Lets spread some good ideas and stop wasting our lives!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

This is my introduction post, so who am I? I don’t think it’s very useful to describe yourself with a label. People have a tendency to put others in boxes and categorize them. He’s just a so and so even if they don’t know that much about the label they put on others. I’d rather share some of my interests, some things I’m doing and some of the things I believe at the moment.  

I'm almost never bored altho I quit my job about a year ago (I have been eating into my savings) there is always something to read or listen to. The problem is rather to find time to sleep and to focus my attention on stuff that interest me or has some kind of benefit.  

So do I spend all my time in front of the computer screen? Not all of it, I’ve been traveling, seeing beautiful places and meeting interesting people. After quitting my job I spent most of the summer in Sweden (where I’m from). Then I went to Malta for the first annual Corax conference. One of the founders Martin Eriksson was recently interviewed on the Tom Woods show. Speakers at this years Coraxconf include Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Brendan O'Neill, Julie Borowski, Adam Kokesh, Matthew Reece and others. 

I spent 3 months in Thailand last year. Mostly eating good food, getting massages and listening to podcasts, a little money goes a long way there.

Then I went back to Sweden for Christmas season and went to Acapulco Mexico where I attended Anarchapulco and lived there for a while. Now I’m back in Sweden. It can be a bit cold here sometimes. :)

Being away for such a long time (4,5 months in Mexico) made me realize how little I missed all the stuff i have accumulated over the years. On the contrary the stuff feels more like a burden. I didn't miss my job either. The important things in my life are people, ideas, freedom and experiences, I had all of those in Acapulco and I can always travel back and forth to see the people that I care about. What’s important in your life? Leave a comment below. :)

Acapulco is beautiful, here's a picture of the beach. 

So my plan now is to get rid of most of the stuff and try to fit the rest in two suitcases. I got inspired watching the movie Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things on Netflix a while ago. I’m still not sure how i will earn a living but it’s not something I worry about, I’ll figure something out. Maybe I can even make a bit of money here on Steemit? 

I am pretty sure that I will never get another full time employment, at least not longer than a few months, but who knows? If you are working full time, ask yourself if you know why. Do you really need the money? Is your career really important to you? Are you just working full time at a job you don’t really like for a reason you don’t really know? If that’s the case then you should probably stop wasting your life! 

I feel passionately about spreading the ideas of psychological, economical and political freedom. Because I think that when the ideas of voluntary interactions between people spread, it decreases poverty, suffering and war. I think it leads to a more peaceful, safe and loving world. 

I want to surround myself with people who possess mental flexibility, people who can entertain an idea without necessarily accepting it. people who are humble, people who stand for what they believe in but who are able to admit if they were wrong. People that are willing to admit that they don’t know everything. People who don’t let their ego stop them from changing their minds.

I find Austrian economics, Non violent communication, cryptocurrencies, investing in general, peaceful parenting, unschooling, autodidactism, personal growth, psychology, history, minimalism, privacy, voluntary cooperation, community, relationships, health, technology, self-responsibility and philosophy fascinating.   

I think Rick and Morty is hilarious, if you haven’t seen it you're in for a treat!

I think Steemit is a really interesting project and look forward to being part of the community. I also think the marketplace of ideas is extremely important. So I like that Steemit is decentralized and hard/impossible(?) to censure. I have connected with a lot of people on Facebook but to be honest I have also wasted way too much of my life on that platform. On Steemit you can actually get paid and a lot of the low quality posts get weeded out/not upvoted. I recommend reading the Steem whitepaper here’s some quotes from it that got me excited.  

“Solving the Cryptocurrency Onboarding Problem

It isn’t easy to get into cryptocurrency. Someone who discovers Bitcoin and wants to try it out quickly learns that they will need to sign up with an exchange and fund their account with a credit card or wire transfer. What would Facebook’s adoption rate have been like if you had to fork over money and a two forms of ID?”

“Steem is committed to enabling free speech and building a free society.”

