Introduction to vegoutt-travel and me, Gemma Winchester

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


Dear Steemit friends, Gemma Winchester here, I have been apart of the Steemit community for about a month now. It is about time I share with you who I am. My name is Gemma Winchester and I was born and raised in Singapore, I lived there for 15 years before moving to my current home of Brisbane, Australia.

Growing up in Singapore, I was a water baby, always in the pool


Growing up in Singapore exposed me to a world diversely rich in culture from an early age. I had friends from all corners of the globe and it sparked a strong desire in me to travel. I love to learn about different cultures and experience them first hand. I have had such an incredible life of global travel so far and I have no intention of slowing down.

In primary school

When I first moved over to Australia, I pursued a career in hairdressing and makeup for television and film. The Australian migration act is designed in such a way that you have to choose between certain careers in order to stay in the country, a plumber, a mechanic or a hairdresser. As a girly girl, there really was only one option so I went with hairdressing. I quickly excelled in my career as a hair and makeup artist and won Hairdresser of the year in 2007 at the age of 17. I believe everything happens for a reason and working in the entertainment industry behind the scenes gave me a desire to be on stage.

I applied for a job at Movieworld, a theme park on the Gold Coast and started my journey as a performer. I absolutely loved entertaining and this is where my confidence really developed. After 4 years at MovieWorld both performing and doing hair and makeup, I applied to work on international cruise liners. Carnival Cruise Line accepted my application and I soon thereafter joined the company on one of their smallest ships sailing out of Tampa Bay, Florida as an entertainment host. I sailed across the Caribbean, Bahamas, South America and the USA. By this stage the travel bug had bitten and bitten hard. As a bonus since I enjoyed entertaining so much, I was promoted to comedy club manager on one of Carnival's most prestigious ships while getting to travel to some of the world's most exotic locations. It was an absolutely fantastic experience, an amazing company to work for and I would recommend anyone who has a desire to travel to try out a career on ships. After being at sea for 2 years, it was time to come home to Australia.

I started working as an on-stage performer at Aussieworld. One of the greatest things about this was that I learned how to sword fight. Learning choreographed performances was something new and exciting. The show was called "Pirate's Revenge" and how fitting after spending 2 years at sea. I performed there for a year then moved onto flying. I applied for a job as a flight attendant in 2016, this was sure to provoke the travel bug. I have since been travelling the world till this day.

A hairstyle from my winning collection


My name tags from my global travel jobs


So besides a deep seeded passion for travel, what else is there to know about me? I absolutely love watching the NFL and the WWE, seems a bit odd for a girly girl doesn't it? I did grow up with brothers so I attribute that to them. I love the Marvel universe and vintage muscle cars, the 67 Impala in particular is my favourite.

My brother Wayne and I


So, why is my account called vegoutt-travel? You're probably wondering. My love for animals has always been a defining trait. Every time I saw an animal, I just wanted to get to know it, they seemed so beautiful and loving. My bestfriends as a child were my dogs, now even as a 27 year old woman, my 3 dogs, Mango, Remy and Monkey are my bestfriends.

Lucky and I


Mango, Monkey and Remy


So it was no surprise when I grew up and became a Vegan, not just any Vegan but a Vegan activist and animal rights advocate. It was not until I rescued my chihuahua Monkey from a dog fighting ring in Brisbane that pushed me to actually do more than just rescue animals, but to start my own Vegan Animal Rescue Organisation, Vegoutt. To find out more about Monkey's story click on the video link below.

A link to Vegoutt's facebook page

Since launching Vegoutt officially just this year on July 8th 2017, I have been apart of some incredible Vegan events such as being a model for Farm Animal Rescue Australia and doing a live cooking demonstration and talk at Sea Shepherd's Stand Fast Festival. At Sea Shepherd's Stand Fast Festival on October 7th 2017, I launched the first of a 7 book series of Vegan cookbooks called "Vegoutt Monkey Bites Tastes of Asia" The book is available now on on this link below

Wayne, myself and Monkey at Vegoutt's Launch


Modelling for Farm Animal Rescue


The artwork that was created from modelling for Farm Animal Rescue


Live cooking demonstration at Sea Shepherd's Stand Fast Festival


Link to purchase Monkey Bites cookbook

Book tastes of Asia.jpg

My vow is to do as little harm as possible while I occupy space on this incredibly beautiful planet. I am very lucky to share my passions with my brother Wayne Davies the founder of Spectrum Economics. He does talks and is in the process of currently developing a book with the working title of "Vegan Economics", please check him out in the links below.

Introduction to Spectrum Ecomomics on Steemit

I want to share with you my travels all across this incredible planet. I hope you enjoy my travels as I share them with you. Hopefully this blog has given you an insight into who I am and whats important to me. Thank you for reading and until next time Vegoutt Everybody!!



I had the pleasure of speaking with your brother before and I'm extremely glad that he has brought his wisdom over to share on Steemit, it's truly a boost to the academic content on here. As for yourself, i'm incredibly impressed with your background. Growing up around predominantly Asian's must have given you a perspective unmatched by many of your peers from Australia and the UK. I can only dream of having the same cultural diversity as you do!

Thank you for a very thorough introduction.

@sweetsssj Thank you very much! That's awesome, I am very glad Wayne is sharing his wisdom on steemit as well. He is very inspiring to me as are you, your travel blogs inspired me to start writing my own and your support is so appreciated. Thank you for your kind words, I look forward to sharing more of my adventures.

Welcome to Steemit!

You welcome gemma to steemit.just a little advice, to succeed here you need a lot of diligence and patience. Enjoy the journey even as the funds flow in. I upvoted you. You can follow me so we can connect. Goodluck

Thank you @gabrielinnocent I am really happy to be apart of this community and I look forward to sharing my travels with you

Beautiful your story, I also like your passion for animals, very good!

Great job! Steemit Community Quality Support is happy support your original and quality post, this brings benefit to Steemit, so it was chosen to be upvote! Thank you for sharing, keep it up!

@stea90 thank you very much. I am very happy to be apart of the steemit family and I look forward to sharing my travels with you

Wow, that's an really amazing introduction. Growing up Singapore must have been an amazing experience <3 I was never really brought to travel in my childhood days. I was staying in one place until starting college - and due to loads of studying I was forced to stay at one place during college as well.
Starting to travel in such a young age must have been really great and taught you life quite a lot.
I'm a little late with saying 'Welcome' as you are already up to full speed, but still - Welcome to Steemit!

@mrpapuga thank you so much! I was very blessed to have been brought up in Singapore and getting to travel at a young age definitely gave me the travel bug. I look forward to sharing my travels with you

Beautifully written, captivating pictures, awesome post! Welcome to Steemint @vegoutt-travel. I have followed and upvoted your post

Do follow back and check out my posts if its convenient.

@agbona thank you, I am very happy to be here and I look forward to sharing more of my travels with you

It will be my pleasure.

I'm very excited to see what you have to share. followed. :)

@vegetarianbaker thank you so much! Tomorrow my next blog will be up

Beautiful pictures!

Welcome to Steemit! Nice to meet you. :-)
Upvoted and followed!

I hope you have lots of fun here and make many friends! :-)
Thank you for sharing! :-)

@as-i-see-it thank you, I am very happy to be apart of the steemit community. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you, I look forward to sharing more of my travels with you

You're very welcome. :-)
Thank you for your reply! :-)
Wishing you happiness, smiles, sweet dreams and sunshine! :-)

Hello Gemma Winchester. When I read your name it reminded me of this UK comedy sketch:

Follow for follow?

@zenjuddhism hi Ed, cool last name 👍

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