A Mysterious Girl - ( SWC ) Writing contest

in #jerrybanfield6 years ago (edited)

This is my article in the contest the Supernatural Writing Contest(SWC) by @jerrybanfield.
This is a horror story true, the story occurs in a countryside in Vietnam, a guy working, met a ghost. This ghost is a girl, and then the ghost followed him to his home.

Strange girl

This story I heard from my grandmother. Old people who believe in ghost stories are real.
It was about 1am, there was a guy on his way home. In order to get home, he had to go through a large containerized container line and very often very terrible accidents. Going for more than 4 km, he finds the streets oddly deserted, everytime there are so many container trucks on the road that they do not see any cars today, and do not see any Every night's restaurant has lights. One more section to the cross section (this is near Hermann Gmeiner high school and SOS youth village, here a few days ago there was a fatal accident)
He saw a girl with long hair, white face, white dress.
Without saying a word, the girl quietly walked into the car. Her skin and breath were as cold as ice, and he immediately took his shirt for her to wear. She smiled, saying she wanted to stay at his house.
He saw the girl's face and hands were scratched and bleeding. Seeing him stare at the wounds, she explained that her car had slipped off the road and crashed into a pit. She stood there for hours hoping to find someone's help but decided to walk the rest of the way home.

Suddenly, the girl told him to stop the car, pointing to a house a few miles away, said it was her home..
He nods and asks her:
-Why do not you want to go home?
-"I am bleeding, my parents love me .. they will be very worried when they see me like that."
He asked her: '' So when did you come back to visit your parents? ' They will be very nervous not to see you.''
The girl smiled, her cold hands clinging to his shoulders, she said gently: "I need to heal the wound, I will pay you, You just let me at your house ;'

"You are not afraid of what I'm going to do."/????- he said
''I'm not afraid of anything.haha ''
The man felt shaky, he first brought a strange girl home ... and she was very different from the other girls ... she seemed fragile and mysterious..
She was only at his house at night, when he woke up, he did not see her anymore .. his body became weaker and weaker since he took her home.
From a healthy man, he usually works nights at the company .. but now he does not want to go to work again, he gets sleepless...
He suddenly felt suspicious of the girl,
-Are you tired lately?
No, I feel I am stronger than ever. thank you .. i'm going to be fine, i will visit my parents "- the girl replied

He is curious and wants to ask more about her:

-''what is your name ? How old are you ''??

-Did not I tell you?- She was very surprised

''I am 25 years old, my name is Huong''

You are really young, I thought you were 18 years old ... why are you so young?We are the same age, so we are friends.
-thank you, !!

the house of the girl's parents

The man visits the girl's house, but here the house is very ugly and pristine .. There is an old man and an old lady, they look very poor.
It seems that there are only two grandparents living here, he approached them and asked:
''-sorry you can let me ask .. is this Huong's house ???''

The old woman suddenly burst into tears, she said, ''What do you want in my daughter?''
''-Sorry, but do not get me wrong .. I just came here to announce the good news. Your daughter is fine ..She is living in my house, she said she will visit her parents.''

  • ;;what? Who are you talking about?''old man trembling

her name is Huong, she has been staying at my house for 2 weeks, she is 25 years old !! she looks very young .. she has an accident and is bleeding .. but she does not want you to worry, so she lives in my house to heal the wound, then she can visit her parents''
the old man shouted, he fell down, his wife took him up on his chair : ''myths! my child is dead.go away ! What do you mean to my family? ''
'' Calm !! I just want to announce that your daughter is alive .. you look at this photo, I took photos with her yesterday.''

The man hastily brought the phone out, but he only saw the picture he was shooting alone, no girl in the photo
'' Really ... I expect you to believe what I say .. your daughter has long hair, she wears white dresses, and she is very calm when talking, she usually cook fish soup .is that true ??. '

''The old lady asked, "Why do you know? When my daughter dies, she wears a white dress. She died giving me a bowl of fish soup ... that day it was very heavy rain, a car accidentally stabbed her.''

''When I met her, two weeks ago, she also wore a white dress and was covered with blood''
''My daughter died seven years ago .. she died when she was 18 years old.'''- Old woman cries more

''I'll show you !! Look! that is my daughter ! she is dead.''
The young man looked up at the altar, panicked and frightened, the girl in the altar picture was the girl who lived in his house for two weeks.

  • ' impossible !! she is a "ghost"Come to my house, I will let you see the ghost of your daughter !!
    Recently, I felt very tired, it turned out I was living with a ghost. damned !!


The young man came back home, he understood the reason why he became tired .. all because of the ghost .. he wanted to evict the ghost.
But he is still calm, he talks to the ghost:
-Today I visited your parents. I told them you would visit them
"What are they saying to you?"- the ghost laughed, the eyes of the ghost began to flow the blood drops ..
'' what's the matter with you ''??
young man feeling scared..

"What are they saying to you?
"What are they saying to you?
"What are they saying to you?hmmm

the ghost asked repeatedly.It seems very angry, the ghost is trying to kill people..

''I know you are a ghost! Come back to hell! Do not disturb me anymore.''
Ghosts are angry, ghosts begin to bend their neck and bones, ribs sound very scary..the house suddenly fell out of power, the wind blew into the cold, all the space like to freeze .. man scared and nervous .. he whispered :
'' why do you want to harm me? I let you stay in my house.and why do you want me?''
the ghost laughed "you really stupid !! I have to eat a lot of human energy to survive and become strong, so many men died ! I killed them. hahhaa And now it is your turn, you will have to die '' !

The girl's parents suddenly appear
''My daughter .. is that right?''..

The story is over.

Thank you for reading this article.

By : @anfood


Awesome, Upvoted, follow and resteem

thank you ^^

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