Hello steemit, I am Kira and this is my introduction post

Hello peeps & steems,

I am happy I finally had the time to work on my introduction post. Not only because my brother @redtravels might stop nagging me about it…but also because I am curious to get to know more people with mutual interests. Just want to mention right in the beginning, I am a big believer of criticism and improvement – so feel free to comment any time – I appreciate all input, especially now as a beginner. 

So let me introduce myself…


Who is Kira?

I am 24 years old and grew up in a semi big city called Nuremberg in the southern part of Germany. Growing up in Europe opened many doors for traveling to see other countries and experience lots of different cultures. I am really grateful to always have had a big family and especially my mother and three brothers (one older, two younger) to go on travels together and them supporting me in any step of life. After I graduated from high school, I have lived several years abroad, both the States and Spain – and therefore speak three languages (German, English, and Spanish). Quite recently, I have gotten my degree in International business –combining my interests in globalization, marketing and sports – and can’t wait what the future holds.


My motivation & interests.

My main motivation in life is my family. Even though I am often on the move and traveling, I try to talk to my family as much as possible. My mom is my best friend and has always taken extremely good care of my brothers and me. To me – the best thing about being with my family – is that I can always be myself and no matter how much we argue some times, we all love and support each other no matter what.

Through Sport, We Have the Power to Change Lives (Adidas).
I love this statement and truly agree. Sport is very important to me and while I keep myself active with outside activities such as hiking & running, I also try to work out 4-5 times a week. (Little fact on the side: Since August 2016 I refuse to take elevators up and I work on the 4th floor ;)

2 Reasons why a good sweat improves our lives…

  1. Healthy mindset
    Achieving something hard such as a physically demanding workout or getting in shape makes us feel better emotionally. Pushing our limits gives our self-confidence a boost and reduces stress & anxiety. I can assure that the more comfortable I am getting with myself and my mindset, the better I am as a person. I am more motivated for getting things done (at work & after), see life positively and make sure to treat others fairly and with respect. Btw I am talking about any kind of physical activities. I believe sport, no matter in a team, with a partner or individually can teach us a lot of things.

  2. Physically healthy
    We all know it – working out reduces the risk of many diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Of course even a perfectly fit person can be unlucky and get sick but what I think healthy means as well is having fewer boundaries. With the bodies that we’re given we’re meant to be able to move & lift things. I don’t want to come to that point where walking upstairs, carrying my groceries or running after my future children become unbearable…

Just as I am regularly working out, I am trying to eat healthy a lot of the time but still like to eat Chips & Salsa, have a glass of wine or more and especially enjoy my favorite food ICE CREAM. (Hint: I am always open for trying new recipes ;)


Countries & Cultures.

As I already mentioned, even as a child I’ve traveled a lot. I like to see many different places and get to know other cultures, traditions and personalities. This year until now (July 2017) I have already been to 6 different countries and two more are coming up soon. As I am currently working full time, it’s mostly short trips but that’s why living in Europe is pretty convenient. 

Business & Psychology.

I have studied International business with a focus on marketing and two foreign languages (English, Spanish). The reason why I was so eager for knowledge in this field was mainly because I am very interested in psychology and consumer behavior. To me it’s interesting how we think, feel, decide between alternatives and are influenced by our environment. I enjoy working for a company with values and products or services that I approve of, while I can put myself in consumers’ shoes and adapt.

So if you guys have blogs regarding these topics or know of interesting articles please forward them to me. I’d be happy to read through them.

My future.

I always giggle about the question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years”…
I mean come on, 5 years is a pretty long time…I could be single, living and working in Panama, but I could also be getting married and working in Germany… I’m open to a lot of things and curious where life is taking me but I also like to take life step by step. The next year I will be living in Amsterdam and working as a trainee. I would like to learn more about photography and get to know challenges behind a camera as I used to stand in front of the camera a lot. So next time when the money allows I will buy myself a good DSLR camera for beginners (if you have any suggestions & experiences please let me know! )

Thanks for reading guys :)

xx Kira


Nice to meet you :)

Thank you for reading! :)

Welcome to Steemit! :)

... and especially enjoy my favorite food ICE CREAM ... I am always open for trying new recipes

I really like Malaga ice cream.
Did you try some exotic types of ice cream eaten in Japan like green tea ice, red bean ice and sesame ice yet?

…I could be single, living and working in Panama, but I could also be getting married and working in Germany…

If your posts continue to get rewarded like this one I would chose Panama ... :)

Hi jaki01! Thanks for your input...I have not tried those kind of types yet but they sound interesting. I am a huge fan of milky flavors such as cookies & cream etc :) Have a good Sunday!

Welcome to Steemit!


Very nice intro, hope to read more. Steem on :-)

Welcome Kira to steemit, glad to see you join as this is the most amazing platform ever! The community is awesome and you will fit right in. Enjoy your journey here. Tip: Steem on and have fun.

Hi sunscape! Thank you - excited for this journey. Have a good day!

Welcome to steemit, Kira!

Thats so awesome that you've been able to learn multiple languages and have had the privilege of traveling around the world. I agree that its hard to imagine what 5 years down the road looks like, but it seems that you are comfortable with that idea (some get VERY anxious) and are willing to go wherever life leads you...good for you!

I'm sure you have many valuable ideas and thoughts to share with the community here, and I wish you the best of luck!

Hi kccrypto! Very nice of you, thanks for taking the time to read through my intro. have a good rest of the weekend... :)

Welcome to Steem @sweat4icecream. You are one of the privileged few who have traveled many countries. I'm sure there's a lot of interesting stuff you will share with the Steem community. Familiarize yourself with this platform by starting here: https://steemit.com/welcome Scroll down the page you'll find a ton of valuable Steem information.

hey veejay! thanks for the tip. Hope you have a nice week!

Hi kira ,welcome and greetings from Toronto :)

Welcome to Steemit Kira! Definitely following!

hola soy nuevo, apenas realizare mi presentación en steemit estoy muy entusiasmado y quiero hacer muchos amigos, necesito consejos y gente que me siga

hi bottmcbotface! Thank you very nice of you

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