How to earn free steem (cryptocurrency) using your SocialEngine community?

in #ipragmatech6 years ago (edited)

Are you looking for supporting blockchain or cryptocurrency(free steem) in your socialengine community? Do you want to earn cryptocurrency for the content written on Socialengine's community? If yes then this article helps you increase the organic search traffic for your website. And as a bonus, you and your community users can earn the free cryptocurrency.

Steem is a cryptocurrency used to power the platform Steemit - an incentivized blockchain social media platform. Steem is a blockchain-based rewards platform for publishers to monetize content and grow the community. Users create and curate content on it like other social network platforms and get rewarded in Steem for their work.

We started working on the blockchain social media platform Steemit last year. We were working on a project which involves developing a travel platform based on the blockchain technology. Since we already working in the cryptocurrency and Bitcoin communities it made sense that we would start exploring it. We found that it is a blogging platform where people go on there and they write blog posts. You are creating content on that platform that anybody can read, leave comments on, and find. You actually earn money when you get your stuff upvoted and people enjoy your content. It works with comments too. If you make high-value comments and people upvote your comments, you can actually earn money for having good comments. You’re going to actually earn some good income from it.

Why should you integrate your socialengine with Steemit?

Integrating these platforms will allow you to reward your bloggers with the free cryptocurrency. It will encourage them to write more content on your community. This would result in user engagement and be getting more organic traffic on your website. The other advantage of it is that it has great SEO rankings. It’s a high value site in Google’s search engine. When you post content on there, it actually ranks pretty well. This would results in more organic user's traffic on your website.

How to integrate socialengine with steemit in three easy steps?

Right now there's not any third party plugin to integrate the socialengine with steemit. But you don't need to worry there is one of the best possible ways for integration. Socialengine can be integrated with the Wordpress using our plugin. You can find more details about the benefits of integrating Socialengine with Wordpress.

Once we have socialengine integration with Wordpress then we need another plugin which shall integrate the WordPress with steemit. With the help of the plugin, we can integrate the WordPress with Steemit. This plugin allows the blog's content from your WordPress to the Steemit. So things would work like this:

Earn free cryptocurrency for your socialengine
Earn free cryptocurrency for your socialengine

So here are three steps to enable steemit into your socialengine community :

Step 1: Create an account on steemit

If you don’t already have an account on Steem then please create an account on Steemit. Normally it takes 7-10 days for a free account otherwise you can buy it using cryptocurrency. They charge two steem for immediate signup at the time of writing this article.

Signup to Steemit
Signup to Steemit with a unique username and email address.

You will receive an email with further instructions after entering the email and username. You need to confirm your account with your mobile number. They send a code on your mobile number for validation. We ready to move to the next step after the signup process is completed.

Step 2: Buy Socialpress plugin to integrate socialengine and Wordpress

Socialengine doesn't have anything third-party blog module which is as powerful as Wordpress. So we recommend using Wordpress for blog writing and keep socialengine for the social networking. You can use Socialengine Wordpress plugin for integration. This plugin allows users to sign in/sign up on your WordPress using Single Sign-On (SSO) techniques. You need to buy Socialengine WordPress Blog Integration Plugin which allows the blogs and its comments are posted on socialengine activity feeds. So you socialengine community and Wordpress blogs are working. The duo combination has the best features of blogging and social networking.

You can configure the plugins easily by admin settings as shown below:

Configure Socialengine URL in wordpress
Configure Socialengine URL in WordPress

Configure Wordpress URL in Socialengine

Once the plugins are configured then we are ready to move to the next step.

Step 3: Install Steempress plugin to integrate Wordpress and Steemit

This is the last step to push your blogs to the steemit and start earning the cryptocurrency. We would need Steempress plugin to install on your Wordpress. You need to configure the plugin so that all the contents can be pushed to the steemit.

Go to steem and get the private key for your steemit account.

Get the private steemit key for steempress plugin.

In the Wordpress Dashboard, Go to settings -> SocialPress, fill your username, private posting key, and default tags.

How to set steempress for steemit

Now we are ready to engage users, increase organic traffic and earn free cryptocurrency. So your blogs should be earning like this


Integrating these platforms would motivate authors to publish their content in your community. They could earn free steem for their contents and your community will grow. Also when you post content on it, it actually ranks pretty quickly which results in more organic user’s traffic on your community.

We have considered a single user for publishing the blogs but you can use Steempress feature to map different users for their respective content.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need help in the integration of socialengine and steemit.


For further reading


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