Hello my name is Luke Westberg - Traveler and Overseas English TeachersteemCreated with Sketch.

Hello Steemians, my name is Luke! I've dabbled with Steemit for a few months but have never properly introduced myself.

Just a couple years ago I was just another cog in the corporate machine. I powered through my 40 hour work week, praying for the weekend to come. I worked in an office for 6-1/2 years but decided I needed a change. I've always loved travelling so I decided to teach English as a Second Language (ESL) as a way to see the world and experience new cultures.

South Korea

I lived in Seoul, South Korea for a year. It was eye-opening to live in a culture that while Western influenced, is still wildly different than ours. Every day, even after being there for 12 months I still saw things and odd behavior (from a Western perspective) that made me chuckle.20150725_162747.jpg
This is the Boryeong Mud Festival, and it's seriously awesome.edit-155120.jpg
The biggest golden Buddha in the world.


I lived in Murcia, Spain for 9 months. Murcia is a coastal region in the southeast of Spain. It can be very pretty and has amazing beaches. I was not a fan of the graffiti that seemed to be everywhere though. People here are very sociable and night owls. It was common for friends of mine to party until 7AM.
This is the Cathedral of St. Mary in Murcia.

Where to Next?

I’ve been offered a position in Galicia, Spain for this coming Fall. I’m considering taking it, but other places like South America and Southeast Asia are calling my name.

Other Hobbies

Travel is by no means all I enjoy in life. I’m also a designer of tabletop board games (and a puzzle game for Android). I love rock climbing and I write/perform music and stand-up comedy. I also enjoy writing as I have a blog Me Being Free and write poetry which I post here on Steemit.

If you'd be so kind, consider following me. I'd love to share some of the amazing places I've been and beautiful sights I've seen with you.


Hello & Welcome to Steemit Luke,
How was Seoul_ I used to live in Bangkok 6 years or so :)

I am @digital-gypsy - nice to meet you !

I would just start following and talk to the people here first, with the time
i am sure the trend is going up with you !

bienvenida, willkommen and velkommen

Good Luck & Cheers

Oh wow, Thailand is where I'm considering teaching in Southeast Asia. I've only been to Vietnam so far. Seoul was a very lively and exciting place to live. There was always some event taking place and the streets are always busy and packed with people! Thanks and nice to meet your acquaintance!

Thanks a lot for your reply! Very appreciated :)
I think Thailand Salaries are not that good, may you will have a look in Cambodia..

If you like to see a funny coconut photo, please have a look at my account, just posted some a nice one !

Yeah that's what I've heard. I know someone who lives there for the low cost of living and just works online.
Yeah that thing is huge! haha
I followed you and upvoted that post :) I'd love it if you could upvote and follow me back. I'll be posting about this festival I went to in Spain in a bit.

I've just posted the first in what I hope to be a series of travel blogs called Sixex Travel. Check it out here https://steemit.com/travel/@sixexgames/las-falles-festival-in-valencia-spain-sixex-travel-1

Hey boy! Welcome! Join me ;)

Welcome to Steem @sixexgames I have sent you a tip

Thanks, you are now my favorite bot in the world!

Hello. welcome to this world of steemit.I'm following you and upvoted. I invite you to visit my post @ika497

Hello @sixexgames and Welcome to Steemit I hope you enjoy here as much as I am... I also love travelling hope we can connect :) Upvoted you Steem Onnn :)

Thanks Lauren I just followed you! It looks like you've been to Thailand which is someplace I'm considering living, how was it?

Yes for me I was only there for 2/3 months but it was amazing loved every second... Where are you considering living?

It would depend on where I'm able to get a job there, but I've always wanted to live within walking distance of a beach. I might move back to Spain before the end of the year... the place I have a job offer is a costal town but it's in the north and cold most of the year.

I welcome you steemit community and look forward to loads of interesting posts from you. Please feel free to check out and follow @GLOBALFOODBOOK for delicious recipes.

Hello welcome to this world of steemit. I invite you to visit my post @oscarcede

Thanks, good to be here!

Welcome to Steemit! Cool to hear you taught in Seoul :) I live here at the moment and am loving it. Where would you like to visit now? You say South America and SEA, but any countries in particular?

Yeah Seoul is a crazy place! I loved hiking and going out in the evenings. Hope you keep loving it! In South America I was thinking about teaching in Colombia and in Southeast Asia I'm looking into Thailand.

Awesome! Well I hope you manage to make it to one of those places (and both in time!). Yeah, I'm loving Seoul!

Greetings Luke! Nice post, hope to see more of you soon!

Thanks, I'm hoping to post lots of my photos in the coming days.

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