An appeal to the Steemit community for your support to help preserve one of the last remaining pristine eco-systems (part 2)

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

"Love her, but leave her wild"

These words are not my own. They are attributed to someone known as Atticus who chooses to keep their true identity private. Something we can all associate with here as cryptocurrency fans.

Paradise Personified

I cannot tell you exactly where these unspoilt Indonesian islands are because to do so would potentially lead to their demise. I can however show you my pictures and give you my thoughts on this special place I was lucky enough to experience for a few days.

For those of you who missed the my first article on this subject, I suggest you give that one a read now:

I have posted in the introduceyourself category on behalf of a group of people I have developed a deep respect for. They are currently not using the Steemit platform, but in time they will join us here, and I will be sure to let you know when they do. This post is going to show them why they need to be here!

I myself am a photography & time-lapse addict and a philosopher king at heart, so my posts are always rich with colour and information. And this one is no exception!

There are not many places like this left in the world.

And that is why it is so important the correct action be taken here.

Leadership Islands are creating the world's first carbon-negative travel destination - for global change makers.

Their 7 part collection of boutique eco-resorts spread around this private island archipelago will host those of us who think outside the box: the leaders, innovators, social entrepreneurs, spiritual masters, tribal elders and responsible role models who are addressing the great global challenges of our time. Entry will be by invitation only, for this is not about tourism, it is about changing the way we think on this planet.

Thank you to Leadership Islands for giving me permission to present these images and information to you now.

The proposed development would be in tune with nature, in stark contrast to the concrete jungle I have witnessed in southern Bali, an area that would have been nothing but rice fields and jungle 50 years ago.

Original satellite image courtesy of LeadDog consulting, LLC

The Solution

Instead, these resorts will be built using natural products only. Yes, they will fade away with time, but so too do we and that is the natural order of things.

These will be no ordinary resorts. They will embrace every aspect of sustainability and harmony with mother nature.

And as a vegan, I wholeheartedly support their vision of sustenance for their guests.

Staying in a resort like this will most likely change a person's life forever. For it would be more than just a holiday, but a valuable and lasting learning experience.

The education of today’s movers and shakers is key to the survival of every species on this planet... including us!

On behalf of Leadership Islands & the future of this planet I am appealing to you now for your support.

This can be in the form of a simple upvote or resteem.

I will be sharing the 50% of Steem generated from this post with the Leadership Islands project, but this will be just a small drop in the ocean, so to speak!

Ultimately they are looking to expand their board of investors.

Since integrity runs through the very fabric of this special project they are incredibly selective about who their investors are.

They are not willing to partner with any individual or organisation that is heavily invested in fossil fuels, the banking system, big pharma, big agriculture or the mass media, nor are they willing to take grants or funds that essentially social-wash or green-wash deeper political agendas.

So this leaves the investor pool very small –hence my reaching out to the Steemit community of forward-minded thinkers who have already broken free from the bonds of today's mad world.

I am aware that those of you known here as whales will have acquired a fair bit of currency through your wise investments & foresight.

And to you I say this: why not invest now into the future of this planet and become a part of something very special?

My part in this project has so far been simple: to use my skills as a film-maker/photographer to capture this collection of isolated islands in a way that shows what they truly are: paradise personified.

But now that I have done this, I feel connected to the project in a strangely intimate way.

I have a feeling that everything is exactly as it should be and that I am in the right place at the right time to help them achieve their goal. A goal of value. A goal of worth. A goal of great importance.

The wisdom of the wild must be preserved if our future generations are to thrive.

On our journey home from these magical islands we spotted a group of pilot whales who seemed very interested in my drone, posing in the water for me to shoot some great footage of them. Unlike the dolphins who fled immediately upon hearing it!

And despite the fleeing dolphins this was a moment that will stay with me forever.

In time I will get round to posting my video diary film of those few days there, but for now you will simply have to take my word for it. This place is special. And we must do everything we can to keep it that way.

The Leadership Islands group think as I do about the future of this planet and for this reason I will do everything in my power to support them.

I hope you can see why looking at this picture below.

I ask that you forward this post to anyone you believe would be the kind of investor who will bring to this project what it needs, which is more than just money.

Many thanks for your time and I look forward to reading your responses to this request.

As proof of my own dedication to this project, here is a photo of my view at 3am (which as a father is the best time to get anything done without interruption) with my breakfast of choice filling me up with the right kind of energy to get the job done!

Steem on my friends.


If you wish to contact Leadership Islands directly please email: [email protected]


I love this post but I can't upvote because you used the introduceyourself tag.

I used this tag because I was introducing a group who are not yet on Steemit. I understand now is was not the appropriate tag. And will re-post a simpler version under Environment.

You will probably have difficulty changing the tag because you used it as your first tag. First just for the future, it's important for newbies to keep the introduceyourself tag just for them so that we can find them.

@samstonehill beautiful place so you're in Indonesia?
you mistaged this though - don't use the introduce yourself for this post - use environment instead
and since I am a freaking mother nature fan consider this resteemed.

Many thanks for your advice & resteem. I will perhaps post one more article using the environment tag. Hoping to attract the attention of some whales :) We really need their help.

@samstonehill you're welcome and good luck
you got a whale I saw - in this post :)
you could also edit your tags - yes its possible to remove the introduceyourselftag

@englishtchrivy You are always such a great help to all!
As i always say, there can be no conservation without education.
Thanks for spreading the knowledge and creating the awareness the world needs in order for conservation to take place!

@breezin, thank you - that means a lot <3

This appeals to me so 100% upvote

Many thanks for your upvote. Let's hope it attracts the attention of some potential investors :)

Welcome to Steemit! :))

Thank you. Though I personally am not new here. I wrote this on behalf of a team I am hoping to tempt onto this platform!

That was like a movie. I hope the whales and you can find a way to work together.

Thank you. So do I :) And there is a movie, which perhaps I will be able to show in a follow-up post.

Welcome to Steemit! There is lots to see, do and learn here! I see you seem to be not new, but the photos are great and the cause is too, so 100% upvote.

I see the issues of the first tag addressed so I will not go over it either.

You cannot edit your first tag after the fact -- only the rest of them after that up to 5 total.

Thank you. Yes, I was aware of this one. Have been using the platform for a few months but was looking to introduce someone else. Am planning a third and final post on this subject which will be more appropriately tagged as 'environment'.

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