Good Bye Steemit & STEEMIANs


Good Bye STEEMIANs……Sometimes we have to say** Good bye**…Its really a tough time to say Good bye...when you have lot of memories , feelings, care, friends . You have spent lots of time with friends. Its not a easy job to say Good bye….But you have to take decision and implement when you see you are not getting the result . when you think you are just wasting time. When you feel people don’t admire you, don’t encourage you, don’t support you. You lose hope and take decision to quit….Yes its my story but I am not giving up. I will keep continue my struggle . I will rise. I will make myself a good Steemians. I will encourage other. I will support other. But this time Good bye means its night time here I have to go to bed. But tomorrow again I will start work again.

I hope you friends don’t want a permanent GOODBYE from me. So remember me in your prayers for my success.

Good bye

Raza Arain


It took me two minutes to determine if this was a suicide note

how would you react if it was??? I think people like you wont let me do this stupid i right?

My point is that it sounds a bit extreme. Maybe that's what you were going for. I would have to google what to do in such an event

Thank you for your care dear. sometimes mind get irritated. and want to do some extreme things. but thanks you have kind heart.

I actually thought you're leaving Steemit. Haha See you again tomorrow :)

acutally I was thinking about leaving steemit. but while writing this note i turned my views and I told myself to work more hard. don't give never respect losers.....what you it right what i took final decision??? will you guide me???

I feel the same way. The posts I work hard on don't get noticed. I even spent hours on a blog and then you see it getting buried with a hundred of posts. I guess for now let's focus more on interacting, like what we're doing now. I get more upvotes in my sincere comments as well so that's an extra there. And we newbies should support each other. Don't give up and just enjoy the moment :)

I salute your effots and well said that we should support each other. Together we can get success. so will you follow me ??

Don't give up, just learn more about what others are doing... We are just getting going here, and many are trying to help share the good things we've learned.

Glad to see you are going to be coming back, and if you care, I have several posts in the last 3 days to give you some tips on how to improve your experience... We are all in the same boat and all want to succeed, don't forget that.

Hang in there, you can do it!

And I looked through your blog, you don't even realize that you have some good money coming to you. You actually did have a good reaction to your introduction which will get you a good start.. Don't forget it takes 7 days before they credit your account.

Second, don't repost stuff out there as much... Make posts and comments that are either about you and your country or your opinions about other authors post. Just be real and genuine person. People only like it when they think you are honest about the comments.

Hope this helps and if I can help you in the future, just let me know.

Thank you dear, Its really gave me courage to start again and don't give up. i will read all your blog in which you gave us tips. And I am really grateful of you that we comment on my post and gave me courage . Thank alot dear.

You are welcome and feel free to ask me if you have questions. We can support each other and it looks like a few others here are on your side too! That's good to see, and just remember to comment with honesty and sincerity on posts you like and over time you will see the benefits. I get far more likes from people in the comment section that I do from any post. People like to know they are speaking with a nice person that truly cares and I'm confident you are one of those people :)

Yes I learn this from you that Commenting on others post is great source to know people and make them your follower. i will fully adopt this rule right from now. secondly please guide me how to find good topic to write post. which attract people??? and which are useful tags??

More important that writing too many posts right now is the good sincere comments we talked about and also making sure YOU follow the people that are in the posts you visit...

Think about it like this: If you like it, and they also like it, then you should follow them because you have at least one thing in common. Once you follow enough people, they will see that you followed them and some will follow you back thinking that you also share some of their interests.

I would focus on those 2 things more than posting right now because you don't have enough followers yet to attract attention. But if you do want to experiment and write posts, then I would recommend that it be something you did or are involved in. It could be showing your home and telling a story about how you live. Or talking about your neighbors or family. It could be a story about your town. I would recommend that you put pictures if possible to show people what you are talking about too. The post doesn't have to be long, but it SHOULD BE REAL AND GENUINE. People like to hear true stories about life in other parts of our wonderful world.

And on the tags, you always have 5 of them so always use them. I can't give you specific advise though until I know what your post consists of. But if you get me by tagging me @davemccoy and tell me what your post will be about, then I will be happy to suggest tags for you to get the maximum exposure.

I hope this helps and feel free to ask me more questions!

I will check it out.

Its good, I commented on it for you... Now go out there and look through the unbelievable posts of others and give some comments to them and start following people... You need to broaden your base.

Here is a good place to always start...

Just go look at their post and make some good comments if you like the stuff. Essentially start to meet other people like you met me, you're good at it and can do it.

thank you i am doing their to check. Thank you for supporting me. Love you brother

Actually you wanted to say from other side, that you are coming next morning with fresh courage, fresh mind, fresh enthusiast.
We are here.... waiting you.... Goodbye for now

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