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RE: Sublime Sunday: It's Raining. Again! - But Once Again, All Is Not Lost ~ Some More Silver Linings To The Rain-Soaked Clouds of Deluge ~ Original Photography and Somewhat Long Discussion About Another Wet Sunday ~

Calling the Stinkmeister a character is a bit of an understatement. She is really quite a cat. And I've had quite a few. So this isn't proud parent speak. Anyway, I babble rhapsodic about my odd little (fat) cat.
Her name is multi-fold. She started as Buttercup, when we first let her in the house, and that did not fit for long. She was a real butt-head to all the other cats of the area. So, being a Stinker, started it all off. Then, as time went on, and we got to know her better, we realized her breath DOES really stink. In a rather odd, pleasant way. (But she IS an FIV cat, so that might have something to do with it.) And, when she uses the litter box, it looks like a Rottweiler has been in to visit. Not sure WHY, but true. Though she doesn't stick around to discuss much. Just jumps up, does a little spin, and runs off from the box. Not sure WHAT that's all about. We call it a visit from the poop monster. I could go on and on about my child, but guess I'll stick to, she is Stinky the Cat.

I love that you name your plants as well. If you can't name your bushes after famous TV personalities, what can you do? Maybe we are an odd bunch, but I'm convinced it's just jealousy.

If you can convince W.A. about the lawn (I still want to call him Dubya A, though that might be too close to GW, our past president- EXT.) Anyway, can convince him of the lawn, it would be fun. We do that here. Many paths through the grass. The secret have to rent a pretty big mower in the fall. To knock it down. Or pay someone with a sickle mower. (Think they're illegal now, not sure). Or have a big weedeater with the grass killer blade. (Inquiries within).
But it is SO fun to have paths and beautiful grass in between. The 3-5 foot stuff is gorgeous. You Englander's know what you're all about. Do you have a tick problem though? That might be an issue. I know you have some nasty ones out your way. Though they may not live right on the Ocean.

Enjoy your day tomorrow gardening, drawing and making things. What a life we lead. Do you think you'll get any more snow? Hope not. I have a snow post to get out, I think I better hurry. Sigh. Have a good night, if you're goofy enough to still be on here. Doubtful at best. G'night.

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