Hello world.

Hey there fellow Steemians or Steemers.

I know this is not my first post on here, but I just recently found out about the #introduceyourself and thought it would be a great idea to connect with more people on here.

First of all my name is Patrick but I prefer to use the pseudonym Patrizius online.

I'm some dude in his mid 20s from the southern part of Germany, I've been in the crypto community for a bunch of years but only got more serious about it in the last two years.

My biggest interest is all the economic part and philosophy behind cryptocurrencies but I also like to educate myself on the tech side.

In general I am interested in modern and future technology, especially when it comes to computers and also the automotive industry.

I work a regular job currently in logistics and have a sales background but do also have some experience being self employed running a blog and internet shop back a while.

My dream is to become self employed again in the sales business in the future together with my love.

Whenever I need a break from all those daily chores I like exploring nature outside, doing weightlifting & calisthenics, spending time with my partner or just playing a bunch of computer games.

So you probably see me posting something related to my interests on here.

Well I think that is it for now, see you around here.

Have a great day, internet stranger.

hello world.jpg



This is a lovely introductory post, Thank you for taking the time to write the post and say hello to the community!

I am here to help!

I would encourage you to keep posting and comment on others users content to help make a name for yourself and to get the most out of the platform!

Feel free to comment on my content and I'll up vote your comments! Drop me a follow so you can comment a lot and get a lot of my upvotes!

I have upvoted your post!

@charitycurator :)

Hello we can see you are new on steemit. Welcome to steemit. @girlsfoundation has a running contest in which will help you increase your reputation and earn more.


We will be expecting your entry, once again welcome to steemit.

Herzlich willkommen hier.
Viel Spaß bei Steemit und seinen vielen anderen interfaces (z.B. steempeak) und Apps.

Welcome to Steem patrizius92! Partiko is officially the fastest and most popular mobile app for Steem. Unlike other Steem apps, we take 0% cut of your earnings! You can also be rewarded with Partiko Points while using Partiko and exchange Partiko Points for upvotes!

Partiko for Android can be downloaded here on Google Play and the iOS version is available here on the App Store.

If you have more questions, feel free to join our Discord channel and ask @crypto.talk, we're always here to help!

Thank you so much for your interest!

You will like it here, I think. There is lots of crypto chatting and people who want to find a way to make the money in a non-traditional way. Scott and I wanted to help you out by getting you some tips and tricks we learned over the past few months as new Steemians. You can view that post HERE

Also check out this Discord Server for new Steemians.



Hallo @patrizius92, herzlich willkommen auf Steemit.

Wenn Du Fragen zu Steemit hast, oder Dich mit anderen „Steemians“ austauschen magst, schau einfach mal auf unserem Discord-Chat unter https://discord.gg/g6ktN45 vorbei. Mehr Informationen über den deutschsprachigen Discord-Chat findest Du in diesem Beitrag.

Wenn fehlende 'Ressource Credits' (kurz 'RC') verhindern, daß du auf Steemit vernünftig interagieren kannst, dann melde Dich einfach mit einer kurzen Beschreibung oder Bewerbung im Channel #Delegationsbewerbung des oben genannten D-A-CH Discord. Dort werden eventuelle Unterstützer schneller auf Dich aufmerksam.

Wenn Du auf Deutsch schreibst, verwende immer #deutsch als einen der 5 Hashtags, um Deine Reichweite zu erhöhen.

Unter dem folgenden Link findest Du einige Anleitungen, die Dir den Einstieg in das Steem-Universum deutlich erleichtern werden: Deutschsprachige Tutorials für Steemit-Neulinge: Ein Überblick

Welcome to Steemit patrizius, wish you a good start!

Posted using Partiko Android

Greeting @patrizius92 I am glad with your presence in Steemit. I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon!


Posted using Partiko Android

There are so many wonderful opportunities for you to have crypto discussions here on the blockchain. I do hope you will be able to find plenty to learn while you are here.

You've Been.png

We wanted to let you know, we have given you a 100% upvote, are now following you, and are introducing you to everyone we know. You can visit our post HERE.

Welcome to the SteemIt Community.
Scott & Ren

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