiful smiling smiling smiling relieves smiling helps smiling smile funny love smile encouraging happiness smile smile smilehurt struggling strange contagious stress failed
Achievement 1 My Introduction 638help excitement responsible share enjoy helps help helps enjoy exploration enjoy haha love love loving yes favorite haha like yes good good honest like favorite fine curious good trust gain breathtaking favoriteuncertain alas stolen join pretty
ACHIEVEMENT 3 BY shubhamgautam00 task CONTENT ETIQUETTE82best help praise important advisable feeling fair fan protect promote free promote happyavoided forget forget accidental accidental rejection victim avoid bad
ACHIEVEMENT TASK 3 Content etiquette by tayon RE EDITTED VERSION 81convinced impressive desired carefully ignorant help kind creative sincere honest careful free inspiration kind fond gain creative kind important appropriate ability true like like reward accolade honor rewardno stealing wrong avoid sentences sentence avoid avoid accidental avoid accidental accidental accidental accidental lazy avoid wrong worst bad avoid steal granted unapproved illegal deceptive stealing
Achievement 1 Verification through introduction by ranichy5262 15 9 2293thank likes hope wish help hope support good kind best mercy grace grace hopewant mistake no suffering bad struggles headache bad suffered

Thanks for attention!

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