in #jivenevil6 years ago

Read through all the comments. Its bad enough we have been lied to and crapped on let's not do that to each other please. Not one of us knows for sure but we are getting closer. Let's work together. Suggestions to other sites are good, it's helpful but snapping at each other is non productive, let's play nice together. Geeeez ~Patsi Sota - 6 months ago

Unfortunately for you, it would appear the time to negotiate Mr. Steele’s suit has past, given the judgment against you for failing to respond. Frankly, this seems out of character for you, it’s hard to imagine you would fail to mount any defense, other than to claim you had not been properly served. Is this another tactic in your “active measures” portfolio, whereby you would “move around deception”?

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I really have little interest in the Robert David Steele suit, other than to gain a better understanding of who the various players are. From my vantage point, it appears there are bad actors on both sides so it makes me wonder: Who are the people working behind the scenes to cast this performance?

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I’m hopeful the RICO suit filed by D. George Sweigert will reveal more about what we have been witnessing on YouTube. However, I have to be realistic about it; i.e. it’s not likely we will ever know the true story. And for any thinking person who has been following this saga, the reasons for that are more than obvious.

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I can't believe he called me grimwald - et tu @hoaxwars ?

If anyone!Thanks for your frankness.

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there are more than two sides, even a coin has an edge. life is a tetrahedral, a four sided die. Three of the sides yield the same time-line while the fourth gives an inverse perspective, quite different from the mirror plane. Welcome to the fourth dimension, without time.

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