
Hi Stella! Welcome to steemit :)

Welcome to steemit!
I am a bot built for the purposes of welcoming new users! I know that steemit may seem very overwhelming to you right now but don't worry. There's a learning curve to everything so just be patient and you'll be churning out posts and becoming a part of something great in no time!

Also if there are any questions that you may have, then just ask your questions on any of my blog posts or in a reply below and I'll be more than happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have! I will also be creating a basic starting out guide for all minnows and newcomers on my blog so do give it a read as that might help answer many of your questions!

Have fun and I wish you LOADS of success on here! :)

Also. you can call upon originalworks whenever something you post is your own content like this: @originalworks


Thanks for the information @welcome-to-steem :)

Tervetuloa Steemitiin ja mikäli on mitään kysymyksiä, jätä rohkeasti kommenttia.

Olen @suomibotti ja tarkoitukseni on tukea ja neuvoa suomalaisia Steemitin käyttäjiä ja Steemitistä kiinnostuneita. Mikäli tarvitset minkäänlaista apua, voit jättää kommenttia ja katsotaan mitä voimme tehdä :)

Och om du är finlandssvensk, det är också ok!
All languages are appreciated, even though I'm preferring Finnish :)

@suomibotti Kiitos että suomenruotsalaisuus on ok :D :D ! Molemmat kielet käy, mut äidinkieli on suomi ;)

Var så god, det är bara bra att vara försiktig om nån tror at vi ska bara skriva på finska ;)

Eli vielä viimeisen kerran tervetuloa :)

Markka takaisin! :D

Toiset pitävät euroista, toiset Markoista. ;)

Hi Stella,and Welcome to steemit :)
I can tell by the time and effort that you’ve put into your intro blog, that you already have what it takes to do well here.
Be sure to check out the tags for areas of interest. The best way to find out what does well here is to check out the trending section of the blogs you're interested in.
Steemit is amazing, you're in for a good ride :)

Hey @bobaphet ! Thanks for welcoming and the kind words, let's see where this journey goes. Peace and love from Finland! :)

Thanks Stella. One of the best practices you can do here on Steemit, is replying to other peoples comments, just like you did then.
You're already steeming like a pro :)

@bobaphet check out where Stella begun as a team member @happychaga! Here's also good content and nice pictures from Finland ! :)

Welcome Stella,

Good introductory post. You have good content. And i wish you a great steemit journey. As you are new here so i suggest you to follow @gauravgpt60 to get more sharing of your posts and more exposure and more upvotes

Hey @travelwithethan ! Great if my content is understandable! :D Thank you for helping and giving tips, will follow you. :)

Welcome olmosdesign !!!
So glad you started posting and joined steemit ! Can't wait to read more from you.

@lopezdacruz also check out @happychaga for nice content! Peace

Thank you @lopezdacruz , happy to hear ! :)

Looking forward to your posts!

Great @custone! :) I already did one post about digital design. You can read it here :) Have a nice day!

Welcome on board Stella, you got a 14th follower! I assume @happychaga is (not only) about the medicinal mushroom Chaga, that grows on birches?! I drink a big cup of Chaga every morning, with some cinnamon, cayenne pepper, turmeric, ginger and some honey. Yummy!
Looking forward to your creative, inspirational content!
Perhaps you may want to have a look at some of my posts. I also resteem a lot of interesting stuff from other Steemers! Thus...
Upped and Resteemed!
Love, Unity & Abundance

Heey @holgerwerner Your diet sounds absolutely fabulous, I have a similar one! :) I will look at your blog and follow you back.

@happychaga = health & crypto, I would say. I try to keep on the artsy side here. 14th follower is not bad :P I started with only 1 haha :)

Well, my diet starts fabulous in the mornings and get less and less during the day. But I'm working on that part! haha.

LOL, Yeah, something like that.
Morning: Fasting with tea
Aftermorning: Green Smoothie
Lunch: Something simple
Afternoon: Cake
Dinner: Bread with cheese
After Dinner: Yoghourt Icecream

Everything sounds good, if all of them are healthy. ;D

Does the Oy in Ölmos Design Oy have something to do with more or less famous Billy-Bumbler?

And I knew Oy would be meaning something funny in English... lol. But Oy is the company shortening Ltd in Finnish.

Oy is the name of a Billy-Bumbler, a badger like animal in the Dark Tower series by Stephen king.

That's what I figured out also ! :D

let s do furniture and sell it for steem!

@felix.herrmann sounds like...

let's keep in touch! :D

sure. lets make IKEA competition :D

This sounds fantastic. I'll have to sleep now but I will surely have some ideas tomorrow! Contests are great! :)

ich spreche ein bisschen deutsch, aber nicht so gut zurzeit. :) I studied german back in the days, I should continue again!

So the IKEA competition. Should it be a contest where people get to design stuff, or more of a philosophical one?

For the philosophical one I have a suggestion for a competition made quite easily, which doesn't take too much effort to participate in. It could be (in short) like: Take a picture of your IKEA product with your thumb up or down, make a short post why you like / hate the product. Here's an example:

This lamp blabla bla bla recyclable material positive :)

This lamp blablbablablabaaa worst quality ever NEGATIVE :(

So, in the end we have people who are telling their opinion by creating posts aaand we have an interesting IKEA-user Steemit survey.

So @felix.herrmann what do you think? Someone have to win something also. I have a suggestion to send a backpack made of recycled textile, filled with some eco-tea and and something nice inside, to the best post and best argument! :) :) Peeeeace

AAAND the most important part is to raise awareness to a consumers local furniture and product suppliers. Also raise awareness to better quality and sustainable thinking. :)

We could later start another contest for IKEA redesign-ideas? :)

i think more about incorporated steemit design, so Steemians feel related.

But maybe steemians post the foto of their, a budget in STeem Dollar s and then there is a furniture pitch?!

I understand your point of view, I think. My english is not that great, could you clarify what you mean with "But maybe steemians post the foto of their, a budget in STeem Dollar s and then there is a furniture pitch?!" I'm 90% sure I understand your point but just to make sure! :)

best case: steemians produce furniture for steemians.

In order to make it fun, the community could talk about the furniture. Maybe someone is moving or wants to refurniture their apartment.

no i am rather interested in trading REAL goods against Crypto currencies (so no use of Euro, Dollar, Yuan etc)

You mean silver, gold, copper?

no Steem Dollar, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, DASH ...

ahh of course. So to make it dumb blonde clear, for example:
I make a chair - you can buy it with Steem dollar or Bitcoin? :D

Welcome to Steemit. Its always nice to see other finns here

Kiitos! :) Kyllä täältä välillä putkahtelee suomalaisiakin esille ! :D

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