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RE: 2019-11-25

in #j5 years ago (edited)

Why are you publishing Discord chats and not quoting them well?
You put me in front of your words? What do you pretend?
I don't like It and I tell you It publicly as you did.
I could flag your post of course as some others do but I don't believe in that.
If all the content you put in your posts are alike that of "Catalonia" issue I could certainly state you're posting FAKE news and would be reasonable that anyone feeling bad about It would take measures.
Please keep my chats away of your posts or I won't Talk to you anymore by any means.
As you can see I'm not censoring you nor attacking your freedom of speech but I don't want my privacy being raped.
Try to contrast your info before exposing It to the people or no one will ever take your words seriously.
Have a nice day.


You are telling me that I cannot talk. What I wrote on my blog was what I wrote to you on Discord. Now, Discord is not entirely private. Also, the right of privacy is a fourth amendment right. You don't believe in the first amendment or the fourth amendment. You prefer safety over freedom. I prefer freedom over safety. Right now, people are destroying Europe. I told you about the Hitler Dog Man and you, @drakernoise, you laughed at a man who was sent to jail. Someday, they may take you to prison as well. That's too bad. You fail to see the relevancy. Millions of people agree with me. Just look around.

I told you quoted it as if they were my words or that is what it seems as it out of it cotext.
About the Hitler Dog man, I never laughed at him nor at no one else. I said “who cares?”
My key words aren’t “amedment” nor “safety” but “respect” and “love” but you like to play the naughty boy role with the big whales that lead this scammed society giving them what they expected, keep on following their game 😉

In other words, you laughed. You must hate Tommy Robinson, Julian Assange, Trump, Brexit, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Snowden, etc.

I don't hate, that's useless.
I never laugh at anyone, I laugh WITH others.

I want government to get smaller. That is why I write.

Draker Noise is a liar. He said, "Keep my chats away." But his chat is not here. What I copied pasted was what I wrote. Now, what I wrote is not personal. See, what I wrote to him, I in fact wrote to thousands of people thousands of times dating back to the early 2000's, that is the past twenty or so years. I talk to people again and again about history, politics, psychology, education, culture, religion, technology, encouragement, etc, etc, and that is what I shared. Now, I can share what other people wrote to me. I can do that. Now, bad people say you can't. That is a lie. but we are told lies all our lives. We believe the lies, the deception. We don't know any better in many cases. That is too bad. It is too bad. Humans can be very blind. I can be blind. There is so much we don't know.

No matter what you say about me what is important is what you publish pretending it’s verified information, it’s not!

I posted things that I wrote. Those are things that I said.

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