“Under blockchain-based social media, a creator or author would always be able to point to a public record and timestamp showing proof of their content origination.”

The aspect of getting the unbanked and people that aren’t interested in the technology behind cryptocurrencies using them is awesome! I’m a fan of recycling and combining good ideas rather than reinventing the wheel. And I've heard/read some really good ideas. I hope I can help spread them to other Steemians to improve their lives in some way.  

I have some questions about Steem, please enlighten me in the comments if you have any answers.

Is it only the first people who upvote a post that earn curation rewards? If so how many, 3, 5 or 10? Or does number 4000 get a tiny reward? 

What happens when you upvote a post that is already payed out? Is there any point in doing so? 

I've seen people post stuff like Steemit is a scam and/or pyramid scheme. The pyramid scheme claim puzzles me. You can, but you most certainly do not have to invest any money in Steemit to get started. One criticism is that you can't withdraw your Steem Power all at once. But as I understand it that is because of security reasons and to incentive long term commitment. Seems like the critics haven't looked into Steemit that closely or that they made up their minds it's a scam and now they can't back down? People generally don't like to admit they were wrong. 

So what if it is a scam? If you are worried about that just don't invest any funds in Steemit, problem solved. 




Curation rewards are based on how much upvoting a post receives after you upvote it. So if you get in before a lot of stake up votes, you get a better reward. If you're the last one to upvote, you get no reward. Everyone else gets at least a bit, theoretically.

After a post pays out, upvoting is pretty much just for aesthetic reasons, to say "hey, I still appreciated this." it doesn't pay more.

Note that Steem hard forks and changes the rules all the time, though, so my answers may be outdated already, or may become so in the future. :-P

Okay, very informative, thank you!

Welcome to Steem @pomperipossa I have sent you a tip

This is my first day on steem and I am super stoked to be here with you all. I too am really glad to be a part of this project.

I know I am not the first, third, or even fifth to comment but if you read this please up vote this so I know reading people stuff and taking interest works in this community.

@pomperipossa Did you get a chance to see Acapulco at night with all of the lights around the bay? It is one of the best views I have ever seen in my life!

I got to see the view from @lily-da-vine. Probably the best view in Aca. Both night and day.

I stayed at Casa de Abuelos. Definitely the best view in all of Acapulco! You could see BOTH bays from there.

Sounds nice :)

Rick and Morty is the best! Hey Joey, I have just joined and i post about travel if you would like to follow me :) Also I have a free giveaway on my post

I'm following you now, seems like we quit our jobs at about the same time. :)

giphy (8).gif



Cool, will read!

back;) hope you bring good stuff ;)

Good resources! 👍

Bienvenido, @pomperipossa! Great to have you here on Steemit, but still would prefer you here in Aca, so we could have more Rick and Morty marathons! 😊

Don't think I'm going to be able to stay away from Aca! :)

Upvoted and followed -Michael

Yey, already following you.

Hey buddy, welcome to Steemit. It was good to see you in Nayarit. It looks like I'm moving to Puerto Vallarta in a few months, so I'll be going through a similar process of stripping down my possessions. It's kinda stressful, but also liberating.

By the way, a little note about your English. When you say "You must not..." that's a command. e.g. "You must not feed the pigeons." - feeding the pigeons is prohibited.
In this case "You can, but you most certainly must not invest any money in Steemit to get started." I think you meant to write "You don't have to invest any money" - meaning, there is no obligation.

Good luck!

It was good seeing you as well, thanks for the help with my English. :)

That's one way to say it, but it'd be even clearer to include the main verb with the first auxiliary (or modal), namely "can", like this: "You can invest money, but you most certainly do not have to ...".

Changed it after @churdtzu commented on it. :)

Watch Family Guy and eat Doritos is just as good.

I like Family Guy too but Rick and Morty is my favorite show. Doritos are pretty good to.

Welcome to steemit :D great artikel, really Love your mindset :) you now have a new follower ;)

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