Introduceyourself: SnapTravel, Photography And Travel Guides.

Well, I've been here twenty days now, so I guess it's time for a belated introduction.

My name's Thomas, and the two things I love most in life are travel and photography, (and my wife obviously, okay three things). For the past eleven years I’ve traveled the world living in four different countries and visiting many others. I’ve paid for my travelling by selling stock photography with online agencies.


I recently redesigned my website, SnapTravel, to try and incorporate a blog, that's when I discovered Steemit. At first I found it confusing, very confusing if I’m honest. But, as I started to understand more, I began to realise the potential of this unique website as a place for creative people to be rewarded for their efforts.

Although I’m grateful to the stock photography websites for allowing me to travel with money earned from my photos, there are things I don’t like about the way they do business. For example, I earn only 20-35% of the royalties from sales of my photos. As a creative person, I find it a bit galling to know that some business tycoon earns the bulk of the profits from my work. It’s the old school model of big business profiting from the creativity of others.

I think with Steemit there's a chance for something different. I’m aware things are in a beta stage, and with anything this unique it's hard to see how it will develop. But I feel there’s potential here, and I’m excited by that. This platform could become a valuable, and more fair, way for artists, musicians, videographers, writers and photographers like myself to be rewarded for content creation.

So, what will I be posting?

So far I have been posting what I’ve called Photo Shorts daily. These are one photo with a few paragraphs about where, and how, the photo was taken. I’ve also been posting long form travel stories and guides with multiple photos and 1000+ words. These will probably be weekly rather than daily, as I put a lot more work into them. I'm not exactly sure what form my blog will take yet, but my aim is to share photos and useful information with fellow travellers and photographers. And hopefully entertain and inspire along the way. I’ve picked up a lot of knowledge and taken a lot of photos over the years, and now I want to share it.

But don’t think this blog will be all old photos and stories. I’m currently in Peru where my travel and photography adventures continue.

Finally, to all Steemians.

I’m happy to be here and I believe there’s a chance this unique platform could be something special. I dearly hope that it will be.

Regards Thomas (SnapTravel)

Snap Travel

All of the content I post on Steemit is my own original work. ©

If you like this post and want to see more, follow me on Steemit @snaptravel

Also find me at SnapTravel | Instagram | YouTube

My Recent Posts

Photo Shorts (One Photo, -500 Words)

Street Photography
Honda Cub In Vietnam
Long-Tailed Butterfly

Travel Guides (Multiple Photos, 1000+ Words)

Swimming With Turtles In Peru
Lake Paron In The Andes
Lake Wilcacocha In Huaraz


Excellent post @snaptravel, I congratulate you, allows us to know more about the world and discover those places that not many venture to go. regards! @borcast

Thanks for posting the introduceyourself post @snaptravel, you apparently have been to busy on here out of the shoot to get that post done! Amazing photos with your trips, the international flavor and diversity to an American that is brought by folks on the steemit platform might be the coolest thing of all on here! I am having a contest for the next few days I wanted to invite you join if you would like there will also be another one next week as well. Feel free to ask any questions I am always happy to help!

Thank you, I'll check it out.

That's great, welcome aboard @snaptravel, have fun let me know if you have any questions I'd be happy to help any way I can!

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