Join - 日本人がよく間違える英語

in #japanese7 years ago

I hate join! I didn't used to hate it. But after living in Japan so long and hearing so many people use it unnaturally, it's hard not to hate it. So I'm here to tell you all the wrong ways it's used in Japan. And then I'll give you some other words you should probably use instead in most situations. I'm also gonna tell you what kind of situations are good for join.
「Join」が嫌い! 以前は嫌わなかったけど。長い間日本に住んでいてたくさんのが不自然に使うことを聞くと、嫌わないようにするのが難しい。だから日本で使われる間違った使い方を教えてあげるために来ています。そしてほとんどの場合に代わりに使った方がいいかなという言葉を提供します。その上どんな場合が「join」にふさわしいのかを知らせるつもりです。

If you're a student and your teacher is teaching you any of these horrendous uses, can you do me a favor? Raise your hand and tell your teacher their wrong. Teachers aren't always right. This is very important. By the way, there's an English mistake in this paragraph. If you're on Steemit and you find my mistake and tell me in the comments, I'll give your comment a full upvote.

By the way, if you've been using join unnaturally, don't worry about it. You have to make mistakes to learn. And natives will usually understand.

Let's get started.

👎 Join a Party

This one is my biggest pet peeve. Sure, I understand perfectly. But for some reason it makes me feel like I'm in England in the 1800s. A more natural way is "go to" a party.

A: I'm going to a party tonight. Want to join me?
B: Sounds good.

👎 Join a Meeting

This one bugs me almost as much as the previous one. If you have a meeting, then you just go to the meeting. If you say you're going to join a meeting, it makes me think you have to fill out paperwork before they let you in.

A: You gonna join us at the bar tonight?
B: Nope, can't. I have to go to a meeting at work.

👎 Join a Festival

No. No. No. No! Don't even think about saying this! This phrase is known to cause major earthquakes. Do you want to take responsibility for that?

A: There's a festival in my town next week. Want to go?
B: Sure, I'll go. Because you didn't say join.

👎 Join a Concert

Nooooooo! Unless you're in the band, and you plan on walking on stage in the middle of a song, don't say this. Ever.

A: I'm going to the B'z concert.
B: OK, be careful. Don't get stung.

👎 Join a Marathon

Here's the thing. We usually join things that have already started. So if people are already running, feel free to use join.

A: I think I'll join the marathon now.
B: Didn't it start like 4 hours ago?
A: Yeah, I only want to run the last 100 meters.
B: Cool. Mind if I join you?
A: No, not at all. Let's finish our beers first though.

Seriously, though, you should say "run" or "be in".
でも冗談抜きで、「run」か「be in」を言った方がいいです。

A: I'm running a marathon next week.
B: Nice. I was in a marathon last year.

😕 Join a Company

This one is OK. I mean, I won't disown you or anything for using it. But it might be a little confusing. To avoid confusion, it's probably better to say you "got a job".
これはまあまあです。使ったらあなたと縁を切るとかはしない。でもちょっと分かりにくいかも知れない。混乱を招かないように、多分「got a job」を言った方がいい。

A: I joined Facebook!
B: Wow, you're like the last person on Earth. I don't even use it anymore.
A: No, I mean I got a job there.
B: Oh. Well, try not to look at my personal info, please. And if you sell any of it, I want a cut.

🤔 Join a School

If it's a public elementary school, junior high school, high school, or university, join sounds kind of strange. For schools below university level, we usually say "start" or just "go to". For a university, or a private general education school below university level, we often say "get into," meaning that you pass the exams and are accepted.
公立の小学校、中学、高校、大学だったら「join」はちょっと変に聞こえる。大学以下のレベルは、普通は「start」か「go to」を言います。大学や大学のレベル以下の私立学校の場合はよく「get into」と言います。これは私立学校に合格して入学を許可されたという意味です。

A: My son is starting elementary school this year.

A: My daughter got into Ritsumeikan Junior High School.

