Weirdness, the Sequel: Mutiny!

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Due to frequent exposure over the years to our so-called health care system, I have developed a few rules when dealing with medical emergencies.

Number one is - I'm the boss. You work for me. Whether it's cash, insurance, or chickens, I pay you.

Number two is - Don't ever forget rule number one. You will regret it.

Number three is - If I'm not coherent, I have someone who knows my rules. They're the boss stepping into my shoes.

My primary care doctor found out about this when we butted heads over my taking Lipitor, a cholesterol lowering drug. My research led me to conclude the dosage that had been prescribed was too much (the maximum) and I was expected to take this for the rest of my life. All of my other 'numbers' were fine - blood pressure, insulin levels, oxygen levels, and so on. Only the cholesterol was elevated. The moment of mutiny was triggered when he said, "There's no such thing as too low a cholesterol level." Uh, excuse me? Red flag here. I know THAT'S not true.


Commence the mutiny...

My goal was to lower my total cholesterol number. My stroke occurred at the end of June. I had a follow up blood test to check my real number. The doctor thought I was taking a lower dose of the drug, but I wasn't. I was only filling the prescription so as to not arouse suspicion. The actual level was 242. The preferred upper range is 200. My first thought was 'this is doable' and the second was 'what can I tweak?'.

My eating habits were so lax, because it was just easier. Lots of fast food, too much butter in what I did cook, and overdoing meat and dairy. (I knew all this through an episode with Weight Watchers.) So the tweaks came from substituting Brummel & Brown spread for butter, as little as possible of meat and dairy for a few weeks, and replace proteins with bean/grain sources.

That resulted in a soup making frenzy.


I started off with a beef broth based mixed vegetable soup, then did a ham broth based split-pea/lentil soup, and finally, a chicken broth based white bean soup. I tried a mock chili, but that didn't turn out as I 'd hoped. I generally had two varieties going at once to change up flavors. I'd also have different flavored crackers or breads with the meal. When I'd get tired of soup, I'd stir up a batch of spaghetti and pair it with garlic toast.

Five weeks later, I had another blood test done. I sent the results, along with the following letter, to the doctor:

Just a note to explain my resistance to taking Lipitor (or any powerful long term medication) when alternatives are available...

I've seen my great aunt, grandmother, mother, and sister get on that treadmill. It's shown me that it can spiral into taking other meds just to mitigate the side effects of the previous meds. It angers me that from the onset of my stroke that pills were pushed, but no one mentioned adjusting my diet. Not one.

See, I think the goal is health care – not illness management. And all I got was the latter. So, I took the decision to see what I could with the former on my own. After a crash course in cholesterol and fats, plus a little common sense, we have the results.

Approximately five weeks later my total number has dropped 40 points. FORTY POINTS!

So, the upshot is that I will not be getting on the treadmill. The aspirin is acceptable as it's low dose and a natural product, not a chemical cocktail.

I know I've been difficult over this issue and appreciate your genuine concern. This explanation is to honor that and because you deserve to know the full backstory.

About a week later I took a call from the doctor's office.

They said, "Continue what you're doing."

Will do, doc. Will do! {Smug grin...}



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Nice story, my wife is living this as well,drugs to treat an issue sent her into a worse rabbit hole, you are what you eat.

Agreed! It seems the first option doctors go to is prescribe meds. Not even a nod toward a whisper or a wink about possibly, perhaps maybe something could be off kilter in your food... Hell, that would defeat the purpose of having to prescribe in the first place.

Don't get me wrong - meds have their place. A tPA infusion in the emergency room mitigated the stroke as it was happening. I doubt my outcome would have been as good without it.

Being informed and involved is our best chance for positive results. I do hope you and your wife are past the worst. Best wishes!

I fully relate!

Thanks! It's been an adventure, that's for sure. I did relax a bit over Thanksgiving and had some of the roast chicken hubby made. I've been back 'on the wagon' since then. I think I'll go in for one final test in early January. If it's 180 or below, I'll be satisfied. If it's 160 or below, I'll work a little meat or dairy back in. It's all a balancing act.

wish you the best of luck!

Thank you! Am chuggin' along well so far.

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