Unexpected thing at the wedding・結婚式に思いがけないことが!

in #japanese6 years ago (edited)

I was sitting at my friend’s wedding reception. A bride’s name is Makiko. She is commonly known as Makichan. We have been close friends since we were high school studnets. I accepted a speech as a close friend. I had butterflies in my stomach when I had a speech, but I completed it with no problem.

Makichan was a manager of a high school’s baseball club, so one guy was invited to her wedding reception as her friend. He was a captain of the baseball club. Mr. Yamada. His speech began. He talked about what she has been up to the club.

But, he began to cry suddenly. I thought he was very happy and moved. However, what he said sucked the oxygen out of the room. Everybody froze.
“Why did you marry a guy except me! Did we promise to love each other? Give me back my life!” he shouted.

What’ going on? Is he crazy? Makicyan lost color with her head down. The bridegroom was looking at Makichan in open-mouthed surprise. I wander if he has the word nerve in his brain. He continued talking in addition.

“I shall pay back for your betrayal! I shall blob out your past! You’ve been going out with Ms. Yamada’s boyfriend in secret!” He said and patted her shoulder gently. She began to cry loudly sniffling, wiping away the tears repeatedly. A chairman of the wedding hastened to two of them and said something.

As soon as I heard a bang, I saw Makichan standing on the table. On the table? Yes ON the table. The chair fell over behind her. She began to talk to Satoyama just like a demon.
“Shit! Fuck you! All of you, stop this right now and sit down! I broke up with you due to your affair with Yuriko.”

Yuriko is my name! What happened? Hey what are you talking about? I have never gone out with Satoyama! I muttered in my heart. I turned pale to look at Makichan. I was really shocked. Makichan ignored me and continued talking about what he had done. A bride, a bridegroom, Satoyama, and Yamada progressed from words to blows at the space for the bride and groom. They broke Champagne glasses, exchanging blows with bottles of beer, everything was scattered here and there around the space for the bride and groom. A”~~~~~~~~.(あ“~~~~~~) I couldn’t believe why she changed like this.

However, happily, there was nothing broken at the space for guests. Suddenly, two policemen appeared. I thought someone called 911 (110 in Japan). The four who were getting into a fight were bleeding from their heads and hands. The policemen put handcuffs on all of four. It was very strange way of putting handcuffs. One was for the bride’s left hand and the bridegroom’s right hand. Another was for Satoyama’s left hand and Yamada’s right hand. What happened? At that time, Satoyama held a microphone.

“Thank you so much for your kind attention. This is all for my speech and performance. I’m sorry for confusing you. Makichan, Happily ever after with your nice husband. And everybody, I shall marry Ms. Yamada next month. I’m so sorry to plan this silly performance. We all four were accomplices in planning this performance.” Satoyama said.

I heard that the bridegroom had been a member of a theatrical club when he was a university student. He barrowed various kinds of stage properties. It was a really really really noisy performance.

Steemian sweet friends who read this blog,,,, DO NOT ATTEMPT.

See you soon.
It was my short story.



「どうして俺以外のヤツなんかと結婚しちまったんだ! お前と俺はあれだけ固く将来を誓い合ったじゃないか! 俺の人生を返してくれ!」彼は叫んだ。

いきなりなんなのこの人は! マキちゃんは真っ青になり、うつむいてしまった。お婿さんの方は、呆然としてマキちゃんを見ている。里山君には神経というものがあるのだろうか? 彼はさらに続けて話し始めた。

「俺を裏切った仕返しだ! お前の過去を暴露してやる! お前はこいつの彼氏ともできてたんだ!」そう言って隣に座っていた山田さんの肩を慰めるように優しくたたいた。山田さんは、ワーッと泣き始め、しきりに鼻をすすりながらハンカチで目頭や鼻を拭っていた。司会をしていた男性がすっ飛んで来て、里山君と山田さんに何か言っていた。

「てめー、コノヤロー、黙ってりゃーいい気になりやがって! てめーの秘密も暴露してやら~! あたしはね、おまえが百合子と浮気したから別れたんだ」

百合子というのは私のことである。え~~~、マキちゃんなんてことを言うの? 私は里山君と付き合ったことなんかないよ。呆然としている私を無視して、マキちゃんは、里山君の悪事をしゃべり続けた。花嫁、花婿、里山君、山田さん、の四人がひな壇で大乱闘になってしまった。グラスは割れるわ、ビール瓶で頭を殴りあうわ、ひな壇は、グチャグチャになった。「てめーのやったことはてめーに返ってくるんだよ!」と花嫁。あ~~~、マキちゃんがこんな人だったとは!

でも、幸いに客席で壊れたものはなかった。突然、警察官が二人入ってきた。誰かが110番通報したのだろう。問題の四人は頭や手から血を流している。警察官は、無言のまま四人に手錠をかけた。不思議な手錠のかけ方だった。花婿の左手と花嫁の右手にひとつ。里山君の左手と山田さんの右手にひとつ。どうなっているの? と思いきや、里山君がマイクを取った。




I tickled a stranger's body in the subway. (地下鉄の中で知らない人の体をくすぐってしまった)

Big failure at the subway station. 地下鉄で大波乱



thank you. I like writing a funny incredible story.






え? なにかイヤな思いででも??

OMFG! I couldn't believe your story at first! Then the end! 🤣

I hope you are ok @sakurasui! It must have been traumatic!

I'm always OK 💛 I 'm not traumatic. I like to write a funny story. Thank you for resteem

What a drama but to me it was way over the top.

Thank you, I want to write more over-the-top story. My favorite writer is Akiko Itoyama. she won Akutagawa prize.

wow, incredible story. :)

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