I tickled a stranger's body in the subway. (地下鉄の中で知らない人の体をくすぐってしまった)

in #japanese6 years ago (edited)

When I was a college student of nursing, I made a blunder in the subway. I tickled a woman’s ribs. She was a stranger person. Why did I behave like one possessed? I’m not crazy, I’m a normal woman.

Someday, I was on my way home after a nursing practice at a hospital is over. We student had no school uniform, but we have been obliged to wear a black suit and a white blouse when we go to a hospital for praicise.

It was a very hot summer day. I was wearing a white blouse and a black tight skirt. I was on my way home from a hospital. I got on the subway with my friend in the same class.

I used to go home with her because our houses were located in the same direction. She often went shopping on her way home, so she always got off at different stations.

Her name is Yoshimura (fictitious name). On that day, she seemed to be very tired, and fell asleep. She began to nod off. I didn’t notice that she was sleeping. After my big mistake, she told me that she had follen asleep.

I was wondering if she was planning to go shopping somewhere today. I want to go shopping with her. I asked her “Which station will you get off today?” She said nothing. “HEY YOSHIMURA ! WHICH STATION WILL YOU GET OFF?” I asked her again with relatively high volume. She continued ignoring me. WHY? Did I tell her something bod? No, if it is so, she won’t go home with me.

Then, I began to tickle her ribs fearlessly having a voice “Kichy-koo. Hitchy-koo.” However, she showed me no reaction. I watched her face.

OH MY GODNESS !! She was NOT Yoshimura. I believed that Yoshimura was sitting immediate left to me. She was awake at that time sitting immediate right to me and looking my mysterious action.

A woman sitting next to me was wearing the same clothes like us. A white blouse and a black tight skirt ! She was carrying a black bag and black shoes. What? Her bag was almost the same with Yoshimura’s bag. Their faces are quite different from each other.

I made an abject apology. She forgave me. Thank you. And in a whisper, I asked Yoshimura “Why did you tell me that you are sitting here?” she said “I thought she was your acquaintance.”

Other passengers were looking at me blushing for shame and turned their faces away unnaturally, who seemed to withhold their laughter.

One woman who failed to withhold her laughter began to laugh. Hahahahahaha. I behaved the storm. I couldn’t control myself. I also laughed. Once I laugh, laughter is troublesome. All I have to do was getting off the subway. Yoshimura got off with me. Oh my !!

I thought I don’t want to experience like this anymore. This is the first and the last shame.
However, I experienced the similar shame again at the subway station.

To be continued. (shame)





吉村さん、今日は買物して買えるのかなぁ、、、私も一緒に買い物したいなぁ、と思い、吉村さんに、「今日はどこで降りるの?」と聞いてみました。「ねぇ、吉村さんってば! どこで降りるのよ?」と大きめの声で話しかけても、知らんぷりでした。なぜ? 私って、なにか吉村さんの気に入らない事を言ったのかなぁ? 違う! そんなんだったら一緒に帰るわけないもん。



左サイドに座っていた見知らぬ女性は、私達とそっくりな格好をしていました。黒のリクルートスカートに白のブラウス。バッグまで黒のバッグで、靴も黒! バッグまで吉村さんとそっくりなのを持っていたとは! 顔は全然違っていましたが。








面白いです! もっとをください. :)

Thank you. a stranger next to me was afraid of me. She was looking me with a terrified face as if she were looking a strange animal.

Hahahaahaha... jinsei desu :D

Thank you♥





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