Introducing myselfsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Hi there fellow esteemed sentients,

Who I am.

My name is Ken, and I live in Brisbane, Australia.


Born in 1975, at the time of this writing, I am a 41 year old, possibly white entitled and mostly cis-male. I don't believe you have to be trans to be allowed to wear pink or paint your nails, or enjoy buying nice clothes for and dressing up your wife / kids. Perhaps I am deluding myself though…

My online personas.

I go by several online monikers, namely triddin and norganna.

I am a keen open-source software developer and have a couple of popular releases under my belt, most of which you guys will likely have never heard of:

Other things about me.

Apart from these things I've done, I am also a recovering type 2 diabetic, and a keen follower of the LCHF lifestyle. I'm sure I'll write up some stories about my experiences with this at a later date. I am actually getting to be a little bit of a ketovangelist, so making some of these stories public and possibly helping some people in similar situations is really high on my to-do list.

-Edit- I've started a series of posts about my experience with dealing with my diabetes: My Diabetes Story and will fill in the remaining part of the story as I can.

Thank you, and I'm really glad to have found this place. I have one of my close friends to thank for introducing me to it, and I think it's a superb concept. I look forward to getting to know you all better.


@Triddin, great post. I am late to the game but interested in tracking your #LCHF journey. I started #Whole30 last year and it was life-changing. I am looking forward to more posts.

Back at the start of this journey, I was quite evangelistic, but I've come to the conclusion that most of the world doesn't really care. I know it sounds a little like giving up, but now I don't really say anything unless people ask me directly about something.

Even then, 99% of people don't listen or can't be bothered learning about what they should do properly. Call me disheartened.

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Welcome, funny enough I at some point in my WoW career used both your addons. Amazing how far the internet can reach.

Excellent. I think I enjoyed writing those AddOns more than I ever enjoyed playing the game. I remember back in vanilla having my guild have to drag me away from the AH to do the raids.

Good times.

Haha, that's pretty epic. Yeah I have some good memories of guilds in WoW. I'm guessing a ton of people are still enjoying your addon, just checked curse and I'm seeing almost 24 million downloads. Not bad at all, my hat of to your sir.

Welcome to Steemit. Stephen

Hi Stephen, glad to be here.

Welcome onboard @triddin! I think one of the best ways to use this platform is to just write up posts on stuff that you love and care about :) Hope you enjoy your time around. There's as well if you want to get involved in some of the communities around here. Cheers :)

Thanks Kevin.

I am always worried that people won't be interested in what I have to write, but I guess I just have to get over that. If people don't like it they'll just ignore me - lol.

Welcome! Just as a rule of thumb, don't let yourself get too attached to the monetary outcome. Sometimes you might spend a lot of time writing something and get very little response, and other times you might get a lot of response for something that took very little time. But if you write and post consistently about a couple of topics, people who are interested in those topics will start to notice. Cheers!

I'm in this more for the open-sourceness of it.

As a big open-source advocate, I like supporting things that upset the established order, especially big companies like Facebook and Tumblr, that take advantage of their users.

I'd much rather give my support and effort (and even money) to an open collaboration, rather than let those fat cats get fatter.

What it comes down to is I have a few interests that I'd like to write about. I'm not sure that anyone else will really care what I write, and sure, I could start my own blog, and have tried that a few times, but it's about as much effect as screaming into an oncoming storm.

At least here someone will look at what you write and if it's useful, maybe some more people will look at it. If not well, it's my fault for writing useless drivel, not just whatever I write getting lost in the internet, you know what I mean?

Yes, that's a great attitude to have about it. Many of us here are of the same opinion, so you'll fit right in and do really well. :)

Welcome to steemit!

Thank you!

Welcome to Steemit! :))

I feel very welcomed, thanks!

Welcome aboard!

So glad to be here. I like your post on your medical mutiny.

I fully agree. Doctors only know what they've been taught. You really do need to do your own research and take your own health into your own hands, and I applaud your success!

Thank you. It still amazes me how many folks just take what the doctors say as correct and never think about the control they are giving up. [shakes head...]

I have to admit, tho, that I get a kick out of the look on their faces when they realize I'm actually questioning their 'orders'. Priceless!

Welcome to Steemit. I live about an hour North of Brisbane. It is wonderful to see some more Aussies in the Steemit community. I look forward to reading your posts.

Ahh cool, I'm up Caboolture way.

Even closer then

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