A: I got into Harvard!

If it's a private school that specializes in some skill, like a martial arts or cooking school, people often say "join".

A: I think I'm gonna join that Judo school down the street.

🤔 Join a Class

If the class is halfway done and you come in late, you might say join. Otherwise, use something from the following examples.

A: I'm taking a sewing class this semester.

A: Let's get something to eat.
B: I would, but I have to go to class.

A: Did you register for all your classes yet?

👍 Join Me, Us, etc.

This is natural. We use this to invite people when we have plans, or are making plans, or are already doing something.

A: We're going out to the lake this weekend. Want to join us?
B: Sure. Can I bring my friend?

A: It's warm in here. Want to join me?
B: No thanks. I usually use the bathroom by myself.

The following are also all natural examples using join.


A: I'm gonna join the debate club.

A: I'm putting on some weight. I need to join a gym or something.

A: I joined the school hockey team.

A: He says he joined a band.

A: She's joining a new church.

A: He ended up joining a gang.

A: A lot of people join the military to get money for college.

A: I want to run away and join the circus.

Keep studying! And stay tuned for the next Free Talk on Discord and practice your English for free.



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Doesn't Matter - かっこいい英語のちょっとした例文#32

Are You Busy? - かっこいい英語のちょっとした例文#53

Coulda (Could Have) - かっこいい英語のちょっとした例文#64

In Generalってどういう意味? - かっこいい英語のちょっとした例文で知ろう#68




Raise your hand and tell your teacher their wrong.
They're (They are)

Bing Bing Bing! You win the prize. Good job!

You writing style is funny and strenge at the same time, very interesting! steem on😊

Thanks! Glad you liked it.

Great post English sensei! I used "join" wrongly like some examples listed above ... Good to know ;)

Thanks! It's good to know that it's good to know!


参加するという場合、私は participate inをよく使っています。joinとどのように使い分ければ良いでしょうか?

Thank you!


でもどちらも会話ではあまり使わない。Participateの代わりによくbe inを使います。それは後の記事でまた説明します。

セミナーやコンテスト、ミートアップに参加したとき、私は participate in を使って、steemitで記事を書いてきました。今のところ、見違っていないと思っています。



ところで、contestの場合はよぐenterやtake part inを使う。でもparticipateもいいです。

それで「The other day, when I introduced @anomadsoul's contest to @tegoshei, @tegoshei participated.」は全く間違いがない。

でも、「The other day, when I told @tegoshei about @anomadsoul's contest, he (or she?) decided to participate.」の方がより自然です。



My biggest pet peeves are the misusages of Lets and Enjoy, especially when they’re used together like this, Lets enjoy.

Ah, yes, good ones. I'll add these to the list of future installments of this kind of article. Not really a tragic mistake, as enjoy is a verb, but it's transitive, so you need something after it. "Let's have fun" sounds better to me. Even worse, "let's enjoy with us".

I saw a business card once from a swimming teacher that said, "Let's Swimming!" It's kind of paradoxical that so many people are worried about mistakes when speaking, but NOT when advertising their business. It should be the exact opposite.

Yeah the spelling and grammar mistakes that you can still find here on store signs, etc. is really mind blowing. A quick and simple spell check would catch so many of them. I really don’t get it.

I have no idea. My best guess is that they see it as just decoration and not meant for natives, so they don't expect anyone to really check. With clothing though, there's definitely some passive-aggressiveness going on. I've seen quite a few where it was obviously a prankster who designed the clothing. I'm sure you have as well. Extremely entertaining sometimes.

Yeah, the clothing mistakes can be ridiculous. I feel like they’ve gotten better over the years, but when I first came here and worked at an eikaiwa for kids I definitely laughed out loud a few times at the things kids were wearing.

A great post! I enjoy reading this a lot! You are a very strict and kind teacher!

Actually, I'm none of those things, but thanks!

You are an alien from Pluto then!

great job sir,,awesome project

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