in #ita6 years ago



Hello dear friends!
Today the color is red :-D
I like red very much for its strength and intensity... in fact it is often used to signal or correct something.
It doesn't need to fight to be noticed, but it simply imposes itself.
But we also have a range of less bright reds, which instead of shaking, can also relax or calm down, like the shades of autumn.
In the first image you can see a detail of a door photographed through a railing in Locarno in the old town. While the picture below is a reminder of Vienna this winter, and it was the Christmas decoration of a shop in front of the opera.


Ciao cari amici!
Oggi il colore é il rosso :-D
Il rosso mi piace molto per la sua forza ed intensitá... infatti viene spesso usato per segnalare o correggere qualcosa.
Non ha bisogno di lottare per farsi notare, ma semplicemente si impone.
Abbiamo peró anche una gamma di rossi meno accesi, che anziché agitarci, possono anche rilassarci o calmarci, come le tonalitá dell' autunno.
Nella prima immagine potete vedere un dettaglio di una porta fotografata attraverso una ringhiera a Locarno in cittá vecchia. Mentre la fotografia sottostante é un ricordo di Vienna quest' inverno, ed era la decorazione Natalizia di un negozio di fronte all' opera.


These are my red bags...

Queste sono le mie borse rosse...


... a glass of a very good red wine produced by a friend of mine....

... un bicchiere di un buonissimo vino rosso prodotto da un mio amico....


and finally a photo of me in France from five years ago :-D

e in ultimo una foto di me in Francia che risale a cinque anni fa :-D

CAROLINA ceriser (jpeg)_156.JPG

I hope you like my red impressions and thank you all for following me ;-))))

Spero che le mie impressioni rosse vi piacciano e grazie a tutti per seguirmi ;-))))


🍒 I love your story about such powerful colour. I actually don’t dare to wear red because I would turn into triple fire. I was told in Bali that I am double fire 🔥 personality. Dangerous! I only need to look at plants for example and they all die. Not talking about men yet ....Hahhaa

Danke!!!!! Hattest Du nicht rote Schuhe? :-D

Schwarze Schuhe auf rotem Hintergrund 🌺😁

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hatte etwas rotes in Erinnerung :-D....und hab es eher mit Dir verbunden als die Farbe Schwarz..... also hast Du recht....Du bist rot ;-))))

Bin ich ? Hahhaa! na dann scheint das ja zu stimmen mit dem Doppel Feuer 🙄

I hope you participate in my book challenge 🙌 Bin schon neugierig

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sieben mal schaffe ich das leider nicht, aber wenn es ok ist kann ich ein post darüber machen :-D

Come si fa a non concordare con il nostro grande amico Armando, c'è sempre nei tuoi post quel piacevole dulcis in fundo, quell'ultimo piacevole scatto che ti riguarda, gradevole ed aggraziato

Grazie mille Mad!!!! Spero tu stia un po' meglio... :-D

Piano piano, Carolina, stiamo uscendo dal tunnel

Posted using Partiko Android


Thank you sooooo much :-)))))

Red makes me think of love XD It reminds me about CryptoKitties that I started to play today...

But they use a pink heart not a red ;-) XD

Screen Shot 2019-03-23 at 19.21.10.png

Miao! So sweet :-D

Bought the sweetest right now ;-))

Screen Shot 2019-03-23 at 22.21.27.png

Called Miss Purrfect XDDD

Really good graphic with this heart :-D And also the name is lovely!!!!

It's really exciting :-) It's ERC-721 Tokens. Around 1.5m kittens soon

Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at 14.34.38.png

Here is all my Kitties

It's still pretty early of course in this space so not that much projects atm, but I'm amazed of the novelty you can create by just using some colours and graphics, same as with humans how we can detect micro-differences.

Eventually you can push it further where humans can create their own same games but based on their own niches they love and experiment deeper with that. We will have an idea in our head and then we can let the AI experiment with bringing that to life by clicking a button. :-)

Very curios :-)))) I wish you many kittens :-D

Rosso vino! Bellissime foto, l'ultima è la più interessante. Ciao

Grazie infinite!!!! Si era molto buono il rosso :-))))))

Red .... oh good, no blood! The stuff that pops into my mind when I just read a headline ....
Ironisch klingt für mich dieser Artikel in Wikipedia über einen Schwarz/Weiß Film:
Tausend rote Rosen blühn - da muss man halt etwas Vorstellungskraft haben.

:-D.... der Film war berühmt :-)))

I very like red color! Great photos!

Thank you so much :-))))

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