The Warning from FRANK BACON: Let's Talk | Nine Inch Nails - Ruiner (Reconstructed Re-BUILD) // REFORMATION
I've learned that effective sharing is not just telling people or retweeting but coming back for confirmation, so that’s what I’m doing with this POSTal by asking you to let me know what happens after I put out a POST and when you share yourself. I want you to be able to have confirmation, too, about how this process can work and how we can push through barriers and problems. I certainly can’t do better until I know what will help you move forward. This warning is for everyone, not just you and me. ~Kennedy - Published on Dec 21, 2018 SUBSCRIBE 1.3K
Source: My early warnings went ignored... here is another one for you.
The Kioskgosh, imagine when technology makes smellavision a reality. everyone can smell this smell, then later I'd share how oak smells like teaberry gum. then someone could share their rare farts.
The Kioskursabrina, the irony is my former job was for a corporate newspaper
Ursula Fox Sabrinamarieuhaha fair enough
Ursula Fox Sabrinamarieui jur
TheSpartan117 - 1 year ago
Once you go undercover... you are on your own.
Lets all agree that undercover was the last good nfs game.
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