Jerry Banfield (General Thoughts On Popularity And Social Success)

in #jerrybanfield6 years ago

This post isn't all about Jerry Banfield but he is relevant for this topic. I have been intrigued by social success and popularity for over 15 years. I'm not just talking about being popular in school but large scale popularity online or in the traditional media avenues. It is hard to really reverse engineer all the pieces to the equation that makes someone a popular person or someone who garners massive influence.

One piece of the equation is oftentimes someone who is very polarizing.

This isn't always the case for instance with someone like Richard Branson.

I have never really heard of people that despise the guy. He just seems like a likable guy who ended up being an unlikely success story. I love how he is willing to walk to his own beat and do things his way. I would say a STEEM famous person who isn't polarizing and in general everyone likes them would be @papa-pepper .

People who fall into the polarizing category include Trump, Michael Moore, Paris Hilton, Lavar Ball, and I would say STEEM examples would include @jerrybanfield @trevonjb @craig-grant . They have a significant number of people who like them and a significant amount of people who don't like them. To focus on what @jerrybanfield has done I have taken some time to sort of reflect on @jerrybanfield 's STEEM career and it is interesting.

He has over 39,000 followers on this platform and has on several occasions been the talk of the entire website.

How many other people can really say that? In a lot of ways despite being on here for over two years I'm virtually irrelevant. I'm not saying that to complain it is just reality. Yes I may have over 5300 followers but in reality I'm mainly over in the corner talking to myself and a handful of friends. A large fraction of the website doesn't know who I am.

I'm not going to rehash over all the Jerry Banfield drama but I'm going to position his time here in a positive light from the perspective of gaining popularity and getting people talking about him.

How was he able to do it?

It was the willingness to power up $100,000 worth of STEEM. Money that most people would say he should have bought a house with or paid off his student loans with or used for other things.

It was the willingness to pump insane amounts of traffic from around the world to on ramp tens of thousands of people onto the platform.

It was the willingness to setup the Witness nodes and seed node despite that being outside of his expertise.

Personally there were a lot of reasons why Jerry lost even my mental support and that was mainly because some of the pitches he was doing were rushed and scammy.

Let's take the Tekashi69 example. Just a couple days ago a video got suggested to me on YouTube and it was Tekashi69 and Nicki Minaj in a new music video.

I just laughed but guess what? I fucking clicked on it.

I clicked on Jerry's Standup Comedy video and a lot of you did as well just like we clicked on his other posts.

At the end of the day you have to be willing to do things that others are not willing to do and hope the plan doesn't blow up in your face. Are you WILLING?

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It was jerrybanfield's scam and a rush to get richer quicker that made him fall down and lost favors of the many steemians. In this platform we have to be at least be honest otherwise people will not like it and will reject you outright. It is just his steem power make him attractive to some people like in the real world where the powerful elites just rules over and loved even though they are bad persons in reality because of the riches and powers they possess.

There is certainly something to be said about people gravitating toward people with more STEEM Power. It ends up being that the more STEEM power you have the more people cling to that person.

Success proceeds itself.

I'm willing, I want to be the next Banfield!

My album is coming out next month:

I can't wait until the album drops! I'm glad to see there are others willing to do what it takes to be Internet famous these days!

with that artwork, is it going to be labeled "Up the ARSE"?

do you plan on marketing it to the homo / tranny crowd? I understand there is a lot of SODOMY there. Plus they seem to like always looking up the ARSE.

Tekashi69 is probably one of the savviest people right now in terms of staying in the limelight. He can be prettuy ignorant and does some stupid shit but hes always being talked about and always has a buzz on social.

Has putting the 100k in do you think its returned a profit for jerry?

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Takashi69 has certainly somehow manufactured his way into fame. I mean you showed me that video of him doing the Pedigree on his side chick for views on Vine from years ago. None of this happened by mistake. Honestly most people are scared to put themselves out there. And going that route there would probably be a lot of moments where you would start to feel like a $5 clown at a street fair in Skeeterville Mississippi.

Yeah Jerry made a profit for sure. He got voted in the top 20 for his Witness which makes those guys bank.

Then essentially going from, "Beg for my upvote to You can buy my Upvote" was pretty profitable.

The reality is a large majority of the site turned into the bidbot situation. In some respects I kind of held onto the premise of what the site was originally intended for.

I thought the discussion of online fame or notoriety was an interesting one. I was listening to a Joe Rogan podcast on this topic and they were basically echoing the message if your willing to put yourself out there you can get famous or at the very least garner some bit of attention, sometimes the price may be your dignitity but it can be done. In a more positive message I really do think almost anyone can get some traction online, like you said if they are willing to put themselves out there. I think one of the top questions I see online is something to the effect of I want to start a youtube channel but I don't want to go on camera. Yeah ther's all different ways you could do this ie screencasts or top 10 videos and stuff like that but ultimately Youtube in many ways is a social media platform and to make a connection with your audience I think going on camera is really helpful. I think thats when my channel started actually gtting some traction, prior to that I was holding my hand over my phone screen basically just rambling to my phone like it was a podcast lol

I don’t think you should underestimate your role here on Steemit, although I get your point! 😜

It’s interesting to see who has stirred up things on steemit during these two years.

I had two negative comments on my “being a girl in the IT business” post and couldn’t sleep all night. So I can’t really imagine how it’s like to have people love you AND hate your guts, and being vocal about it. Popularity usually comes with a price.

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