An official introduction of myself after being on Steemit for awhile (It's better late, than never, right???)

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

Recently, I was asked a few times on Steemit whether I am a professional cook. Although I am a regular for the Steemit Sandwich Contest, hell no, I am NO cook at all.

I have been on Steemit for awhile, but I feel like many of you don't necessary know much about me. As such, I decided to post a proper introduce myself (sorry, it's kind of late, but it's better late, than never).

My Account Name

Judging from my account name @steemit-foodie, you probably guessed it right that I love food. But, have you ever wonder what does the word - foodie - means?!

According to wiki, "a foodie is a person who has an interest in food ... who seeks new food experiences as a hobby rather than simply eating out of convenience or hunger."

And that is so me - I love to eat and I eat a lot - But that's pretty much it, I am NOT a professional cook. As a matter of fact, I would not dare to call myself a cook. Rather, I am a wifey (soon to be mommy), who happens to enjoy 'playing' in the kitchen and who is committed to making happy meals for my family.

My home is Toronto and here is me, eating up a storm, everywhere and anywhere:

Why make food & blog about it

Call me crazy, but I actually find making food a very relaxing and soothing activity. It provides me the opportunity to unwind and get stuff off my mind, especially after a long day at my full time job. In addition, it allows me to create. I am an avid art lover, and perhaps, this helps with the presentation of my food.

Believe me, playing in the kitchen and with food is an ultimate hobby for me, just like other people who like to visit the gym, play sport, listen to music, watch movies, and etc.

Again, playing in the kitchen does not qualify me as a cook, and I have zero intention to make a living out of it or to monetize it. To me, it is a hobby. My initial goal was to use Steemit to document my food journey, for my own personal use. I had no idea others would be interested in following me, little did I know that I would meet a lot of people on here. Come think about it, it is also funny how I rely on Steemit to maintain a good mental health state. Honestly, I use it to whine about things a lot (haha).

Here are photos of the food I made for my family, which at the moment, only consists of me and my husband. But, I am baking a little baby boy inside me now. Come May, it will be the three of us (^_^)/:


Crypto Currencies

Mind you, please don't talk to me about crypto currencies though because I don't know enough to know what I don't know. My husband, on the other hand, is the expert, so I will let him take care of everything else related to crypto and I take care of my blogging and creations.

Profile Photo

In case you are wondering about the profile photo - It is actually a photo of me, sitting at home, reading this favourite book of mine named Dinner with Edward. I just simply adore the character Edward and the story. Perhaps, one day, I will do a book review.

Book Review - Dinner with Edward.jpg

So, there you go, now that you know me a little more, let's have some fun on Steemit!!


I'm a foodie as well, I'm a big fan of restaurants but I also cook thanks to youtube lol. Before I can't even cook a simple recipe but my partner came to rescue me and we started then cooking and watching some cooking shows and applying what we learned and till now I am thankful I can perfectly prepare our famous dish in the Philippines which is Pork Adobo. =)

you are back and good to see you @purepinay

Thanks dear - Some people eat to live but we live to eat. LOL. It is so true that nowadays, with the help of internet, we could easily brush up our culinary skills.

It was great to find out a little more about you @steemit-foodie . You are very modest about your culinary skills, but trust me, I know a lot of people here look up to you for your sandwiches. I am one of them.

Good luck with being a new mom soon and we all look forward to your mouth watering posts.

Thank you. Not sure if I will be able to post much when baby comes. That's why I need to have all the fun now :)

Welcome to Steemit @steemit-foodie!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Let me know if I can help.
Many blessings! @bycoleman

I am so happy to learn more about you @steemit-foodie your work and post are superb as a profesional chief . You have a very beautiful smile I think we should see it more often when you present your work. I wish you many more success.

Thank YOU. Very kind of you!

So nice reading your re-introduction @steemit-foodie :):) I'm exactly the same, find cooking and baking to be the very best therapy, really helps me unwind. Before the internet really blossomed, I used to have recipe books next to my bed for night time reading, other people would think I'm crazy doing that but I think you will understand :)

Oh yeah, I totally understand. We both are very similar. It's so much fun to organize your own recipes too. I want a vacation just to organize and document the dishes that my family love most. One of these days, hehe :)

I used to do that at lunchtimes in the office till everything was in order, placed them into a flipfile so I can just wipe it clean...but my collection grew again so it's time to add to that. Fortunately I backed the folder up on a hard drive and flash drive, so did not lose everything whem my pc crashed!
Enjoy nurturing the little bun in the oven :):)

Haha - Thanks, I am eating up a storm at home.

Nice intro dear have a nice experience on

Welcome steemit-foodie, the more time I spend here the more I think that the overall architecture of this platform is truly amazing.

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