Big failure at the subway station. 地下鉄で大波乱。

in #japanese6 years ago (edited)

I thought I couldn’t get on the subway again. A station employee’s eyes turned into dots completely. No, I had better say his eyes were scared to look at me. I not crazy, but a normal woman.

This picture has nothing to do with this story.

On a rainy day, I planed to have a lunch with my friend Satomi from high school. It was raining cats and dogs outside. I put up an umbrella and went out. It took 15 minutes to walk from my home to the station. While walking, it ceased raining. Oh my, I should’ve had a rod structure of folding umbrella. I had a big paper bag besides an umbrella. The bag had several books that I promised to give Satomi. I got on the train hanging both a heavy paper bag and an umbrella on my left arm. The train is always crowded on a rainy day. But I was lucky. I found one available seat. I sat there. My head was full of enjoyable talk with Satomi.

Being excited, I went out the platform wicket. As soon as the train door closed, Beethoven’s Symphony No.5 began to resounding in my head. How stupid of me ! I left my umbrella in the train. That is a memorabilia that I put up with my first love Makoto when I was a high school student. I hastened to the stuff room for the station employees.

Me : I’m sorry. I left my umbrella on the train I’ve just got off the train. How can I do?”
I questioned as white as a sheet, in a shrill, excited voice.
Staff : Well…….did you have two umbrellas?
He was looking in my face with a doubtful air. I was wondering why he asked a mysterious question like this. You pisses me off, I twittered in my mind.

Me : Do you see my friend? I got on the train alone. See! Why do I have as many as two umbrella?
That umbrella was an important thing for me, so, I said to him with irritated voice. He was surprised with my voice. And he spoke with a soft voice.
Staff : I’m going to contact the lost and found. What kind of an umbrella was it?
Me : Handle is gold. Pink flowers with a purple background. It cost 15,000 yen, and is brand royalty.
I explained indignantly. His face changed into more and more doubtful color.
Staff : Excuse me madam. My I ask a question of you again? Did you have the same two umbrellas?
He said like this and he was looking my face and lower part of me alternatingly. I thought he was a complete crazy.
Me : There is nobody who is carrying two umbrella !!!
I shouted at him !!

He looked sad. Biting his lower lip a little bit, he turned his eyes down to my left hand. A big paper bag was hanging on my left arm. He stopped talking anything. I felt sorry for him.

I thought he was luck of communication skill at my own discretion. Then, I began to talk about communication skill which is necessary for service trade as if I were a university professor. He was listening to me enthusiastically looking at my paper bag and the floor. While looking at his way of listening earnestly, I was letting myself go more and more and developed my lecture into the theory to personal relationships. Furthermore, with middle-aged imprudence I tried to extract his trouble in his office.

At that time, I noticed that his line of sight was strange. Why does he care about my paper bag? We had a moment’s silence. I observed his sight carefully. The landing spot of his sight seemed not to be on the paper bag. I followed his sight in fear and the situation developed rapidly. Ohhhh my Goodness !! His sight was toward my umbrella. I was carrying both the paper bag and an umbrella. The paper bag length was longer than an umbrella’s. The umbrella was covered with the paper bag and invisible from my eyes. When I pushed the paper bag toward my body, the hidden umbrella emerged and sent me a mean sight back to me and smiled at me. Handle is gold. Pink flowers with a purple background. It was me that was thought to be crazy completely. My face, that was giving a fiery speech, changed rapidly.

I thought why he said nothing even though he had noticed my umbrella. He should’ve said “You have an umbrella with you.” All the same, He said “I learned much from you. Than you.” He was a so sweet guy. I said “That is enough for today. I will start on page 100 for next class. OK?” as if nothing happened. He said noting. The sun was shining out of the window. I turned my back on him and I started walking slowly toward the bright window waving my right hand above my head. He talked to me loudly. “Can you teach me more next time?” I said to him without turning around “ off course”.

The end ♥



ウキウキしながら改札口を出ると、ベートーベンの運命が頭の中を駆け巡り始めた。しまった! 傘を地下鉄の中に忘れてしまった。あれは、高校時代、初恋の誠君と使った思い出の傘だ。私は、駅員さんがいるスタッフルームに急いで行った。

 駅員は、不信な顔で私を見ていた。この人は、なぜ、こんなに不可解極まりない質問をするのだろうか? むかつくなぁ、と心の中ささやいた。

私:「私が友達と一緒にいるように見えますか? 私はこうやって一人で地下鉄に乗って来たんです。二つも傘を持っているわけがないでしょ!」



その時、私は、駅員の視線が異常だと思い始めていた。この人は、どうして私の紙袋が気になるのだろうか? しばしの沈黙があった。駅員の視線をよく観察してみると、どうやら、視線の着地点は、紙袋ではなさそうだ。恐る恐るその視線をたどってみると、事態は急展開を遂げたのだった。視線の先には傘があった。私は紙袋と傘を一緒に左腕に掛けていたのだ。大きな紙袋にスッポリ隠れていた傘に気が付かなかったのだ。左腕を体に押し付けてみると、紙袋で隠れていた傘が、意地悪そうに私に視線を送り返してきて、ニンマリ笑った。取っ手はゴールド。紫をベースとしたピンクの花柄。完全に気が狂っていると思われていたのは、私の方だったらしい。得意顔になって熱弁をふるっていた私の顔は急変した。







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